

The wheels of my suitcase rattled against the sturdy pavement as I propelled it forward with all my might. The suitcase was heavier than I had anticipated. I mentally reprimanded and reminded my impulsive self to finally embrace the minimalist lifestyle.

A few more steps and I had reached my destination.

The house- no the mansion looming in front of me was insane. The sight alone promised a few dozen bedrooms and triple the bathrooms inside. Perfectly mowed lawns, polished windows and a massive iron door blocking my entry, it was the type of fancy property that rich folks bought for millions and flexed on the internet.

Just imagining the pain my lazy ass would have to endure if I ended up losing my phone there, made me want to skate away on my suitcase. However, just like an unskippable ad on Youtube, I knew it was an unskippable event in my life now.

Glaring at my future home, I pushed open the rust-coloured metal door. Perhaps I wanted the atmosphere to match the horror in my heart, some squeaks and creaks or a lightning strike in the background but, alas, it was a smooth glide.

I navigated myself through the front yard, being extra careful not to leave deep imprints on the expensive grass with my cheap heels. The heels clicked against the hard pebbled ground as I reached the pergola that covered the area before the front door. Blisters would surely be kissing my feet soon! The thought further soured my mood even though my love-hate relationship with heels was nothing new.

I knocked on the double doors, deliberately ignoring the doorbell. Maybe, I was trying to delay the inevitable encounter. The rational part of my brain was still screaming at me to turn this into another case of 'ding-dong-ditch'. It was calling my actions out as wrong. But truth be told, I was making all the wrong decisions lately and the dominant impulsive side of me had as many fucks to give as the balance of my bank account. Null. Zero.

I peeped inside through the skinny slit in the door and knocked again, this time louder than before. A figure appeared before scurrying away. They were not planning to leave me on seen, right?

Just when I was debating whether sneaking in through the window was possible, the door clicked open revealing an eye. A rather inquisitive and perplexed eye.

I waved enthusiastically with both hands.

It must have been a great wave as it urged the other person to show his face which was more conventionally attractive than I had imagined. My eyes were jealous. My skin was jealous. My proteins were jealous.

I spoke up before he could, mastering the fakest grin I could. This is it, Darcy! You have been practicing for this moment! I looked straight into his eyes, "I bath with goat milk every day!"

The stranger was still staring blankly back at me, looking as though he was about to shut the door before I stopped him. Oh, right! I hadn't introduced myself yet! I took my left hand from behind my back and extended it outward while grinning wider, "Nice to meet you."

He reeled back in response and took out a stick. A plump garlic was swinging from its end side to side. He then pointed the stick at me, clearly trying to gouge my reaction. So I didn't give him the pleasure of seeing my reaction. His brow furrowed and he made weird growls. Was he my client?

"Sorry," I said apologetically like how I would speak to my clients, "I didn't know you weren't speaking English! That's okay though, I'm sure you're super smart." He continued to point the stick between us like a spear (while the lone garlic had the swing of its life) and then lowered the stick to the ground after several seconds. With a sigh of defeat, he turned around. Was this guy going to let me into the house, or not? His back was towards me so I couldn't see what expression he wore but judging by the loud snoring coming from behind him, someone was really enjoying their afternoon nap.

With a shake of my head, I opened my suitcase and began removing my luggage and setting them outside the doorway. Plan A didn't work. Time for Plan B. If they wouldn't let me in, I was ready to show them my capabilities.

Thankfully, I didn't have to resort to that. A familiar face appeared. His hair was ruffled, eyes droopy as if he just woke up from a nap. Was he the one snoring?

"You again!" He said. Well, he certainly seemed happy to see me. I gave a small smile and offered up a short wave.

"Yes! Hello!" I greeted.

He gave me a suspicious glance and muttered something under his breath, "What are you doing here?" I couldn't tell if he meant my suitcase or my presence. Probably both, I figured.

"My mom sent me here," I answered with a shrug.

He crossed his arms. "And why did she send you here?"

"Because we need to make money?" I replied with a sheepish smile.

"Miss Delaney-"

"It's Darcy. And I got invited! You can't drive me away!" I declared. If I hadn't received the invitation, I would have definitely found a way to get over here anyway.

He didn't seem too convinced. "For the fourth and last time, we didn't send any invite to you!"

"Yes, you have and I won't hear otherwise!" I exclaimed, "Can I come in? My suitcase is getting a little cramped!"

"That is your suitcase?" he questioned, ignoring my question. "Yep! My very own suitcase!" I confirmed, gesturing at the half-opened luggage.

He grinned, mirroring my expression before walking towards my suitcase and kicking it. It hit the column of the pergola loudly and I winced in sympathy, knowing how painful it must have been for my bags to bounce around like that. And then he closed the door, right on my face.

I yelped in surprise. How dare he kick my poor, innocent things?! Who did he think he was? A complete jerk! I banged on the door. Loudly. Not caring about manners anymore.

He must have been listening because he opened the door seconds later. He glared at me angrily and slammed the door shut in my face for the second time!

I stood on the doorstep, my fists clenched tightly, feeling anger bubble within me. I was ready to bite their veins off!

I was about to kick the damn door open when I stopped myself. I wasn't here to wage a war.

Pushing back a smile on my face, I rang the bell again.