

The great war is approaching. While the witches plot treacherous plans to conquer the Valley of Yakamoz and destroy the Earth, the fate of the Chosen and your world is in the hands of this little, cowardly and brave girl ...

Lady_leila · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

The End Of My Monotonous Day

Hello my dear readers, I love you all in the hope that you like my story...


With that huge beam of light that the sun tried to open my eyes, I cursed my eyes, pulled the curtain and went back to bed. But no, I couldn't sleep again. I got into the bathroom rubbing my eyes and took care of my routine work.

I took off my pajamas and put on a beautiful floral dress. For a while, we looked straight ahead with my reflection staring at me with brown eyes, small sharp chin, full lips. Again, it was one of the usual days. Nothing changed. This long, monotonous life was beginning to annoy me. I wanted some action.

With a sigh, I took my comb and combed my long, bushy hair without taking my gaze away from my face, and I habitually made a ponytail on top of my head. Then I grumbled and gave approval to my mother who was calling out for breakfast.

I went downstairs and had breakfast with mom and dad. My father broke the silence and said: "Daughter, I have very good news for you," and cleared his throat. That's it! Not bad started today.

"You won't spend this summer at home. I enrolled you in a private school summer camp." He said staring into my eyes and looking confidently.

Come on! He couldn't have done that, that's not what I meant by movement. I've never liked working. Yes I could be an exam student but that didn't mean I wanted to work; I didn't want this.

"Daddy, I'll go to a private school anyway. What is the need for these?" I said one by one, trying to stay calm.

My father laughed hysterically, "Where did you get this idea? Your first step in life has to be your sweat; now you have to start somewhere."

With these words of my father I felt like someone poured ice off my head.

"You can't do this, I don't want to go! Mom, please tell my dad something." I looked at my mother with pleading eyes, but my mother also backed my father. I did not know what to do or how to get out of this business.

Just as I was going out to my room, my father said, "Pack your luggage! Just in the afternoon the van will come to pick you up. And don't let my word go."

With this final decision of my father, I went upstairs, whining and stamping my feet. I was sure to go, I had nothing to do.

After saying goodbye to mom and dad with three big suitcases five hours later, I got into the minibus. I stripped my headphone from its knots and put it on my ears. I didn't understand how this headphone was always getting mixed up even though I put it properly every time. Anyway I'm used to it now but it still annoys me.


When I felt someone prod my arm, I got up with anxiety. The minibus had stopped and everyone got off. The boy poked on my arm: "Hey! The driver is waiting for you to get off if you won't come back with him." He ruffled his hair with an arrogant grin.

"I never liked the sense of humor, but now there is no one else left here except you. I'm Funda, I do not know the camping area, I will be glad if you accompany it there." I said with a fake smile.

This arrogant boy pissed me off, but my first goal here was to find friends, or you could never spend a summer studying.

"Evren I'm too. You can come. It doesn't matter." He said, and shrugged and went down.

Seeing that I was resisting with the suitcases, Evren rolled his eyes and took my two suitcases and went ahead. So I took the remaining suitcase and went after Evren.

It frightened me to feel the presence of this stranger, whom I never knew, somewhere inside me. The feeling I might have known ever since I first saw him was gnawing at my brain. But since I had never seen this boy, I stopped concentrating on this idea.

I pulled hard on the suitcase in front of me and accelerated my steps to catch up with Evren walking fast. I was gonna open my mouth to talk to him when I gave up at the last minute.

Him posture, gaze, and dressing style drew a dark image for her. His only glow was his brilliant blue eyes. I did not know if there was something that pushed him into this darkness or if it was in his dark nature. Did I want to know, that is unknown too ...

"Here it is," was the voice of Evren that separated me from my deep thoughts.

"Thank you very much Evren, I hope we see you again." I looked into his eyes trying to smile.

"You can be sure that we will meet again. The thing you have is very strong Funda Arar! You need us. You are very strong and you will soon taste it. Be sure that we will not meet you. Be ready for your new life after tomorrow. There will be a lot of enemies. You have no chance to say no to this. You have been chosen. There is no escape from this. See you tomorrow. " He said darkly, expressionlessly.

He just said, staring at my eyes. Immediately, without interruption ... However, I felt like I was going to collapse with the weight of what he said.

Hearing these sentences from the boy I just met, who gave me arrogant answers until a while ago, led to my astonishment and damage to my understanding and thinking abilities.

As I was fully recovered to ask what these meaningless sentences were about, Evrien turned his blue eyes looking with deep wisdom to the sky and let out a stern breath.

"Dont ask!" He said "Not today!" Then he turned and hurried away.

I could only look after him. I couldn't do anything. I could not comprehend anything, I could not make sense of what I heard. My head was confused.

I couldn't help wondering if he was kidding me. Because it didn't make sense for him to suddenly say these crazy nonsense things. My life couldn't change direction so quickly. But then his seriousness and determination came to my mind. I could never tell if it was real or a joke.

With the tides in my head, I was left at the entrance of the hotel for a long time, with my luggage in my hand, unable to feel the frost outside. I woke up to myself and wrapped my cold arms around my body with the notification sound that informed my phone that my battery was low. Stopping here in this way has neither helped me nor the questions that gnaw my mind ...

I went in and called a staff member and asked that my luggage be moved to the room I had reserved at the reception. Then I went into my plain plain room and sat on the edge of my bed and looked at the wall. No matter what I did, I couldn't get it out of my mind...

With the knock on the door, I got up tiredly, opened the door, gave the tip to the incoming attendant and closed the door again. I left the suitcases at the entrance of the room and threw myself on the bed without even changing my clothes.

Today I felt like I had taken ten years of fatigue just by thinking. I tried to close my eyes and not think of anything, hoping it would quiet my mind. I gladly let myself go into the abyss that beckoned me ...

--------------- End Of Chapter---------------

I love you all. If your interest grows, I will write more often. Don't forget to like it. your feedback is very valuable to me. 💕