
Chaotic Dark Bliss City

Standing at the gate of the train station, Alvin looked deeply at the City touted as the third most Chaotic City in the Whole of Salvation Continent.

This was actually Alvin's first time stepping into a city other than Freedom City. There was rubbish everywhere as soon as he stepped out of the station. The wind blew rapidly and people of all sorts were there. Most of them had hideous faces and bleak temperaments with various tattoos spread all over their bodies; one could tell that they weren't good people. Around him, the tall buildings looked obsolete.

This was Dark Bliss City, the haven for adventures, the heaven for criminals, and the underground trade black market.

After walking a little out of the train station, Alvin took out a mini tablet computer from his backpack. He had seized this from one of his attacker that he had interrogated and gotten a lot of information about this City from him. He had gotten a lot of information about the dark forces of this city from him and this was where he was planning to start from.

His main purpose for coming here was to get enough resources to strengthen himself as fast as possible because he had landed himself in an inexplicable trouble. What frustrated him the most was that he didn't know the source of this trouble?

The only clue he had for now was the Black Knight Mercenary group and with his current strength, it would be suicide to confront them now so he had to stay low. With his current appearance, it would be virtually impossible for anyone to recognize him.

The previous Alvin would definitely not dare to step foot into this land of sin but now, with his background as a top grade special forces agent as well as assassin in his former life and his current strength, could further improve his abilities here.

A man who didn't experience troubles and darkness would never grow and stay like a flower in a greenhouse forever.

"Hey young man, stay still! Otherwise….!" At the corner of the station, while Alvin was searching the map of this City from his Tablet PC, a strange person from behind him suddenly charged at him and held his weapon on his back. The weapon was cold, and it was a high voltage electric metal stick. The person had his hands on the button, and if he pressed it, a current strong enough to shock an elephant would flow through.

"What do you want?" He didn't think that he would meet a criminal as soon as he got off the train. This place was definitely the land of sins. The crime rate was extremely high, people could be robbed, tricked, threatened at any time…..

The criminal behind him was a middle aged man with a tattooed arm that was thick with power. From the power that radiated from him, Alvin could tell that he wasn't an Enhancer but an ordinary person who had been strengthened a lot with gene Medications.

A lot of gene medications in this chaotic era are banned because of the extremely severe side effects they come with. Usually, only Enhancers are able to bear such severe side effects because of their evolved body structure. So it is usually rare to see an ordinary person who has strengthened himself to such an extent.

At this time, the middle aged man laughed, "He he! What do I want to do? Take out your card immediately and transfer! Transfer all your money." There was barely anyone who carried cash in modern society and this made it inconvenient for criminals to commit robberies. That is why they had to control the person to do an online bank transfer.

Therefore, the middle aged man didn't deliver the killing blow immediately. He forced his target to transfer first. If it was in other cities, even if there was a successful transaction, the police could still chase the money back afterwards. However, there were no police in Dark Bliss City and therefore, there was no way of chasing the money back.

There was no existence of law in this city. What existed were the subtle laws that the gangs here set themselves.

"So this is a robbery, although Dark Bliss City is chaotic, but this is getting chaotic too fast. I got robbed as soon as I got off the train."

Alvin turned his body slightly. His speed was extremely fast. In fact, his spirit sensed the man a long time ago but he wanted to see what the man wanted to do. Since he was robbing him, Alvin had nothing to say.

He maneuvered to the middle aged man's back as a hand blade sliced through heavily onto the man's major artery on his neck.


The middle aged man's body fell softly. The metal wand in his hand dropped to the ground. Although he was quite strong for ordinary people, but compared to Alvin, he wasn't a match at all! Alvin ensured that he applied enough force just to immobilize the man but not kill him. Falling to the ground, the middle aged man looked fearfully at Alvin. He had kicked an iron sheet this time!

"How much money do you have in your card?" with a smile still on his face, Alvin asked. Of course he would extort this man. Being short of funds himself, he wouldn't let go of this fat sheep who had delivered himself.

"12… £12,000". The man replied while stuttering.

Alvin's smile grew wider when he heard that. He took out his bank card and inserted it into the device that his robber had wanted to use. He then took the middle aged man's card and inserted it.

What was now needed was the middle aged man's password to complete the transfer. Initially, he didn't want to supply it but with Alvin countless means of 'persuasion' the man finally relented and supplied his password.

"Ding!" the transfer device sounded as £12,000 was transferred into his account.

Alvin used another hand blade to knock the man out cold. This time it was much heavier and would probably result in brain concussion. It would be no surprise if the man turned into a fool. Looking at the man spill white foam from his mouth and shake like he was crazy, Alvin turned to leave. He didn't care what happened to these trashes of the human race. There was no telling how many people he robbed. Since the law didn't punish him, Alvin didn't mind him doing it for the heavens. Removing the violent and settling the good.

Running rapidly out of the train station, he didn't catch anyone's attention. It wasn't rare for robbery and murder to occur in this city. Who would care about these insignificant matters?

He was now wanted to find a temporary means of accommodation!