

An extinction happens in the world. And after hundreds of year human is no longer living in the earth. That Earth dies with those humans living that time.

Some of them survive and found a new planet which they can be at peace and live again. After that human civilization lives again. But with those changes human

The fantasy becomes the reality. Where humans have powers and abilities. And hundreds of years passed. Science and magic become one and turn all the people rank with their power. And the old humanity we used to know turns to be forgotten.

In a small village. We're people who live at peace. A war was happening.

"Captain Shana! The enemy forces are still coming. They already took the north squad."

Many reports are coming to me. The Red Army still want us to be their slave. And now the President is gone. all I can do is fight in the front lines.

Many of us dying. And I can't even protect them anymore. Our forces becoming thin and we're losing our village.

"Tell the others to retreat and regroup at the capital." - Sr. Jake

"Yes sir! "

"We should surrender. We are losing and we can't even win against them. Their Battle power is twice than ours" - Captain of the 5th squad

"Jason protected us! to have this peace. We should fight until the end for our village's sake." Capt. 8th Squad

"What's your decision? Capt Shana?" - Sr. Jake

"We will fight until the end. I don't want to waste Jayson's Sacrifice."

... If only our village is not that small and weak. Those bastards will not go to come and seize our village.

--- An explosion đŸ’„ ---

"All Captains of this village. Your leader is already dead. You are no longer a village. You're just a bunch of weaklings. Surrender and Just half of your peoples will suffer and die. We've already surrounded your forces"

" I still can stand! We will not surrender. We will fight until the end!" -Shana

"Why you still want to fight? You've already lost. and your forces are too weak to fight us!" -Red Army

" I'll protect this village even if it causes me death. I'm not going to waste Jason's effort to protect us!"

- Shana

"How pathetic, Then try to fight us!" They draw their swords and kill everyone. Our forces are slowly going down

"Just surrender!" -R A

"I will not!" Shana continues to fight and the others just lose. She tries to down as many enemies as she can. But with enemies numbers. She just losing and losing.

One of the generals comes to her. And every time their swords hit each other Shana loses and pushes her backward.

"You are weak! Now just die! " The general swings his sword to Shana's neck

"Jason I'm coming soon." -Shana

She closes her eyes and lost her consciousness. And found herself standing in space.

When she opens her eyes she saw all her memory. Ah! This is where it starts.

Swords Academy!