
Chapter 1 Part 1 Value your time

It all starts in a room, where there were 2 people in a room who they were, an adult who looked like a police officer, he was 1.80 meters tall and at first glance you could see his great muscles and that he was someone really strong, while the other was a boy named Well, I was 10 years old, I was wearing pajamas to sleep in, the scene described a father putting his son to bed.

Father: okay son, it's time to sleep

Valen: no dad, I don't want to sleep *pout*

Father: you have to sleep, son, if you don't sleep, you won't be able to protect what you love most *tickling son*

Valen: giggles, it's okay daddy, I'll go to sleep

Father I love you very much

Okay, anyway, I love you

Thus hugging each other and before Valen's father left, Valen asked his father a question.

Valen: Hey father, before you go, I wanted to ask you something.

Father: what a son

Valen: what is the most valuable?

While they were chatting, a brutal scene was shown, where an evil person was ending the life of a woman, with a knife he was brutally stabbing her without mercy.

Woman: why are you doing this?

He said this crying a lot and drawing a lot of blood

Assassin: They hired me to annihilate you, they gave me a lot of money

Thus cutting her neck, thus dying the poor woman

Murderer: perfect, they are going to pay me a lot for this

While this was happening, the words of the father and son were narrated

Father: hey, let's see, of everything that exists in this little life, the most valuable thing is

While this was being narrated the murderer began to laugh and said

Murderer:ahh, there is nothing more valuable than Money! Ha ha ha

While he laughed, the father said, the most valuable thing is time ⏱️

When he finished saying that, a ticking sound began to be heard throughout the place, the night became very dark, very strange noises could be heard throughout the place.

Murderer: whoever is there, get out coward, no, I'm not afraid of you

Thus many clocks appearing around the entire place

Murderer: ehhh, what is this, what's happening, don't intimidate me, so starting to shoot at the watches without success, after a few seconds a strange being appeared and said some chilling words to the murderer

???: so money is the most valuable thing eh? You are a disgusting being for thinking that

Murderer: what are you, get away from me, starting to shoot him without success

???: me?, you don't care about that, it's time to charge your time bastard

Murderer: stay away from me

???: You are a coward

So he began to throw little black balls at him that were floating on the ground.

???: go dead

Thus exploding forming a star mark ⭐, these explosions cut off all the extremities of his body, now without arms, without legs and deep wounds he screamed in pain, while he tried to escape

Murderer: ahhhh, no please, forgive me

Thus approaching the man little by little, while the voice of the child and the father were narrated again

Valen: the weather? I think it was gold or money

Father: it is not, it's time, you see, time is worth much more, and if you waste it, you will never be able to get it back, it's just that people don't want to realize it, since they aren't charged a cent for it, they think it's worthless. nothing

This is how the murderer would look asking for mercy

Murderer: no please, I will give you all the money you want, but please don't kill me

He said it crying and desperate, while the strange being got closer and closer to the murderer until he arrived right above him.

Valen's background voice: I understand dad, even though it sounds very cheesy hahaha

???: I don't want your stupid money, don't you know that your time is the most valuable thing there is?

Murderer: my time, that's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard in my entire life.

Father and the strange being: although it sounds very corny, it is the truth, go rest

Murderer: no wait, noooo

Valen and the strange being: sweet dreams

Killer: NOOOO!

Thus the earth began to absorb him and melt his entire body, screaming in pain until he became a simple skeleton.

After that, the image of the earth and the moon, the beautiful stars, and little by little the camera approached, showing each of the layers of the earth, the grass, the rocks, the dirt and the lava, until reaching to its center

When he approached the center of the earth, you could see something, like a kind of little girl sleeping in a position on her back, the camera zoomed in on his eyes, while his eyes were shown, thus waking up showing a look penetrating

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