

Vampire, this race suddenly appeared on earth one day and brought the human race who were once on top of the food chain to a precarious survival state.

Humans thought they were aliens but this lost history page says otherwise.

Hundreds of years ago, a disease known as the no aging disease suddenly appeared on earth, this disease affected small number of people who were living in folks Washington. Years upon years went by and seeing their appearance not changing at all and they not showing any side effects, those who wanted immortality finally couldn't sit still and captured them for experiments to gain their so-called secrets.

And as if to punish humans for their arrogance against nature, this illness suddenly showed side effects when a red moon nicknamed the blood moon appeared, this pushed human species into a precarious survival state of an almost total annihilation.

This illness appeared in the form of vampires – human fantasy monsters.

These beings craved human blood along with their supernatural powers that will become even stronger the more they drink human blood which seems to enrich them and every time a red moon appears in the sky, they enter blood lust with uncontrolled instincts.

During bloodlust, they either drinks their preys dry or tear them to shreds while drinking.

When humans were celebrating that this disease does not spread, it was found out that any human whose blood was drank until almost death and has intact body, will become a vampire.

Seeing their enemies multiplying and their annihilation coming closer, humans were unreconciled, they began looking for a way to counterattack which they found in forms of a small number of people who were affected by the same no aging disease as the called it.

Although their bodies didn't change like the vampires, humans found out that they exhibit powers that is contrary to that of vampires which is of dark nature and they seem to have instinctual hate towards vampires and likewise from vampires.

Using these people, humans created a secret organisation called the shadow hunters and began a long-drawn-out war with the vampire species and other shadow creatures as they termed them which appeared after the arrival of vampires.

Many wars were fought between these two forces and the first progenitors of the vampires and hunters died but many strong vampires and hunters appears and disappeared during these ages.

And now, hundreds of years later, although the human species are no longer in a precarious survival state but, that page has disappeared from human history of today but, in those days, history still says that it was the most horrifying times for human beings because it almost signified the destruction of human being from earth as to why is that question, the answer just can't be found now.

After many years, the vampire race has moved and now lived in Auckland, New Zealand with their current reigning king Gadiel Nox.

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