

1. Another day, another slaughtering for the Berserker, the orc rebels marching land to land, village to village sacking and pillaging humans and moon elves because of the hunger of food and blood. (Early Spring, 6 Years Before the Queen's Slumber)

Balmond the leader of the rebel orcs is the son of the first rebel leader of orcs against the slavery of the Blood Demons, his desire is to free his people from the Queen of the Apocalypse but he is lacking from mens to achieve his goals he need to free other warrior orcs under the slavery of the generals of Queen of the Apocalypse. (Early Spring, 7 BS)

Balmond from his hut heard a scream, more like a cry, from a far he saw a group of orcs marching away and being restrained and tortured by Blood Demons, he followed them secretly, until he reach a stronghold of Blood Demons, the enslaved orcs are use to build and strengthen the stronghold, seeing his kind being abused and tortured Balmond became furious, he returns to his village calling all men he can acquire and carry the battle axe his ancestors use against the Blood Demons. Him and a dozen orcs head to the Blood Demon stronghold to fight against a hundred blood demons, the orcs lacks in numbers but has the strength and determination, the orc fought with only their barehands, Balmond survived and the dozen of orcs he gathered to fight three are only left, but he can home with his first victory of battle and freed hundred orcs from slavery. (Early Spring, 7 BS)

2. The orcs continues to strengthen the stronghold but not for the Blood Demons, the stronghold looks like a ruin of humans but resources of armors and weapons are left and the stronghold are being surrounded by mountains and forests it seems the small stronghold is a refuge for the high lords of humans. From this certain period the orcs have a secure home and weapons but they lack in food.

Balmond and a few orcs search for food, after a day they are successful, they found a three human villages nearby each other unprotected and unguarded by soldiers but Balmond hesitate thinking that they might have another problem when he acts to disturb the peace between humans and orcs, and he returned home seeing his people weakened by hunger.

The next day, a young pale and beautiful woman named Lisa a daughter of a farmer from the village noticed something moves from a large bush.

Lisa: Father! there's something stuck behind the bushes.

Farmer: It might be a wild animal love, better let it be.

Lisa didn't listen to her father and walks toward the bushes, as she look behind it, a face of an orc ready to bite her head off, the orc takes a single bite to decapitate Lisa's head, the orcs run towards the villagers from the forests, a whole hour of screaming and crying of humans to take for the orcs to feast all the living villagers, Balmond tasting the flesh and blood of humans different from the meat of wild animals from his old home, "Human fleshes are tastier". (Late Spring, 7 BS)

3. The year passed, Balmond became the Leader of Orcs, his clan grew in population by hundreds through breeding and freeing his kind from slavery of Blood Demons. As the Balmond continues to slack villages for human fleshes and his reputation grew being knowned as the Berserker by a Kingdom near, a Kingdom of Human preparing to hunt Balmond down and as a larger opponent watching him from the darkness. (Late Winter, 6 BS)

Continuing to ravage villages and towns. Balmond asked himself "what would be the taste of the high lords?", with the curiousity and thrist, at night the Berserker and his warriors slack a small Castle of a Lord Yari from the Moniyan Empire, feasting the families of the lord, the event where became famous on the land of men and elves. (Early Summer, 6 BS)

A scout sent by Balmond to find orcs under slavery of Blood Demons came back with a news.

Scout: A hundred brothers caged, distance is a day.

Balmond: How strong the Demons?

Scout: Not demons, humans. Hundreds of humans.

At dawn, Balmond brings a hundred of orcs to run to the location, they reach the location at noon, seeing all the orcs are beheaded and no humans not blood demons around, Balmond became devasted seeing his brothers massacred, as he return, he sees his stronghold burns from afar, as he get near blood and bodies of his people on the ground, decapitated, mutilated and full of arrows and slashes, Balmond's devastation became anger and fury, out of his wraith his Battle Axe glows red, an orc reaches him handling a banner, a banner of the Moniyan Empire. (Early Autumn, 6 BS)

4. Balmond grew madness as his battle axe tells him words, urging him to attack the great empire, his fellow orcs know they lack in number and strength reason to fear the Empire but they fear Balmond's rage more, they headed to the land of Moniyan, from a far, they could already see the large Kingdom prepared, thousands of soldiers carrying swords, spears and shields.

(A High Lord shouts at Balmond at the top of a tower)

High Lord from Moniyan: You fool! You might grow strong for a year, but you are just a small animal compared to us! HA HA HA

Moniyan Captain of the Knights: He doesn't understand you, he only speak the old tongue.

Seeing the strength of humans, the orcs' fear grew larger but Balmond's madness is greater than fear, he march, only him to the humans only half of his size, the soldiers attack Balmond, hundreds of them, Balmond killing only few humans at he began to feel the brutal injuries, the axe again talks, he heard the voice of his father, Balmond let go a battle cry and swirls his battle axe to the human soldiers that surrounds him, killing a hundred as he continue to spin soldiers fall down being slashed to two, body parts flying, blood and fleshes as he kills grew strong and regenerate his wounds, the orcs sees Balmond fighting, the old nature of orcs tells them to rush to the enemies, a hundred orcs battling the Empire of Moniyan, as the orcs reaches the battle field and leave their safe area, the Moniyan Captain shouts.

Moniyan Captain: NOW!!

A volley of burning arrows were shot to both humans and orcs in the battle field, Balmond being infront he uses two bodies of large men as shield, not a single arrow hit him, but his people, only half still left standing.

The Orcs continues to fight and try to breach the wall, the stable gates were open casting hundred of knights holding lances and riding stallions heading their way, humans and orcs are falling, even the humans are greater in number they are much faster to fall than the orcs.

Balmond sees the gate being guarded by the Captain, the captain having the same size as his, wearing silver and gold armor and wielding a great sword burning a shield that shines, Balmond rushes to the his target seeing dozens of stallions heading way to stop him, he smashes his Battle Axe to the ground and let a scream out killing enemies infront of him, he continues to charge to his target with the vengeance he wants and the lust for blood he have.

5. The orcs seems winning, by killing thousands of humans. Suddenly, the heat of the sun at noon disappears and the moonlight shines the orcs, a group of archers from the mountains strike the orcs with a magical arrows different from the burning ones, the arrows immediately buries to the orc's armor to its body even the thickest metal would not even stop.

As he came near to the captain he dashes with his greatest strength, but captain before being slam by the Berserker, he swipes his sword casting a fire to the Orc's body blinding it and slowing its speed, the Captain charges and prepares his shield, his shield being stronger than the orc's weight casting and dragging the orc away the gates, the Captain quickly slashes his great sword to Balmond's left shoulder to passing across to Balmond's right chest nearly cutting him in half, Balmond's life began to slow, seeing his people on the ground and the battle axe as his hand, before his eyes closed, the light of the moon became red and rains, Alice the Queen of the Apocalypse shows above Balmond's body.

A thunderstruck and everyone is blinded, the body of the Berserker is gone, Alice killing all the mortal surrounds except of the Captain and the walls and the gate of the kingdom near Alice erupts. The captain immediately attack Alice with his sword, Alice stops by grab the sword, as she strangled the Captain as the blood is being transported to the captain's body, the archers from the mountains hits Alice to interrupt her, Alice instantly teleport to the mountains killing half of the archers, the other half disappears. Alice retreated.

The Captain losing his breath, sees a man standing intro of him, chanting the old tongue, the Kind of Moon Elves cast the captain a spell, binding them both, Captain continues to heal and catch his breath.

(Early Autumn, 6 BS)

Moniyan Captain of Knights: Thank you your Majesty.

King of Moon Elves: My aid might need a payment, Captain Tigreal.

Tigreal: I am in your debt, King Estes.

King Estes: For now you need a rest and your Kingdom to rebuild, we will negotiate after a day.

6. As Balmond gain consciousness, doesn't felt his left arm, the injury was still there but he don't feel any pain. He looks the surrounding, everything is dark and red and his Battle Axe still remains in his hands. A few moments a human soldier coming to his way, charging and a sword in the air, Balmond's reflexes cut the man in half with his sword, the body dissolved into blood and binds in his foot, Balmond became dizzy and confused, as he feel he is gaining his strength, the Battle Axe whispers word, words of the old tongue, numerous human soldiers, moon elves and orc warriors appears and charges to attack Balmond, without hesitation he lunged and slashed the humans, elves and even orcs with the battle axe, the bodies of the being dissolves as the Battle Axe continues to mumble words.

Whispers(in the old tongue): Balmond! I am part of you!

(warriors appears and charges to Balmond)

Whispers(in the old tongue): The thrist for Blood is in you!

(Balmond killing the warriors of differet races appearing and charging him, the bodies dissolving into blood and the warriors continues to spawn)

Whispers(in the old tongue): I am in your Blood!

The river of blood turns into a large Blood Demon, holding Balmond, with his great strength Balmond tries to resist but the Demon continues to hold him off and talks to him.

Demon: I am stronger than you, you will be here forever enslaved! Same as your ancestors! This is the fate of your kind!

Balmond bites the head of the Demon, killing it and dissolving to blood, Balmond felt a great pain and continues to hear whispers.

Whispers: Don't fight it, Orc!

The Blood binds to Balmond's body, turning his dark grey skin to bloody red, Balmond continues to scream, he felt the Battle Axe at his hand became heavier and has the mind of its own, warriors appears again for Balmond to kill, Balmond became mad, glowing red in his eyes as the bodies of warriors became blood, the axe whispers.

Battle Axe: I am a part of you!

The blood turns to the Queen of the Apocalypse.

Alice: I am a part of you!

Balmond rages seeing the Queen of Blood Demons who tortures and abuses his Kind, he swing his Battle Axe to Queen Alice's head, as the Axe nearly severes Alice' head, the Axe stopped by a Blood Magic, Balmond confused as Alice touches his head, showing vision.

Visions that happened many centuries before, as the oldest ancestor of Balmond, the first leader of orcs, made a pact, an blood oath to the Queen of the Apocalypses, giving the orc the Battle Axe made from Blood Magic in a exchanged for the life of all kind of the orcs, centuries past, the orcs was used by the Blood Demons because of their strength, building and strengthening fortresses and kingdoms, engaging in wars of the Queen and hunting for the favorite food of Blood Demons, the moon elves.

Balmond realized that he is under the power of the Queen, his people in centuries and centuries to come of slavery and he is only a pawn and subject to Alice.

Alice: You will be my General, your kind won't be slaves anymore, but they will fed me when my long slumber comes.

Balmond grunts and agreed.

(Mid Winter, 5 BS)

This Chapter was inspired in the Lore of Balmond, I just added new stories, dialogue and characters, including the battles and interactions.

The story I made really come from the title, which is Blood that have multiple meanings in the story such as Balmond’s ancestors(Bloodline), pact(Blood oath), enemies(Blood Demons) and his thrist for Blood as food.

I hoped you just enjoyed it!

The next Chapter might be finish tonight or tomorrow.

Ischyros_Gigascreators' thoughts