
Lev's Life [1]

The sound of the thunder clashing made little Lev scared. Running away from his mighty room with a teddy bear tight within his grip, he raced towards his father room...

"Daddy, are you there?" the door was slightly open which was strange

He peeped through the tiny space only to see his father sitting on the king sized bed holding a gun. But he was actually pointing it to a man's head, there was no emotions at all in those blazing angry eyes.....

"Boss, I don't know why you do this to me, I've served you honestly without fail for thirty years and now you choose to kill me?" the man didn't look happy at all

"please, you make me laugh" his father, Mr Vernado said still holding the gun, "the word honesty doesn't mean anything, you betrayed me and now your loyalty is of no use" without any second chance, he shot the man multiple times

Lev's eyes were round in shock, he had never imagined his father who was a funny, sweet and thoughtful man to kill someone cold blooded