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OPENING one drawer after another, Lily was trying to find the product indicated in the medical prescription that the customer had shown her.

"One moment Mrs. Mills" said busily. "I was pretty sure I stowed it around h- Oh, here it is~" pulling it from the counter.

Lily was currently working at her aunt's pharmacy, so she could pay off the debt that her parents left when they died. She wasn't sad about their death, cause when the accident happened she was only 4 and couldn't remember much the memories of her childhood. Instead, Lily was angry about the debt that they accumulated over the years to her Aunt Laureen, wich it cost her some years of study replaced by work.

"Thank you dear" replied the sweet old lady after paying "Remember to send my regards to your aunt" she added as leaving the pharmacy. "I surely will Mrs. Mills, good evening!" Lily answered.

After turning off the lights, pulling the door behind her and locking the shop, she went straight to her apartment exhausted from the work done.