
Mommy I'm frightened...

Saturday came without realization. Going to school, working at daycare center, and doing the household work.

I'm really busy or one might say I try to be busy. Because it helps me forget about my creepy thoughts . Yeah creepy cause they make me think about my loneliness. And I get a big question why am I living? For whom? Cause there is no one who loves me. Or cares about me genuinely. Sure there are friends but it rather feels like they pity me. Does that count as love? No I guess.

But I overcame my loneliness when I started reading books. They make me forget about myself and I feel like I'm in a new world. So that's what I am doing right now reading a new book brought by my roommate Cara. Now you will ask where is she? Don't you know it's Saturday. She is partying out. That's what every teenager of my age do on Saturday here.

All my friends are out. Now you will ask me why I am not going? What a silly question. I don't go out for parties and all. Not cause I'm a nerd or I'm poor or I'm not social but because I don't feel the need to go out. Cause then the reality hits me that I don't belong there.

I dunno why but I always feel like I don't belong to this world . No definitely not going there again...

Well anyways the book looks interesting it's of 19th century. About a Duke and his wife Seems interesting. I started reading the book and drifted to sleep halfway without reading it completely.

I woke up at the sound of windows clattering , It was raining and lightning. I looked around with sleepy eyes to find that I wasn't in my room. I jolted up and looked everywhere. No! It doesn't look like the room in our dorm.

Actually it doesn't look like I've ever seen this place. How did I came here? Where am I? Why does it look like some 19s movie scene.

I was so confused when I heard a muffled cry. Who is crying? I opened the door of the room. To face the dark corridor . The cries became a bit loud. I started to walk in the direction of the sound . And came in front of a door at the end of the corridor.

I opened the door to saw a little girl may be around five years old crying and shaking in her bed. She was holding a doll to her chest. She looked very frightened. That my heart ached for her cause this was the thing I experienced in my childhood . Whenever there will be storm I'll be awake for the whole night, But no would come to console me .

I shrugged my fear and walked towards the little girl. She was beautiful even when her face was stained with tears . She looked up at me with the puppy dog eyes full of tears. I smiled at her " Don't be afraid my dear. I'm here with you. " , I rubbed her hairs with my hands affectionately. She hugged me

"Mommy I'm frightened" , The girl said still shaking a bit. What? Mommy? What the hell is going on? When did I became her mommy?

Nevertheless I composed my posture and said " Nothing will happen to you. Would you like to hear a story? "', I asked her. I think I should divert her mind from the storm first then only she will stop shaking.

" OK mommy " , she said sweetly nodding her head. I placed her in her bed and sat next to her. I told her the story about Cinderella. Soon she drifted to sleep while listening. She was holding my hand in her small chubby hands. Wow this feeling of belonging, This is my first time feeling something like this.

But why was she calling me Mommy? And where in the name of God am I? What the heck is this place ? I remember I slept last night when I was reading a book. And the scene in that book? Heck no!!!

Now I remember this was the same scenario in that book. But the female protagonist didn't came to her room and told her the story. Instead she slept in her room.

But how? Why? When?

How is this possible? I travelled through the book in this era? I'm actually inside the book?

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