
Chapter 1

My name is Jaz, and when miserable things started. I became a person that has two perasonalities. Funny right?

Nevermind gotta go home now, They're gonna be mad if I went home late again.

"You're late again! where have you've been!?"

Ugh... It's my aunt again.

"The teacher made us do projects" but actually I played games with my friends.

My aunt just stared and went downstairs, of course she doubts me. Im known as a naughty kid since from the start.

Im known as the failure, all of my cousins are better. "Why she/he can do this..." "He/She is better than you" Im already used to it.

They always complain why do I not act like a lady, why I can't be graceful and careful.

Yeah, I live with my cousins and aunt now, I moved into 4 different houses. with different relatives. And none of those houses are my parents house.

My father is a Canadian and he often visits me. When I was in elementary school he visits every year for 2 weeks I think. I can't remeber it clearly.

Then one day he never came back.

My mother is in Canada too but she was in taiwan before, she also goes home every year with toys and chocolates. I was so spoiled, then she went to Canada and I was left alone here in the Philippines. She told me that she can't go home every year because she is too far.

I started living with my aunt, I also called my aunt as my mother for years. She treated me very well and she endured the pain being with me. As I grow up, many things started to change I grew up to be a naughty student and always causes trouble at school. My aunt is always at the school talking with the principals.

I was just naughty because I needed attention. After causing more troubles my grades started to drop, my mom became so disappointed, not just my mom, everyone was so disappointed. My relationship with my aunt started to become a mess and I noticed how my aunt gradually became distant. In fifth grade I started making them proud again, by becoming an honor student and stop causing too much trouble but still no ones proud.

I can see in their eyes, telling me that being 3rd in class is not good enough.

They stopped being proud and kind. Then became silent and that's the first time I felt sadness in my life. That's where it all started....

I went to 6 different schools because of my situation, and each school almost made me kicked out.

After graduating 6th grade, we went on a trip and almost all my relativea and families are there, I had fun but after thinking about it. I just realized that I don't really belong here.

As I watched my cousins with their complete families I just started eating because there's cake lol.

Little did I know me and my aunt will be separated and I gotta live with other relatives again. I though it was a joke, Then I heard her say "Im really tired of this child, I can't take care of her anymore".

After hearing those words, I felt nothing maybe my heart that day just feels empty.

I moved in with my new aunt and started my highschool life.

But everything got worse....