
Chapter 5

Lesley's POV

"Never speak of this to anyone." I told the two men who are with me and my brother.

We immediately brought Harley to Rafaela, one of the greatest healers in the Land of Dawn.

"Lesley, you have to tell someone about this." Gusion told me.

"This isn't something you should be concerned of." I told him. "And no, if we tell anyone else, things will get worse."

"But this is wrong. Why would a father hit his own children?" He said.

"He's a psycho, Gusion." I snapped. "He's been like this ever since..."

I can't tell them.

"Since?" Hayabusa asked.

"Nevermind." I said.

Harley was in the recovery bed, unconcious. He drifted off right before we brought him here.

"Uhmm...so, are you free tomorrow?" Gusion asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if you'd like to drop by at Franco's Diner." Gusion replied.

It was a desperate time and yet, he asked me out.

I don't think of this as a date though. Its just a friendly meal.

"Sure. I'll go." I told him.

He looked like he was about to leap with happiness. I find it actually cute.

Gusion is a good looking man. He can get any girl he likes.

He'll even make me fall for him.

But, I have to avoid falling. Otherwise, we'll hurt each other.

I'm the Black Rose, for goodness' sake! Once he finds out, he'll be frightened and will eventually leave me. If my Father finds out, he'll do everything to keep him away from me.

We're not good enough for each other. He wouldn't love a killer like me. I have too many flaws.

At exactly 5, I decided to go home. Hayabusa told me that he'll take care of Harley while he's unconcious. Gusion offered to take me home so I agreed. I didn't want to walk alone.

"So, how close are you and Harley?" He asked.

"Really close. He was the only one I could trust in that house. He meant everything to me." I told him.

"Uhmm, I'm not gonna be rude but.." He started. " You didn't look like any of the Vances. I saw a portrait and you don't have the genes."

"That's ridiculous!" I laughed, trying my best to think of a lie.

I can't tell him I'm adopted! That'll make things alot worse.

"I look alot like my Mother. The portrait was not that accurate." I told him.

He looked like he was doubting so I immediately changed the topic.

"So, where are you from? You haven't told me." I said.

"Oh, just some place near the Land of Dawn." He told me.

"Uhuh, yeah right." I told him, not believing him.

His name itself was so familiar to me. Yet, it's so hard to remember where I've heard it before. This was a reason why I can't believe him immediately.

"But hey, I probably wont regret coming here." He told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I met a beautiful woman with red locks." He said and smiled, yet he wasn't looking at me. He was looking up in the sky, as if he was just saying something to himself and making sure I could hear it.

"Look, let's make things clear." I said. "I--- no. We can't fall in love with each other."

He looked surprised. "Why not?"

"Because of unexplainable things." I told him. "I think its better if we just stay friends."

He sighed in disbelief. "I guess its better than strangers."

Believe me when I say that I wanted to treat him as a stranger. He's dangerous to my mental health. I'm not gonna lie when I say that he's always in my mind. When I eat, when I sleep, when I do daily stuff, he was always in my mind.

He is undeniably and unquestionably handsome. If I wouldn't be stopping myself, I've already fallen hard. No doubt.

We've finally reached Vance Manor. We both bid goodbye and I went in the manor, hoping that Father wouldn't see that I went home with him.

"So, you're dating him?"

"No, Father. I'm not dating any man---"

"You liar!" Father yelled. "Who is that dreaded man who brought you home?!"

"Gusion isn't dangerous---"

"Gusion Paxley, eh?" Father said.

What did he say?


No way..

"Now, you remembered, my dear daughter?" Father asked me.

This can't be.

"May I remind you, the Paxleys are those wretched demons who killed your family and our Mother Vance, Haley."

My mind began to cloud with the painful memories.

And all I can think of was...


to be continued

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