
Thunder wolf

No one has seen his face, but everyone has heard about him. Everyone fears his name because wherever his name is called, the result is absolute and complete destruction. He is known to wipe out an entire pack within a few minutes and never ever there has been a survivor. They say he attacks Alphas, others say he hates rogues but no one knows who will be his next target. They say the sky gets covered by black clouds and thunders strikes the ground at the place where he attacks. The werewolf council declared him the most wanted wolf in the world, with the order of kill at sight If only they could get him in sight With the sight of eagle, speed of lightning and roar of thunder , he was the most powerful wolf ever known to exist. He was the THUNDER WOLF. Or should I say she?

suzangill · Eastern
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


This time I was not getting treated any differently.

My hands were tied up and every time those whips hit my back I controlled my screams.

I will not heal like other warewolves but this didn't stopped my tormentor.

I was being treated just like a traitor gets treated in the kings pack.

Whipped,starved and imprisoned.

After 20 whips I lost the count

Just like my back got numb and forgot what pain felt like.

My top was torn from the back and blood was oozing out of fresh cuts.

My eyes were open fixed on the light bulb ahead

Next I know the person came and untied my hands making my body fall down on the cold floor.

Numbness has travelled from my back towards my legs and I couldn't feel them anymore

To make matters worse I started coughing that black thing again

My body ached from the force of every cough and I could feel energy leaving my body.

I didn't had the medicine that Rose gave me and all this was making me loose my control.

I couldn't open my eyes anymore.

With my face pressed on the cold floor and my bloody back on the upside I fell unconscious

I don't know how long I was out

I was awakened by the iron door opening but I didn't had the energy to open my eyes to see who it was.

I could feel steps coming towards me and they halted next to my body.

I didn't wanted anyone to see me in this state,

I tried to atleast turn around and hide my back but my body protested

Smothing soft touched my back and those sparks burned my wounds like fire.

I flinched.

I knew who it was


He cleaned my wounds and applied something cold on them which relieved the pain a bit

But why was he here to heal me when his men were the ones who broke me in the first place.

I turned my head to the left to see his face.

He was staring at my wounds with such a pained expression that I wanted to tell him that they didn't hurt as bad as they looked.

He moved his eyes to the side not able to look at my back.

He got up to leave but I held his hand stopping him.

He was surprised to see me awake.

I was not sure if i'll be able to see him again .

So I just wanted to see those beautifull blue eyes one last time.

He held my hand up and pressed his lips on them.

Next he placed my knuckles on his left eye and then on the right.

It felt like he was fighting an internal battle with himself

His eyes had dark bangs under them.

And he looked vulnerable.

I never saw him like this,he always potrayed that bold infront

Today I was making him vulnerable.

"Why Aleka!!why do you do this to me!"

His voice was so low and it cracked to the end.

"You always leave me with no choice,always I have to act like a king and not as your mate,why do you always go against me and compel me to do all this to you? Compel me to hurt you when I am the one who get's hurt the most on seeing you like this?"

I was silent,this was the first time he was expressing his feelings to me and I didn't know what to say.

"I hate you for killing my mother ,she meant so much to me and you took her away ! But still each cell in my body aches when you get hurt,I don't know what to do!!

To hate the person who killed my everything or love the person who is now my everything!"

He was in a delimma and I needed to tell him what was right.

When heart and brain contradict.

Listen to your brain because our heart also listens to our brain.

Each diastole and systole is commanded by the brain .

And right now I needed to tell him what his brain was saying was right.

"Aaron we can never be together,even if you forget what I did in the past we can still never have a happy future,This kingdom needs a queen by your side and Jane is perfect,

She will be your everything what I couldn't be"

"And what about you?"

I will die.

But he didn't need to know that.

His last memory of me will always be a smiling happy face not a corpse on the ground.

I needed to use a lie so that he can forget me

I needed to show him that what he thought of me was right

That I was a backstabber and will always be.

I know my next lie will break your heart but this was needed

It was necessary for your happy future.

Forgive me.

"There is someone I love and I will be happy with him,you don't need to worry about me he will always be there to protect and love me"

His face changed from calm to furious

"I will kill that bas****,never in hell will I let you go to another man!You are mine!Even if I have to keep you here for your entire life I will!

But you will never touch another man!"

His eyes were burning with fire and his possessive side was on display.

He punched the wall next to him and his knuckles were covered in his own blood

The guards rushed in.

"Alpha are you alright!"

They asked worriedly but when the saw the look on their Alpha's face they stepped back in fear.

He held my jaw in his death grip and said the words I provoked him to say

"Moon goddess made a mistake by making a b**** like you my mate,but don't worry I'll correct her by mating with Jane"

"And lastly I will break you in so many pieces that no one can ever love you"

"You will learn the hard way what happen's when you love someone else other than your mate.

Start praying that I show mercy on you because even I don't know the limit of my revenge"

With those last words he left me there .

I saw his combat shoes leave in front of me and with this I closed my eyes hoping what I did was right.




2 days later

Today was the night when the mating ceremony will be held

I was sitting on the cold floor with closed eyes when I heard a key turning.

I looked up to see Jane

Her expression showed pity on seeing my state.

"Aleka hurry take this!!"

She handed me a backpack.


"Wait don't ask any questions just take these things and leave,hurry!!

Aaron is out of territory and he won't be able to stop you

I am giving you a chance to live a better life !!just go!!"

I was schocked would be an understatement

Could I leave him?

Yes ,this was what I wanted and this was the right opportunity.

But what about the attack?

Will they be able to win.

If they get prepared beforehand they can surely win.

"Jane first I need to tell you something!!some rival packs are planning an attack today after the caremony you need to tell Aaron about it ,around 5 packs are against us you need to warn him beforehand

He will not believe me but he will beleve you!!"

"Are you sure about this Aleka,but how do you know!!"

"Just trust me on this Jane,please warn him!!"

Desperation was clear in my voice

She looked confused but there was another emotion on her face which I couldn't put my finger on what it was

"Don't worry Aleka I will warn him and we will surely win,but you need to go now the guards will be returning any minute!"

She said looking around

"And Aleka don't worry about him. I'll keep my promise till my last breath"

I smiled and hugged her.

I was a devil while she was an angel.

An angel who will always protect my Aaron from all the harm in this world.

I picked up the bag and made my way out of the dungeons ,she showed me the way through the forest where there were no guards.

Soon we made it to the borders and we hugged for the last time .

I didn't know what I would have done without he.

"Take care Aleka"

She looked sad but the feelings were mutual.

I smiled and made my way out of my mate's territory into the jungle.

I will keep my promise.

I will never come back here.

Midnight I will call Rose and complete the bond breaking ceremony.

I don't know if I'll survive it or not but I know it was for the best.

I was trying to go as far as possible from his territory.

If tonight my wolf comes out I needed my pack to be safe from him.

After 2 hours I have crossed 3 territories and I was now near Alpha Reed's territory.

This thought evades my mind.

That was it right to leave when someone was attacking my pack tonight?

I know I couldn't have done much except for killing a few wolves and distracting Aaron.

But still this fear lingered in my mind.

Fear of Aaron,Dan,Emma,Angela,Jane getting hurt.

I was doubting my decision

But now it was too late .

Returning was not an option any longer.

But maybe I could make sure if Alpha Reed was making the arrangements for the attack.

This would be the last thing I would do before I leave from their lives forever

I placed on foot inside the territory

Within minutes 5 pack warriors surrounded me

I lifted my hands in surrender

I don't want blood on my hands ,just a little bit of investigation on them and then I depart.

They binded my hands with silver chains and pushed me forward

I followed them to their pack house

When we entered the Alpha's room I saw him standing there having a conversation with someone on the phone

"Yes,Yes that's taken care of"


"No one will backoff I have confirmed from everyone"


"Rey let Raxon handle it ,he is heading this "


"See you"

He ended the call and sat on his seat

The warriors holding me left and closed the door

He was talking to Reynolds who he called Rey but who was Raxon,he said he was heading this which means he was the leader

The red eyed wolf I met 2 days back also had a lot of power could he be the leader of this,could he be Raxon??

My thoughts were cut when I heard Reed say

"What are you doing here Rogue!"

He said with disgust on his face

"I just lost my way"

"You wan't be believe this bullsh**!You didn't even tried to fight!You must have a motive behind it?"

"I didn't wanted to waste my energy on something which I already knew I would loose to"

He had an amazed look

His foul face changed into a smirk

"Intelligent girl,I like you"

He stood up from his seat and started moving towards me

On reaching me he placed both his hands on either side of me on the armrest and crouches down.

"I am surprised to see a she rogue after so long,you must be a tough one to survive!what's your name beatifull?"


I replied

"Beautifull name for a beautifull lady,see normally I just kill all the rogues who enter my territory but you being a special one I'll let you pass,also I don't kill females and children."

Liar ,then why was he going to kill my pack members tonight.

I looked at him with a hatefull expression.

He held my chains in his hands and with his warewolf strength he broke it into pieces.

"Why do I feel like you know something about me ?"

"I just know that you are not a smooth liar"

"What do you mean by that?"

"This that tonight you are planning to kill a lot of innocent women and children"

He had a look of schock on his face

I tool full advantage of it and pulled out my knife from my boots.

Before he could comprehend I pushed it inside his stomach and he fell down on the floor near my feet

He will not die because I attacked him at that place where there were no organs but he will surely not be able to be the part of today's masterplan .

I rushed out of his office to see wolves on my lead.

I dodged ,kicked,slashed a few and was able to make my way out of his territory unharmed.

I laid down on the ground with my back against a bark tree and opened up my bagpack to find the waterbottle

I gulped the water down

I was sitting there resting when something flashed in my eyes

I looked around to see something in my bagpack reflecting sunlight into my eyes

I held it in my hands to see that it was

It was a Ruby

Just like the one ..........

Could she be.......

On no what have I done......

Joining the dots all this proves that she was the one in the forest with the cloak.

The ruby I had in my hand right now was one of the Rubies which were embedded in the gold bracelet of the girl who handed over the map to that hooded red eyed figure in the forest that day

And that Backstabber was none other than the person to whom this bag belonged.
