
I'm a WHAT!

Sirius casually sat up and yawned.

"My room feels colder then normal. Did I leave the window open or something."

After looking around Sirius didn't see the four walls and bed he had hoped for, rather he saw a large open area with engraved stones neatly organised in rows and columns.

"A grave yard? Why am I at a grave yard?!" Sirius stood up and looked around. But as he tried to take a step forward his head hurt. He quickly grabbed it and stopped moving.

"Right, mom and dad died." He said in a sorrowful whisper. He wished to cry but his eyes were drained of all tears. The death was so sudden he didn't know how to feel. The realisation took so long to kick in that he spent most of his last few days in a daze.

Feeling that he had finally cried enough, Sirius got up. He knew his parents would want him to continue and live his life to the fullest. And he wouldn't let them down.

Sirius reached into his pocket for his phone but didn't find it.

"Did some one steal my phone while I was asleep?!" Sirius quickly checked all the pockets of the suit he was wearing. All of them were empty.

"Which bastard stole my wallet, phone and keys! They even stole the picture of me with my parents. What kind of sicko steals from someone in a grave yard?!"

Sirius walked a few steps and stared at the two graves next to him. He looked at them one last time and started making his way home.

"That bastards lucky I didn't have any money in my wallet or I would have them captured and sent to jail." Sirius thought as he walked through that grave yard.

"Well, I don't know who would steal from me. Their aren't any cameras, so that petty pick pocketer can probably live perfectly fine without a worry." The wind picked up and a tree rustled. Sirius felt like he had seen a shadow.

Sirius ignored it and didn't think to much of it, "Their might be a witness, but who would come to a grave yard after midnight? The only thing I can think of would be a ghost!" Sirius lightened the mood for himself and then walked out the grave yard.

"Their isn't even a grave keeper who I could ask." Sirius shook his head as he walked.

With no money at hand Sirius couldn't afford to use any form of public transport back home.

"I'll have to walk back home now, well I have been thinking of getting more exercise."

Sirius waited at a cross walk for the signal to turn green for him to cross. Three cars raced by. All of them floating. They had no tires, rather had four miniaturized jet engines. Their design were slick and streamlined- no edges, all curves. You couldn't even see any lines for the doors and handles.

After the discovery of 'Mana' the world had entered into a new era. New Technology was being invented at an exponential rate. Flying cars to the Dyson sphere all had been made in the last five centuries.

Buildings stopped having a limit as now almost all of them went beyond the clouds.

Sirius crossed the road and started walking again. The side walk was crowded so he had to continuously squeeze through people.

He looked to the side and saw a man near the road raise his hand to stop a white floating cube. The cube landed in front of him. The man pulled down his sleeve to reveal his wrist. The club seemed to have sensed something and opened. A series of steps came down for the man to board the cube.

"I need to get a smart chip installed. I wouldn't have to worry about my phone being stolen." Sirius thought.

As he looked back he saw that among the ocean of people their was a black kitten running. It seemed to be running in his direction. Oddly enough, no one seemed to notice, at least no one reacted to it.

The black kitten was running as if it was being chased. It saw Sirius and its eyes seemed to widen. It changed direction, with a swift turn to the left it hurriedly tried to cross the road.

Sirius saw this and was a bit surprised to see the kitten change direction the moment it was in front of him.

"Was it afrai-" Sirius couldn't even complete it his thought as he got into action. He ran after the kitten grabbed it and rolled to the side to dodge the speeding car.

Sirius held kitten and looked at the car not stopping. Continuing to drive.

"Why am I meeting so many assholes? First the guy who stole my stuff and now this guy who almost committed a hit and run." Sirius released the cat and stood up.

The cat when in Sirius's arms was shivering. Sirius could also feel that it's body temperature was extremely low. He was deciding weather to take it to a nearby animal shelter but by the time he looked back at where he had left the cat, it was gone.

Sirius looked around and didn't see anyone he could talk to. Unusually, no one seemed to react when he had saved the kitten.

"Umm, excuse me did you see a black kitten?" Sirius patted someone on the shoulder and asked.

The person had a weird look as they looked at Sirius. They didn't answer as they quickly walked away.

"What is wrong with people?" Sirius felt it was useless as he looked around no one was actually looking it at him. He felt isolated from the fast moving world.

Sirius walked back to his building. It was the shortest building in the city with the cheapest rent. He went up to the twentieth floor and found his apartment. He instinctively grabbed into his pocket for his key but found it was empty.

"Right, it was stolen." Sirius face palmed. He looked around and saw a plant next to his door. He squatted down next to it and lifted it from the side. He found a card underneath the plant. He picked it up and kept the plant down.

"Luckily dad had forgotten his key and mom hid one underneath this plant." Sirius held the card to the door knob and the Door unlocked. He pushed it open and directly went in. The door automatically locked behind him.

The apartment was dark. Directly entering it you would reach the living room with a tv, table and couch. Behind the couch was the kitchen and a glass door for the balcony. While on the couch's right you would find a pathway leading to two more doors. Where one was Sirius's while that other his parents.

Sirius walked directly to that couch and jumped on to it. He didn't know what to do. After his parents died in the car accident three days ago he had entered a state of pervasiveness for a while.

Remembered being taken away by an ambulance and then waking up yesterday at the funeral site. At the funeral he had realised his parents were dead and just sat in a corner not talking to anyone. As he thought about it, "Why did no one talk to me?"

He hadn't thought about it then, but he found it a bit weird now, you'd think as relatives they would have something to say to him, "who knows maybe they did say something but I didn't hear them, well it doesn't matter I don't think I really knew any of the people there other then a few cousins."

Sirius grabbed the tv remote from the table. He used it to turn on the tv, but the tv wasn't turning on. He tried over and over again until he finally threw the remote at the ground. The tv turned on.

The tv which was a large curved device had dots activate on it and project out a 3D holographic image of a woman talking as she walked around a city.

"Taking only a month since the last, Neptune's third official city has been established today. This is fastest ever taken to build a city able to accommodate..."

"Finally, man if the tv stopped working I wouldn't know what to do."

Sirius sat back down. The tv was on a news channel talking about Neptune. It was humanities last checkpoint planet in the solar system. Humanity had already colonized all the others.

The hologram changed to a man on a 3D weather map.

"In a few hours it is expected to rain. Residents are recommended to stay indoors."

Sirius looked back and could hear the sound of drops from the balcony.

"He said a few hours though."

He got up and opened the glass door. He felt the wind and the splatter of rain drops fall on his face. He closed the glass door so water didn't enter the apartment. He held the railing and looked at the sky, trying to ignore the ceiling over the balcony.

The rain directly fell on to his face. Sirius felt it was soothing, he looked at the large grey clouds.

"What's that?" Sirius thought as he looked at a slightly more darker cloud. The could grew darker and eventually revealed a black sphere slowly descending.

Sirius felt his body freeze. The sphere was horrifying. It was covered with the faces of people and had black squirming tentacles coming off of it. Sirius looked away and saw a large orange lizard crawling on the glass building in front of him. The lizard seemed to stop in front of him and had its eyes look at him.

Sirius broke away from the fear of the black horrifying thing in the sky and jumped back. Because of his muscles being tensed he jumped further then he expected and landed right next to his couch. At least that's what he thought.

Sirius stared at the closed a glass door and an overload of thoughts.

"What was that thing in the sky? I was imagining it right? They should be holograms, is it Halloween today and that's some type of event."

Sirius got up and walked to the glass door and opened again to go back and check if those two creatures were still their. However as he opened the door another thought hit him.

"How did I enter the living room if the balcony door was closed?" Sirius moved his hand and noticed it had gone straight through the glass door? Wait what?"

Sirius moved back. He tired to touch the couch but noticed that after he felt like he had touched it, if he pushed a bit more his hand would go straight through.

Sirius grabbed the remote on the table and looked at his hand. The remote was in his hand but he wasn't touching it. There was less then a centimeter of space between his hand and the remote. It was more like the remote was floating in his hand. Sirius freaked out and dropped the remote.

"What is happening?" He walked back out, he went straight through the glass door and had a shiver run done his spine as he did. "This is so weird." He looked around and didn't see the black sphere like creature or the orange lizard.

"So was I imagining them?"

Bakkahh (The sound of a crow)

A crow flew into his balcony and landed on a sheltered spot near the ceiling of the balcony.

The crow then started to shake and dry it's feathers. "Thad lizard was barely enough to feed me, the great crow. It should have been grateful that I even chose to ate it." The crow seemed to be shaking its head as it said this.

Sirius looked at the crow and didn't know what to say. "I'm going insane, yup that it's. Probably shouldn't have slept in a grave yard. Or I got brain damage from that car crash."

The crow noticed Sirius's stare and looked at him, "Brat you can understand me?"

Sirius looked around and saw that the crow was talking to him, "I guess I can."

The crew flew from the sheltered spot and landed on the railing to get a better look at Sirius.

"I see, I see you are different then the last time I saw you. You've turned into a ghost!"

"I've turned into a what?!"

Next chapter