
Chapter 1: A Tranquil Day in Faybrook

In the heart of the Serenvale kingdom, the city of Faybrook nestled peacefully. Faybrook is a lively City, its cobbled streets lined with quaint cottages and bustling market stalls. It was a city of prosperity and harmony, where the nobles and common folk lived side by side in unity.

Among the noble families, the Yan family was renowned for their amiable nature and metal works/fabrication. Yan Sen, the 6-year-old son of the Northern General, was a bright and friendly child, beloved by all who knew him. With his sparkling eyes and a mischievous grin, he captured the hearts of the people of Faybrook.

The Northern General, Yan Zhi, was a steadfast and honourable man, serving the kingdom with unwavering loyalty. However, his duties often kept him away from his family, and he could only return to Faybrook once every three years. In his absence, Yan Sen's mother, Lady Meilan, dutifully managed their family affairs and showered her son with love and affection.

The noble families of Faybrook were a tight-knit community, each contributing to the city's prosperity. There were the Li family(family where Southern General belongs to), skilled traders who navigated the intricate networks of commerce, the Zhou family, renowned scholars and historians, the Yan family, known for their smithed products, Guan family for their expertise in pharmaceutical trades, the Ming family in garments production, Hu family for managing a lot of farmland, Yu family for meat production or animal husbandry, and the Song family for organizing the overall situation.

Cultivation in the Serenvale kingdom was a revered practice, and its people honed their skills in martial arts to protect their land and loved ones. The stages of cultivation known within Faybrook were as follows:

• Skin Tempering: The first stage of body cultivation, where the cultivator uses external or internal methods to toughen their skin and make it more resistant to damage. This stage can involve applying various substances, such as herbs, oils, or animal blood, to the skin, or using qi to stimulate the skin cells and increase their vitality. The cultivator's skin becomes thicker, smoother, and more elastic, and can withstand cuts, burns, and impacts better.

• Muscle Forging: The second stage of body cultivation, where the cultivator focuses on strengthening their muscles and making them more explosive. This stage can involve performing various exercises, such as lifting weights, running, or punching, or using qi to enhance the muscle fibers and increase their density. The cultivator's muscles become larger, firmer, and more powerful, and can generate more force and speed.

• Bone Refining: The third stage of body cultivation, where the cultivator targets their bones and makes them more durable. This stage can involve consuming various foods, such as marrow, calcium, or spirit stones, or using qi to temper the bones and increase their hardness. The cultivator's bones become denser, stronger, and more resilient, and can support more weight and pressure.

• Qi Condensation: The initial stage where the cultivator gathers qi from the surroundings and stores it in their body. This stage is usually divided into 9 ranks or layers.

• Foundation Establishment: The stage where the cultivator forms a solid foundation for their cultivation and starts using more powerful abilities. This stage is also divided into 9 ranks or layers.

• Core Formation: The stage where the cultivator forms a core of condensed qi in their body, which greatly enhances their strength and lifespan. This stage is also divided into 9 ranks or layers.

Within Faybrook, the cultivation levels beyond Foundation Establishment were considered legends, whispered about in awe by the common folk. The Core Formation stage was regarded as a mythical achievement, something no one in the city had ever witnessed. Yet, this sense of mystery only fueled the aspirations of young martial artists like Yan Sen.

Amidst the tranquillity of Faybrook, tensions rose within the kingdom. The Kingdom of Valoria in the North of Serenvale, once a close ally, now showed signs of aggression, prompting the kingdom to remain vigilant against any potential threat.

On one sunny day, as Yan Sen was walking home from the Faybrook Spirit Academy, where he studied diligently, he encountered his friends - the extroverted son of the Southern General, Li Wei, and a spirited girl beggar named Mei Lin.

Mei Lin had been living on the streets, struggling to survive, until Yan Sen's family took her under their wing, treating her as one of their own. The bond between Yan Sen and Mei Lin was one of genuine friendship, transcending social boundaries.

As Yan Sen and Mei Lin chatted cheerfully, a group of older boys, led by the Western General's son, Guan Wei, approached them. Guan Wei was known for his arrogance and had a habit of bullying the less fortunate.

"You think you can be friends with nobles, beggar girl?" he taunted Mei Lin, his cronies jeering in support. "Know your place!"

Yan Sen stepped forward, his voice firm. "Leave her alone, Guan Wei. We're all friends here."

Unwilling to back down, Guan Wei sneered, "You dare challenge me, Yan Sen? Let's see how brave you really are."

The confrontation escalated, and Yan Sen found himself surrounded by Guan Wei's friends, two of whom were also nobles. Despite being outnumbered, Yan Sen and Li Wei refused to yield, showing a determination far beyond their years.

With a clash of tiny fists and kicks, the children engaged in a spirited, but ultimately harmless, skirmish. In the midst of the tussle, Guan Wei's superior cultivation at the 6th level of Skin Tempering gave him an edge. Both Yan Sen and Li Wei fought valiantly, but they were soon overwhelmed by Guan Wei and his companions.

As the dust settled, Yan Sen and Li Wei, though bruised and defeated, held their heads high. The other students in the city academy watched with bated breath as the young warriors displayed their martial skills.

Despite their loss, Yan Sen and Li Wei proved their mettle, earning the respect of their peers. In this moment of challenge and camaraderie, the foundation of an unbreakable friendship was forged among the three young souls of Faybrook.

Unbeknownst to them, this seemingly insignificant event would set in motion a series of events that would forever change the course of Yan Sen's life, shaping him into the hero he was destined to become in this world where strong rules and dominates the world.

And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the tranquil day in Faybrook drew to a close, hinting at the adventures and trials that awaited Yan Sen.


In Serenvale, names usually started with the last name and then the first name.

Cultivators usually looked a lot younger than their actual age because their body is nourished by spirit Qi and has a longer lifespan that depends on how high their cultivation is.

In Serenvale, names usually started with the last name and then the first name.

Cultivators usually looked a lot younger than their actual age because their body is nourished by spirit Qi and has a longer lifespan that depends on how high their cultivation is.

Prime_Cyborgcreators' thoughts
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