

He focused to see who hit him. When he saw the bulky and strong body with bullying vibes, a sense of anger and a trace of fear took place in his heart.

He turned towards Gerard.


Gerard was too shocked to even move, but taking the hint from him, he ran towards the classroom.

Seeing Gerard run, he steeled his heart for the coming beating and bullying.

"Che. All useless. Even your friends can't do anything to me." the assaulter said.

"Cryo, don't get over your head. If this incident is heard by the school authorities you would be severely punished."

"Hahaha. Listen, guys. Someone is talking about punishment here."

He heard a wave of laughter coming from behind Cryo.

Cryo inched forward and said, "What did you guys saw?"

Someone from behind said, "He was running in the corridor and couldn't stop himself in time and fall from the second floor to the ground. Hahaha."

Cryo said, "Hahaha. Did you hear that kid? You were running too fast and accidentally fell to the ground floor."

A punch came towards the face of Raj. He raised his hands up to protect his face. But it was of no use. In a few moments, tens of punches landed on his body and he curled on the ground, tears filled his face but there was not a sound coming from his mouth.

He thought, 'Why are the weak always bullied? Why can't I be strong? So strong that no one would dare to do anything to him. Why? Why? WHY?'

After giving him a beating, Cryo spoke, "Throw this kid on the ground. In the end, it has to look like an accident. These bitches of our class should know not to mess with Master Qurik's property."

"Cryo! Watch what you speak." someone warned him from behind.

"Oops. Sorry. Make sure he falls on his head so that either he dies or becomes a vegetable."

Raj noticed a cold glint in Cryo's eyes. He couldn't figure out why it was nor did he have time to think about it. Similar to the moment while he was beaten, he saw a face, similar to which he looked every day when he leaves his home for school. looking at all the things happening to him from behind a pillar, but couldn't figure out why she was here and why didn't she help him. He couldn't have imagined that later when he recalled this incident, there would be many misunderstandings.

All of a sudden he was yanked from the ground and taken to the railing. His eyes widened as he could not believe that Cryo was going to throw him to the ground floor. As he was thrown to the ground, he didn't utter a word. He knew that he couldn't do anything so why even bother. His eyes told a story of despair, which Cryo wanted to see. But that look of despair came with something extraordinary. The look of despair was not because of fear but for the wellbeing of his sister and mother. Although he was practically useless, he knew that his mother and his sister had high hopes for him. After all the tears that rolled to the ground while being beaten, there were no more tears in his eyes. He closed his eyes and accepted his fate. But deep inside willpower was given birth. It would become a basis for his future success if he survived. Extreme willpower to do anything he wanted.

He crashed head first on the ground floor. The school building was not a regular type of building as the floors were more than double the size in height than normal buildings. He could take an educated guess and say that he was thrown from the height of five floors. Any other youth of his age would die immediately if they crashed head-on as they haven't started the physical reformation process of student's body. It was a strict rule from the government that youth should grow their bodies naturally till the age of 15 before entering a rigorous body-strengthening course.

He felt as if his brain splattered all over and he felt intense pain all over his body. Before he blacked out, he managed to saw the mocking smiles of Cryo and his friends. The willpower to survive and take revenge grew stronger and stronger.


Behind the pillar, the girl, Demi Charles, cried silently. She couldn't make a noise because if she did, she would end up like Raj or maybe worse. Her hands shook as she controlled a Stealth-based Magi-Camera which she built from scratch just for the fun of it. Although her family didn't fare well financially, she saved quite a sum of money to enter a good body-strengthening course and later support her family financially. She also wanted to expand her horizons in the field of technology as the Magi Technology intrigued her a lot. After six weeks, she completed a stealth-based Magi-camera by following instructions provided in a book from the school library.

On this particular day, she completed this camera and was going to Grimmie Sir and Helisk Sir to let them evaluate it. While on the way, he heard Raj and Gerard discuss science so she decided to use the camera to satisfy her curiosity. In the end, she ended up recording everything that happened.

As she stood behind the pillar, she felt as if her bones in her legs vanished and she went limp. She leaned on the pillar and pulled her thoughts back. Her first instinct was to go to the principal and give the evidence, but then she remembered Qurik's background and stopped. Then she thought to give this evidence to the friends of Raj. She knew that someone had an even greater background than Qurik. She found out about this when one day while those five were playing, someone accidentally spoke something that indicated that someone from them was way powerful. It was all vague in her mind but she felt that it was worth the risk. Of course, his friends could turn a blind eye to this incident and they would definitely be labeled cold-blooded.

Everyone thought that Raj was the one most detached in the group of friends. And based on that Cryo decided to give him a lesson in order to scare the other four when Qurik asked him to teach them a lesson. Just that it was the gravest mistake he did in this lifetime. Demi had a hunch that everyone's thought was wrong but she didn't have evidence but it didn't matter as she herself was a loner. Although she was a loner, she knew more about everyone than anyone else. She knew that Qurik was the puppet master in the class and she also knew that Raj and his friends were not his puppets. She forgot her lunch and even didn't go for the evaluation of her camera. Her first thought was to give this video to Ra's friends. While she was still munching on her thoughts, Cryo and his friends already escaped as they knew that a big case was surely going to start soon. But they didn't worry as the management knew more than enough to side with whom.

After she looked around and found no one else nearby, she gave a look at Raj. She couldn't save him as she lacked power. Sighing, she left as fast as she could.


After a few seconds, Gerard and Co. appeared and was flabbergasted by what they saw. Intense anger and a dense killing aura permeated from them.

Aryan quickly went to check if Raj was alive or not and was amazed to find there was a very faint pulse and he could die at any moment.

"There is still a feeble pulse." as he said that, a tear formed in his eyes.

Gerard and Reyes were from middle-class family so it would be tough for them if they meddle with the Grott family. But not so for Aryan and Strum. The Everglow family was way higher than Grott family in tiers. But unfortunately, Grott family had a mysterious strong backing which the Everglow family or any other higher tiered family dared not to offend. The tier system of families in the city depended on the wealth, assets and experts the family had in the city. Tier 1 is the lowest tier while Tier 3 is the highest. Grott family being just Tier 1, still had the backing of someone greater who could easily destroy a Tier 3 family in Meryar City.

But it didn't mean that Qurik could do anything he wanted and wherever he wanted. Qurik was just a son of an Elder in the Grott family. It would be easy to deal with an elder if they provided certain benefits to the Grott family.

Aryan gave a call to a certain person using his Magi-Phone and instructed him. Aryan picked up Raj and immediately rushed outside the school. There was a Magi-Hover-car ready to take them to the hospital.


Cryo, never in his dream, would have thought that Raj would still be alive. Because he had intentions to kill Raj from start. It was Qurik's order rather than his will. Qurik gave him a pretty sweet deal if he killed Raj and make it look like an accident, he would get a pass in the greatest course for body-strengthening for 15-years-old noobs in Meryar City. The one ran by the Grott Family. He couldn't reject this deal, nor could he tell his friends that he intended to kill. His friends thought that he would survive but be in bed for several years. Killing in the city was a major crime which was punishable by death, so no one dared to kill inside the city. Cryo was actually taking a great risk for his future.

As soon as the incident spread throughout the school, everyone was shaken to their core. Someone tried to kill, inside the city, inside the school. Many students panicked as they saw the pool of blood on the ground floor. Many even vomited at the sight. They were still young to see all this. But within a few moments, the principal of the school made an announcement stating that it was just an accident and the student was taken to the hospital and might live.

After hearing this statement, Strum, Reyes, and Gerard stopped in their tracks and knew that it was not as simple as it seemed. Demi gave a sigh of relief for not giving away the evidence.

Cryo was shocked that Raj may live. Everyone else gave a sigh of relief as it was not a murder case.


On the way to the hospital.

"Investigate every member of Grott family. Check everything. Also, find out about Cryo Mance. Investigate everyone involved in this matter deeply." a red-eyed Aryan instructed the driver.

"Yes, Young Master."

"Also, prepare a special room with the latest tech. Do anything possible to save him."

"But, Young Master, wouldn't that give that lady a chance to take over..."

"Humph!" Before he could finish, Aryan gave him a deep stare. The driver shivered a little from that deep stare. Although there was no killing intent, there was something far stronger that, even he, a powerful expert, couldn't stand it.

"Yes, Young Master, everything would be done as you say it."

The driver gave a call and everything was arranged. As soon as they reached the hospital, everything was ready. Most of the technology in the medical field were run on magic. Some were even automated and an advanced A.I. was assisting the usage of these instruments mage with the Magi-Tech. No one in the entire city of Meryar could receive this treatment other than the Mayor.

After five hours of the doctors inside the Immediate Operation Theater, they came out.

One of the doctors said, "He lives. But ..."

Next chapter