
Chapter 1:Tian Yi

He is born into the Tian family on a cold winter night, the child is named Tian Yi by his mother, and dies in childbirth.

The Tian family live in a very small village and are quite poor. Tian Yi's father is an alcoholic and doesn't know what to do with the young boy, so he sells him to a slave trader for 20 silver taels.

- won't you regret selling your baby boy?

- I don't get along with children, the only one who gets along with them is dead and I have nothing to drink, so it will be good for both of us.

Said the boy's father who gets his money and turns and leaves without even looking back at his son.

8 years later, Tian Yi works for a merchant family in the city as a servant, he was sold here 8 years ago, of course many people in the family look down on him, but there are people who treat him well, such as the second young master of the house, Chen Guo, 4 years older than Tian Yi and a very talented harpist .

The first wife of the Chen family is especially cruel to the servants, but she doesn't treat the other concubines well either, and that's why she's nicknamed the witch.

One day, Chen Zhong, the head of the family, tells Tian Yi to go to the Gu hall and bring home the first gentleman who has been drinking a lot.

When Tian Yi gets there, he doesn't find the gentleman there, meanwhile the court arrives to search the place.

-Who are you?

-Tian Yi am I the servant of the Chen family?

- Why are you here and it's not the place where someone like you can turn around, get out of here.

- I came for Mr. Young, but I don't see him here, so I'm leaving.

Tian Yi leaves the hall and heads back to the estate, but before reaching the estate he decides to take a look around the town.

Tian Yi goes outside the city and walks in the mountains when he hears voices, he follows the voices and it leads to a valley where a group of bandits have surrounded a girl. When Tian Yi looks at the girl, his eyes can't help but look at her, her turquoise dress and her long, lush hair, her eyes are enchanting blue, and her face is covered by a snow-white scarf.

The girl also has a sword and is apparently not afraid of the bandits, in fact she kills them all in the blink of an eye and enters the cave. Tian Yi is amazed by what he saw and secretly follows the girl into the cave.

In the cave, to Tian Yi's surprise, there is a well-built tombstone, as he cannot read and therefore does not know what is written on the wall and he also lost the girl he was following.

As Tian Yi wanders around, he finds himself in a strange room where he finds a grave. Out of curiosity, he opens the grave and there is a skeleton inside, next to which is a small green dagger. Tian Yi takes the broken piece from the grave and leaves the room and walks back to see if he can figure it out, but he didn't guess, but arrived in another room where there is a shrine and 2 bright spheres in front of it.

Tian Yi hears voices and when he turns around she is standing behind him.

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