
At the Start Point

"How can This guy be so much useless... Man get up and do something or you're gonna regret after I KILL you myself"

'Yes dumbass use your power to revive Usam as you said right now... do it...'

Uslesss.. Idiot....

ohooooo... the useless is using his power nice..

Titick titicktitick.....

Usam move or you will get killed again


Why..! why! Did you push me even i tried to help you and even revied you Usam

What nonsense you are talking about

You revived me!

Hah! Useless be grateful that you were some useful to me as a shield..

Misa.. please Help Me! Please use your healing power please! I will do anything for you Misa....

Heeee... Haaaa what a Hypocrite.... Lay there and wait there for your death.. why would I even use my power and energy to some like you... Right your Majesty?..

Humm! well said Misa...


Die! 'Rihaan ArcK' and be useful for once to used... Be the bait For the monster and help us escape....

Why why why why why why.... Why Usam...

Why all of you why???.....

I never harmed you people, I helped you all when you all needed me , i rewind time so many countless time and every all the time you all never help me! I only wanted to recognised by all the people... I just wanted to be...Why why why.... I Hate it...

I AM SICK OF BEING USED AGAIN AND AGAIN... From now on i will use my power for myself only from now on....

What the Hell is he spouting nonsense... Dan throw the poison hink gas at the monster...

But boss Rihaan is there...

Are you worried for him 'Dan'!

No! no!.. Boss but it would be a waste for this high grade spell to use for such a trash to save..

Who said we will save him... We will use the time to escape and he will be the bait .....

Throw the dam Spell Poison Hink.... At him the monster is near him it will kill him and heavy injure the dam monster and runnnnn...


TITICK... titick.. titick...

Hey! Wake up today is your turn go to the mine and retrive the cores of the monster....

Arihan.. You you r alive... And how are you so young and you you have both your hands...

What the hell are you talking.. Wake up and run to the mine or you will be beaten again the young lord...

Hahahahahahahahaha... What a miracle..... I am back not only back for a day or week but to.... 37 Years ago...

But how is this possible?....hmmm what is these logo in my right hand rist..... 2 points pointing straight at up? And it seems familiar as if it is not my first time i have seen it!... Well any way I WILL NEVER HELP THOSE WHO TRY HARM ME....AND TAKE MY REVENGE....





Why didn't you talked with him when he used his power again, this the 37th time he regressed to past again... If you had talked WITH him, he will remember everything he has, have, had done and will be doing...

No Milli! I know you are worried for him but King choose all these to do i don't the reason and he said 'we both will know when he REagin's all his power and memories' and we will know it's time to start....

RIHAAN.. I am waiting for your return...

MY beloved!