
Chapter 3

Lesley's POV

I was still shocked.

Why, in all places, do they have to eat here?!

Miya waved at Alucard who was with my brother. Layla went running to Clint and hugged him.

"Hey girls. Mind if we sit with you?" Alucard asked.

"Sure." Ruby answered, not feeling comfortable with Alucard's presence.

And so, the boys sat next to us. Harley sat next to me.

Even though I'm listening to their chat, I always caught the guy from last night staring at me. What does he want from me?

"Harley," I called my brother in a low voice. "Who's the new guy?"

"Oh, he's Gusion. A friend of Hayabusa." Harley replied. "Why do you ask, sis?"

"Nothing. I just noticed a new face." I lied.

So, this guy's name is Gusion. Unique name.

"Hey, do you guys know that Hayabusa and Hanabi are dating?" Harith asked, smirking.


"Correction, Harith: I'm still courting Hanabi." Hayabusa said.

"Oh yeah, sure. 'Courting.' You talk on the phone like you're already dating!" Harith sarcastically said.

"Go find yourself a girlfriend, kitty." Hayabusa laughed.

"Shut up, twerp!" Harith said.

"So, Gusion. Got anyone in sight?" Miya asked.

"Yeah.." Gusion said, sounding as if he drifted off.

But then, everyone started looking at me. I then realized that Gusion just said the word while looking at me. Goodness gracious!

"Looks like someone fell love at first sight." Layla laughed.

"True. Don't go superior on this one, Les." Nana said.

"Really? You guys are so over reacting." I told them.

"Oh, Lesley." Miya said. "Hey, Gusion. Make your first move. Lesley's still single."

How I wanted to shoot a bullet through Miya's forehead.

"So, your name is Lesley?" Gusion asked.

"Yes. Got a problem with that?" I asked.

"Nope. It was just relieving that I finally got your name after you ditched me last night." Gusion said.

Then, again, everyone looked at me.

"What? Do you honestly believe in him? This is the first time I've seen him in my entire life!" I defended myself.

I looked at Gusion and gave him a deadly stare.

"I-I was just kidding. I was just fascinated with your name." Gusion said.

"Forgiven." I told him, although I still want to shoot him.

"What brings you to the Land of Dawn, Gusion?" Hanabi asked.

"Well, I just wanna take a break." Gusion replied.

"You're lucky I let you stay at my place." Hayabusa laughed.

"Yes, I am quite lucky."

After all the chatter and story telling we all had, it was time to separate ways. Miya and Alucard were going somewhere. Layla was going with Clint to help him pick a gun. Hanabi, Ruby and Nana were going home. As for the other boys, they decided to stay at Hayabusa's house.

"Les, I'm going with the guys. Are you going home?" Harley asked me.

"No, I'm going with you. I don't want Father to shout at you when you come home." I replied.

"Now, Harley. Your sister is quite sweet." Gusion butted in. "I never thought she'd have that side of her."

"Watch it, Goose." I hissed.

"My name is Gusion, Lesley." He said.

"You look like a goose. That name suits you better." I told him.

The three H; Harley, Harith and Hayabusa, just laughed.

"I wont be surprised if your sister's boyfriend is Gusion." Hayabusa laughed.

"Tell me about it." Harley replied.

I just shrugged and followed them to Hayabusa's house.

They were just talking about their battles and all sorts.

"Harley is one of the greatest mages in the Land of Dawn." Hayabusa said to Gusion.

"I must say, he's stronger than me." Harith said.

"Nonsense! You're the greatest mage alive, Harith!" Harley exclaimed.

"Nah." Harith said. "You're Harley Vance! Ever member of the Vance Family has their own legacy."

"You two are Vances?" Gusion asked.

"Yes. A Mage and a Marksman. Two legendary roles in the world of Light and Dark." Hayabusa said.

Not everyone knows that I have two roles. Everyone knows I'm a Marksman. But not everyone knows I'm an Assassin as well.

Gusion just looked at me in awe.

He is good looking, and he does show those small signs of affection.

But, its best if we wont develop feelings for each other. He'll only get hurt.

to be continued

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