
First Date

Ludwina got off the plane happily. She had not been out of Changi airport for a long time. Usually, she was here only for transit on her way to other countries. She thought Singapore was boring.

Although the country had built many great new attractions such as Gardens by The Bay and others, she still was not interested in visiting... until last week. When Ludwina met Andrea at the airport on her way to Scotland, she could no longer contain her longing to meet the young man.

She was determined to put her pride aside and go to Singapore. Once she was there, she would find an excuse to meet.

From the airport, she immediately headed to Raffles Hotel and checked in. After resting for a while, she walked to some of her old favorite places to visit. Hot weather did not deter her from enjoying the city.

It felt like Singapore had been reborn for her. Just by remembering that Andrea was in the same city, Ludwina's feelings became happy.

[I'm sitting at Chijmes. Looking for inspiration. What time do you finish working?] Ludwina sent an e-mail to Andrea.

Five minutes later, she received an SMS from a SingTel number.

[This is my new mobile number. Communication is faster by mobile. I work until 6 pm. How is the process of finding inspiration? Got a good one? - Andrea Baskara]

[Not much inspiration. I ended up ordering a drink... hahaha.] Ludwina squealed and quickly saved Andrea's new mobile number to her phone.

[Want to eat dinner together? My treat. You're a guest here.]

Ludwina smiled when she read Andrea's text.

Is he asking me out on a date? thought the girl. Her heart was blooming.

[I would love that! Pick the place, and I'll be there.] She sent her reply with a pounding chest.

Gosh.. Is this going to be their first date????

*squealed again*

Andrea sent a short e-mail to Lucia, the office manager, to ask for restaurant recommendations. She stopped by his office immediately and gave him several choices.

"Hey, I've got your email. I can give you options for restaurants. When do you need to go? The most happening place now is Moccasin Restaurant. It's a bit difficult to get a seat if you don't have a reservation, but I can help you check."

"Oh, thank you. If you can help me book a table for two, I will be very grateful," Andrea replied with a smile. "It's for tonight or tomorrow, whichever is available."

"All right. With whom? If I may ask?" Lucia smiled, probing.

Andrea did not answer, only smiled, and Lucia understood not to insist.

"Tonight, they have an available table for two. I made a reservation on your behalf," said Lucia half an hour later. Andrea thanked her and then texted Ludwina about their dinner reservation at Moccasin Restaurant.

[6 pm at Moccasin Restaurant. Want me to pick you up?]

[No need. I am in Chijmes now. I just checked the restaurant and found the place is not far away. I can just walk there.]

Both Ludwina and Andrea subconsciously smiled throughout the day. Many men who were drinking in Chijmes were attracted by the beautiful girl sitting alone at her table. They were fascinated by her grinning nonstop. Some tried sending her drinks, but she always politely refused.

While Andrea's office mates, all noticed his bright expression throughout the day. Usually, he was very introverted and liked to be alone. However, this time it seemed like Andrea became more social towards them.

At five to 6 pm, Ludwina already arrived at the entrance of Moccasin Restaurant. She mentioned the reservation under Andrea's name, and the waiter brought her to the table in the corner of the room. When she plopped herself on the seat, suddenly she heard a voice call out her name.

"Hey ... Wina! You have finally come back to Singapore! Why didn't you let me know??"

Ludwina turned to the origin of the voice and found a man with a rather nonchalant attitude and very trendy appearance, approaching her.

"Jeez ... Kevin, how are you? What are you doing here?"

Ludwina rose from her seat and embraced Kevin intimately. They laughed and patted their shoulders and ruffled each other's hair, just when Andrea arrived.

His steps halted as he noticed the scene in front of him and cleared his throat.

"This is my new restaurant. This is a branch of my main restaurant in Hong Kong. I've only opened this for six months and it's been quite popular, so I often come here to check," Kevin answered Ludwina's question. "You told me you never want to visit Singapore again, didn't you? You said it's boring. What changed your mind?"

Ludwina laughed, "Ahahaha ... well, I did tell you that. But that was already years ago. I have changed. I want to go here again."

She turned to Andrea and then cleared her throat, "Uhm.. well, Kevin, meet Andrea. We have dinner reservations here under Andrea's name. Hey, Andrea, meet Kevin Tan. He is my childhood friend. Apparently, he owns the Moccasin Restaurant. I just found out now."

Kevin shook Andrea's hand warmly, "Let me get you a better table."

He invited them to another corner with more privacy and had chairs for 4 people, so it had more space.

"Please order anything. It's on me." Kevin gave the waiter a sign to bring the menu. "I'm sorry I can't sit with you now, but I promise I'll come back here and catch up."

Ludwina and Andrea nodded. After Kevin left, Andrea turned to Ludwina, "Hmm... I am sorry, it seems like I can't pay this time, it turns out the restaurant is owned by a friend of yours."

"That's good. That means you'll have to ask me out to dinner again and treat me next time," Ludwina answered with a mischievous smile.

"You and Kevin looked close," Andrea commented as he flipped the menu open.

"Yes, we've been friends from childhood. Actually, Kevin and I were arranged to be married by our parents."

"Oh ..." Andrea was stunned by Ludwina's explanation. "And then?"

"This is the 21st century, Andrea. Who wants an arranged marriage? Even though I have no problems with Kevin. He is a good guy, sweet, and full of adventures ... But our parents only match their children to follow the tradition. Wealthy people marry other wealthy people. Our lives have been arranged for us since we are young." Ludwina was silent for a long time before continuing.

"12 years ago, my brother, Wolfgang died at the age of 14. He contracted meningitis and died suddenly. It shocked my family to the core. My eldest brother, Johann, then vowed to be a doctor to save lives and help people ... While my father and mother changed their minds. They no longer care about wealth and business and other material stuff. Their focus was only on my happiness and Johann's. That was also the reason why they let me go to the US and attended university in New York, to pursue my dream. Now, I can fly wherever I want to find inspiration or do whatever I want. Johann could be a doctor, and he is now even dating an artist. We are no longer demanded to marry our parent's wealthy friends' children."

For some reason, Andrea was very relieved to hear Ludwina's explanation. He now understood why Ludwina's family's attitude was quite relaxed and open. They didn't even discuss their father's business at the dinner table. The focus of the parents was only on the happiness of their children.

"You still look pretty close to Kevin. Did he not mind when the engagement is canceled?" he asked Ludwina attentively.

Ludwina frowned. "Uhm .. technically, I'm still Kevin's fiancée .... hahaha, we never officially broke off the engagement because I haven't found a man I like ... ahahaha ..."

Waiters came to bring their drinks and then Kevin came back and sat next to Ludwina.

Andrea felt his stomach churn suddenly.

"Kevin and I agree that if we don't find a suitable partner until we are 30, we will just marry each other," Ludwina explained with an amused expression. Kevin nodded in agreement.

Next chapter