

Well... I am 200 years old, but if you will look at me I am just like a teenager boy. My name is Rohit Raut. I have seen the world changing. When I was 50 years old I invented Time Machine, but instead of sharing the formula with everyone I kept it as a secret so that there should be monopoly of mine.


I offer my services to multi millionaires wherever they have to go in time whether it's past or future. Generally this services are used by businessman in order to reduce losses where they warned themselves and give the suggestions to increased their profit.


Many Businessman tried to bribe me for my secret of time machine. But it's not the thing that I would be giving in exchange of anything. Though Ofcourse I offered my services of traveling through time.


I ensures that the information regarding my service should be known to a limited people which are capable of paying for my service and can be trusted enough to keep my service as confidential.