

After hours of travelling, they were finally able to see the Academy from afar. It was a huge building looking a lot like a castle; at each side there was a tower. the building was old no doubt, maybe an old manor? But even if that was the case, it didn't look old at all, on the contrary, it looked new. The scent of fresh paint was still in the air, not to mention the sounds that the gardener made while planting roses that had the color of blood, London's super hearing allowed her to listen to more sounds, like the sound of the leaves dancing while being blown away by the wind, and the sound of feathers from the birds that chose to sit to a branch so they could rest, but even though she was able to hear all those little sounds she was unable to hear the kid's voices as if there were no students at the academy at all, it was like the academy was empty.

-Is the academy closed for the day? London suddenly asked Lucas.

-No, they have classes like any other ordinary day, why?

-Because I can't hear anything from inside, it's like the academy is empty.

-That's because we use a device called white sound. It can block the sound so no one can hear what happens inside the academy.

-It sounds like it was made specifically for people with super hearing. Emerald who stood there quiet this whole time, commented Lucas response to London.

-I wasn't expected you to notice, to be honest I thought that you didn't pay any attention at all.

-Well I did and with the way you responded it means that I was right.

-Yes indeed, the truth is that we had quite the problems with people possessing the ability of super hearing, the students from the Department of Electronic Engineering were the ones that came up with that idea, and I have to say, it saved us from a lot of trouble.

-University students made this kind of advance technology? London said surprised.

-Well most of the students in the scientific department possesses super intelligent and their professor helped them with this project too, but truth to be told most of the work was done by the students. We are quite proud about our scientific department in the university. The girls couldn't do or say anything in response, they were dumbstruck from what Lucas told them, and who wouldn't be? The fact that university students built a technology this advanced was just too socking even with the knowledge that they possessed super intelligent.

After they got off the train, they went to a bus stop. They waited for a few minutes for the bus to arrive and once it did London suddenly felt her heart beating faster and faster by the second. Emerald who noticed how stressed London was, took her hand and hold it tight, London looked at her in surprise and immediately she felt more confident.

Suddenly a female's voice echoed in the bus telling the passengers the next stop.


-That's our stop. Lucas told them.

-That's our stop?

-In a way it's our cover, Super Natural academy is not really a name that most people will send their children to. one of the guys in Lucas party said.

-But the scholarships… London start saying but was interrupted by another boy.

-It was written as S. N. Academy which stands for both, Super Natural and as Samuel Nager.

-The world is not ready to know about mutants yet, imagine all the consequences. Lucas finally send.

-And when will it be? Emerald asked him, Lucas was caught of guard by her question, but after a few seconds he came up with the perfect answer

-Right now, only thirty percent of the population possesses superpowers, the numbers are too low.

-At least tell me that there was even a small change in the numbers this past few years.

-It has, about a decade or so, it was only twenty three percent.

-That much huh? London said.

-You know Emerald you really should think about joining the newspaper club.

-the newspaper? Emerald said in surprise.

-That's not a bad idea, you love writing, and besides it can also help you to decide for your future. London told her.

-We are here. Lucas interrupted them.

They got off the bus and in front of them was a huge building with a beautiful garden, in the front gate there were two pillars and in each pillar was carved the Supernatural Academy's symbol, a star inside a sun. As they walked towards the entrance they looked around and saw different kinds of flowers, red roses, flowers possessing the color of the sun as well as flowers that had the color of the darkest purple. All these different flowers and colors mixed together made a very beautiful sight, making London forget all her stress.

As they enter the academy, they saw hallways crowded with teenagers, there were cliques and there were loners wearing their headphones, reading books or playing with their phone. It almost looked like a normal academy, expect that there were books flying, kids caring weapons, a girl talking to squirrels, a boy playing three-dimensional Tetris, kids disappearing and reappearing or teleporting from one place to another and many more strange things. The girls couldn't help but look around and stare to everything that was out of the ordinary. There were so many unusual things happening around them, there was so much craziness but at the same time it was also wondrous and breath-taking.

-It's weird I know, but you will use to it, anyway we need to go to the principal's office. Lucas told them.

-We know, but… Just look at this place. London told him

-you will have plenty of time to see this place later, for now follow me. As they walked down the main hallway, they reach a staircase, they went all the way up to the second floor and continued walking until they reached the end of the hallway. Lucas knock the door in front of him, in the sign on the door was carved the words, PRINCIPALS OFFICE DAVID NAGER.

-Come in. They heard a deep voice from inside the office. Lucas opened the door and went in; followed inside by London and Emerald. They saw an old man with white hair and a small beard sitting behind the desk signing papers. The man slightly lift his head to see the girls; he left his pen down and took of his glasses, then he got up and moved towards them.

-You must be Miss London Shay and Miss Emerald Ashla. As you saw the sign on my door my name is David Nager and I am the headmaster of this Academy, it's a pleasure meeting you both. He extended his hand to the girls.

-Likewise. Emerald said while shaking hands with the headmaster, London did the same without saying a word.

-First of all, Welcome to our academy, now please allow me to tell you a few things about the academy. It was founded in 1885 by my grandfather who was one of the first mutants. He created this academy in order to protect and help young mutants to control their powers, but he also wanted to give them a place to call home. Back at those times, people who were different and unusual were kicked out of their homes, making the number of the homeless rise, most of them were mostly teenagers, the numbers were only increasing at the beginning, until they started decreasing because of one simple thing which we all know as death. Anyway, we're not here today to talk about history, but to talk about you. If I'm not mistaken you are seniors, right? The girls nodded as a reply allowing the principal to continue. In that case have you decided which course you want to follow?

-I would like to take the medical course. London told him.

-And what about you? The principal said while locking eyes with Emerald.

-I don't really know yet. She told him, she was the first to move her eyes away.

-I see, you should think carefully about your future and what you truly want to do. You could also talk to the school's career counselor, she would be able to help you.

-Thank you, sir.

-Aam, sir could you tell us a bit more about the classes we will be having? London hesitantly asked him.

-Of course, you will be having the same classes with a regular high school, plus self-control, in which you will learn how to control your powers and exceed your limits, martial arts and how to use any weapon of your choice, of course you aren't obligated to learn how to use a weapon if you don't want to but the other two classes are compulsorily, after you learn how to control your powers you will have another class where you will be joining a team, and every three months the teams will be changing. You can also join any club you want to, like the cinema club or the literature club. Lastly, you will be staying at the dorms, we will be covering your accommodation costs but you will have a part time job so you can cover your personal expenses, like food and clothing. Do you have any questions?

-I do… can you tell us anything about the dark academy? Emerald asked him, her expression was sad, as she remembered Jay.

-Honestly, I can't tell you any details, but what I can tell you and I'm also obligated to tell you is, that we have to stop them from taking hold of one of the most powerful and ancient relic, because if they manage to take it then the world as we know it will end. And not just that. The people of the Dark academy have always been trying to take our students and use them as weapons against us. We are in a war with them, a war which we can't lose because if we do, then we are finished.

-I see, thank you. Emerald said with disappointment.

-You should go and take your books from the vice principal, then you should go to your rooms, your belongings have already arrived; if you have any questions you can ask Lucas,

-Thank you, sir. The girls said together, then they turned towards the exit where Lucas waited for them. As they were walking towards the vice principal's office, Emerald checked her phone for any new messages, but she didn't see any <he probably hasn't arrived yet>she thought; Just when she was about to close her phone and put it back to her pocket, her phone vibrated and the notification of a new message appeared in her lock screen.

< have you arrived yet?> she quickly responded.

<yeah, and this place is awesome,>

<you haven't seen anything yet> she was about to answer to her text when London interrupted her.

-Emerald, we are here. Emerald look at London in surprise, she had completely spaced out and didn't realized that they reached their destination.

After they got their books, they headed towards the dorms. The bell rang twice telling the kids that they could go back to their dorms.

-They just finished?

-Classes here finish at 4, then the club activities start and ends… well they end whenever the kids finish doing whatever they are doing. Lucas, answered to London.

<we are going to the dorms now, I'll text you when I have the chance> Emerald found the chance to reply to Jay.

<I'll be waiting princes> another notification appeared at Emeralds phone. She tried to hide her embarrassment and her smile from the others, but it was really hard, she was overflowing with happiness.

London saw Emerald's smile with the tip of her eye. It was then when she noticed the necklace she was wearing, but she decided to keep quiet about it.

-You've been playing awfully a lot with your phone lately, is everything okay? London asked her.

-Yeah, don't worry I'm fine.

-Okay we are here. Lucas interrupted them. Usually guys aren't allowed here, but today is an exception.

-And why is that, mister president?

-Please don't call me like that Emerald, anyway since I'm showing you, your dorms it's okay but if you have any questions about your rooms you should ask Kona she is in charge of the female dorms, her room number is 432.

-Okay so which room is ours? Emerald asked him with excitement

-Well London's room is 345 and yours is 346 the exact opposite room.

-Wait, what? we are not going to stay at the same room? London asked him in surprise.


-But why?

-I don't know ask the principal or Kona

-Right sorry…

-Well London, are you ready? Emerald asked her and honestly, she didn't feel ready at all, she got used to have her own room and space, though she did used to share the room with Emerald, but she was different, she was like a sister to her. now all of the sudden she had to share a room with a complete stranger, and for all she knows she could be a psychopath. She was just starring at the door handle, she took a deep breath then she opened the door.

-Wish me luck. She said before disappearing inside the room. She heard a familiar song, River by Ed Sheeran and Eminem, it was one of her favorites. She went further inside and saw two girls painting their nails and completely ignoring her.

-And who you might be? She heard a voice from behind, she turned around only to see a girl with short blonde hair that barely touched her shoulders and with light brown eyes.

-My name is London Shay and starting today I'll be staying here.

-You are my new roommate? she said with a disapproving tone in her voice. Well whatever, as long as you stay at your side of the room we will be cool.

-Great. London responded with pure irony.

-See you later Lucas. Emerald said while entering her room. Hello? Her voice echoed in the small room.

-Oh, Hey, you must be my new roommate. In front of her was standing a girl that was a bit shorter than her, she had short dark brown wavy hair, her glasses were a little bit big for her face but they were clear as a crystal and through them her dark blue eyes were sparkling with excitement.

-Hey, I'm Emerald Ashla and your name is?

-Oh, that's right, sorry my name is Cassandra Stewart and I'm a senior. What about you?

-Me too. So, what are your powers?

- Plant manipulation and my symbol is an orchid. She slightly lifted her shirt so her tattoo like symbol could be seen. So, what's yours?

-Wind manipulation, symbol eagle.

-That's so cool!!!

-Not as cool as Plant manipulation.

-You are right is cooler. The girls laughed together until a sound interrupted them.

-I'm sorry. Emerald said as she opened her phone.

<hey princes, bad news, we won't be able to talk for a while, they keep their eyes on me, so, it would be better if we didn't talk for a few days. Though I'll try to text you when the cost is clear but just to be sure. We will be both in deep trouble if their going to find out that we are still talking… Take care for now> she read Jay's massage and felt a pain in her chest, <just when everything started to go well.>.

Next chapter