
Chapter 1 Lost

"Damn boy, I'm lecturing you, yet you still dare to pretend to be asleep!"

  Li Xiaomin opened his eyes, looked over in a daze, and immediately widened his eyes:

  The beauty in front of him was a beauty he had never seen before!

  This beauty looks to be in her early twenties, with a beautiful appearance. On her body, she is wearing a gorgeous palace dress. Her eyebrows are like spring mountains, her eyes are green, her skin is white and delicate, and her figure is tall. Li Xiaomin looked up from the bottom, the pair The towering twin peaks obviously protruded from her chest, which made him drool, dripping onto his clothes.

  "Hey, why are you looking from the bottom up?" Li Xiaomin suddenly thought of this question, lowered his head, and was surprised to see that he was kneeling on the ground, with his knees on the ground, as if he was still wearing strange clothes, already wet with saliva some.

  Li Xiaomin didn't have time to think about why he was wearing this strange clothes, he just stood up immediately driven by male pride, thinking angrily: "She is not my wife, why should I kneel in front of her? "

  Standing in front of the beauty with his head held high, Li Xiaomin was about to show his masculine dignity and temperament, when he suddenly widened his eyes, and was surprised to find that the beauty was much taller than himself!

  The beautiful woman was scolding him loudly with her brows upside down, when she suddenly saw him standing up, she was furious, raised her jade palm, and slapped him heavily on the face. Li Xiaomin felt a huge force coming, and he fell to the ground, tears streaming down his face in pain.

  The beautiful woman in the palace costume slapped him in the face, strode over, kicked him hard on the buttocks, and cursed: "You son of a bitch, you just came to my palace and dare to work and be lazy. I told you to kneel on the ground to listen to the reprimand, you pretended not to hear, punched you on the head, and you pretended to be asleep, and now you dare to jump up and face Bengong, let's see if Bengong will teach you a good slave!"

  Being kicked on the ass by a beauty's jade feet is not a good feeling. Li Xiaomin couldn't help crying a few times, raised his head to look at her, and then felt strange: why is she wearing ancient clothes?

  Li Xiaomin doesn't know much about the clothes worn by ancient people, so he can tell that she is not wearing clothes from the Qing Dynasty. I can't tell whether it is from the Song Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty. I just think that the clothes are very beautiful and gorgeous, and they are made of silk. The workmanship seems to be fine, and everything is the same as that of ancient people. With her pretty face and sexy figure, she looks extremely charming.

  If it was someone else, even if they were not yelling in fright, they would jump up and ask, "Are you making a movie?" Then they would be caught as lunatics and spend an unforgettable time in prison.

  Fortunately, it was Li Xiaomin, a strong fighter who has been tested by online novels. When he saw that something was wrong, he immediately lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead. , This time I really made a profit! Ancient beauties, here I come!"

  He endured the pain in his buttocks and kicked him hard a few times. Seeing that he was not moving, the beauty felt a little strange. She stretched out her hand to check his breath, and said angrily, "This dog slave, after only being hit a few times, he fainted." It's over! Drag him to the internal affairs room, say that he disrespects the master, and ask the internal affairs room to beat him with hundreds of sticks to make him sober!"

  Li Xiaomin was startled, but still closed his eyes tightly, not daring to open them. A young girl's voice was heard pleading: "Your Majesty, if you beat him with hundreds of sticks, he won't die, and he won't be able to work any more! Now that the palace is short of manpower, it's hard to send this one here. If you beat him to death again, I'm afraid It's hard to find people right now!"

  The beauty was silent for a while, and said angrily: "Come here, drag him to your own room, let him stand there, wait for him to wake up, and come here to receive punishment!"

  Only then did Li Xiaomin feel relieved, he didn't dare to open his eyes, and let several women drag him into a room and put him on the bed. I also feel strange in my heart, I am a big man, and my body is not too light, how can I be lifted up by a few women so easily?

  Hearing the sound of the door being closed, Li Xiaomin lay down for a while, carefully opened his eyes, saw that he was the only one in the room, jumped up immediately, looked around excitedly, looking for evidence that he had traveled through time and space .

  Inside the room, it was empty, with only a table, a bed, and a small cabinet. Although the house is small, it is made of wood, which is completely different from the reinforced concrete building where I live. In addition, the style of the table and bed is completely different from modern times, and there are hand-carved patterns on them, which are antique and half-old, which makes Li Xiaomin believe that he has indeed traveled through time and space and came to ancient China.

  Li Xiaomin luckily found a small bronze mirror on the table, and when he looked inside, he couldn't help being stunned:

  In the mirror, there was a handsome young man who looked only about fourteen or fifteen years old. On his head is a slightly taller black cloth hat, which looks like an official's dress, with long hair covered inside.

  "Oh, this is not only a fiction of fictional history, but also a plot in a novel of reincarnation and rebirth!" Li Xiaomin thought in amazement, looking at the young man in the mirror with fair skin and handsome appearance, which was several times better than his previous life, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted , Secretly said: "At my current age, with talents beyond the age, it is really easy to stand out in this era! As long as I show my talent, am I afraid that the beauties of this era will not fall into my arms?"

  Having said that, he was still a little worried, for fear that others would see his flaws. The most important thing now is to figure out where and which dynasty you are in, so that you can take corresponding countermeasures.

  He stood up and walked up and down the room, but he dared not open the door to look out. For some reason, he always felt that something was wrong with him, as if he had lost something important.

  If you want to know where you are now, you must first look for clues from what you just heard. Li Xiaomin tried his best to move his mind, which was dizzy with excitement, and recalled what the beautiful woman said just now. Suddenly, he was shocked, his face changed color, his whole body trembled, and he loosened his belt in a hurry, only looking down. After taking a look, he immediately fell to the ground and passed out on the spot.

  "Brother Xiaominzi, brother Xiaominzi!"

  An anxious cry came from my ear, the voice was delicate, as if I was still trying to suppress it, not daring to speak loudly.

  Li Xiaomin slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a beautiful and lovely little girl, about fourteen or fifteen years old, wearing an ancient dress, which looked like a court lady's clothes.

  Li Xiaomin stared blankly at her blushing dimple, looking down from her slender figure, until he saw his naked lower body, he felt blood rushing to his forehead, and he fell into the girl's arms , fainted again.

  The little maid came in out of good intentions to see if he was awake, but she saw him with his lower body naked, half of his trousers removed, and passed out on the ground. She was so frightened that she hurriedly stepped forward to wake him up with shame, but he only took one look at herself before fainting again.

  The little maid was startled and frightened, she didn't care about being shy, she hurriedly carried him to the bed with all her strength, covered him with the quilt, tried to wake him up, and said in a panicked voice: "Brother Xiao Minzi, don't sleep, what do you want to eat? , I'll help you get it!"

  Li Xiaomin burst into tears, remembering that he had lost the most important organ in his body, blood and tears flowed from his chest in misery. After a long while, I tried to control myself, sobbing and asking the little maid about my current situation.

  According to the normal steps in Yihun's novel, even though he was in a state of confusion, Li Xiaomin still naturally said that he had been in a trance recently, and some things were not clear, so she answered it for her.

  This court lady was young, so she didn't have any scheming, when he asked him, she answered him perfectly.

  The era they are in now is very strange, not any era that Li Xiaomin knows. They are now in the palace of the Tang Dynasty. The emperor is also surnamed Li, but he is not a descendant of Li Shimin. In addition to the Tang Dynasty, there are several countries, large and small, such as Zhao, Shu, Chen, and Jin. I have no intention of asking, as long as I know that my historical knowledge is useless in this era, it is enough.

  Now that he is in the palace and has such a physical condition, Li Xiaomin basically understands his identity. The little girl confirmed that she was indeed a young eunuch in the palace, called Xiaominzi, who had not been in the palace for a long time, and was assigned to Concubine Yun by the cleansing room after preliminary training, to be at her beck and call.

  This concubine Yun, young and beautiful, was a favored master in the past, and her family was also rich and wealthy, so she had a bigger temper, and she would beat and scold her servants. The previous eunuch who was on duty in the palace offended her because of a trivial incident, and was sent to the internal affairs room and beaten to death with a stick.

  According to the time when she was favored a few years ago, no matter what happened, the head of the inner palace would obediently do it in advance. It's a pity that the great favor of the emperor has been transferred to other young concubines. Concubine Yun has not seen the emperor for a long time, and the number of court ladies and eunuchs around her has also decreased. Now there are only a dozen court ladies in the room at her command. It wasn't until the death of the last eunuch who was not transferred away that Concubine Yun realized that there were no more eunuchs available in her room.

  As an imperial concubine, it would be too embarrassing to have no eunuchs in the palace. Therefore, Concubine Yun asked the new eunuch from the clean room to do things for her.

  Human feelings are cold and warm, and it has been the same since ancient times, so the cleansing room has been pushed back and forth. It is said that there is not enough manpower recently, and it has been delayed for a long time before sending a young eunuch, Xiao Minzi, who has just been trained, to work in Concubine Yun's room.

  This is Xiaominzi's first day here, and he was scolded by Concubine Yun because of his clumsiness, and he knelt on the ground to wait for the reprimand. As a result, after being punched by the angry concubine Yun, for some reason, his soul came out of his body, and then Li Xiaomin's soul traveled through time and space and attached to him.

  According to what this kind maid named Lan'er said, plus his own speculation, Li Xiaomin guessed the matter very closely. Thinking of his current miserable situation, he felt a sudden blackness in front of his eyes, and almost fainted again.

  He raised his eyes and looked at Lan'er blankly, remembering that she had been looking at him with affectionate eyes, and thought to himself: "Could it be that this little girl has a crush on me—no, a crush on Xiao Minzi? No wonder she is so enthusiastic took care of me."

  He didn't think much differently. In the past, Xiao Minzi and Lan'er had a relationship once, and helped Lan'er who lost her way back to his palace, so Lan'er always had a warm feeling for him.

  In the past, when there was such a beautiful little girl who fell in love with him secretly, it was too late for Li Xiaomin to be happy, but now he just wanted to cry, and finally held back his tears and let Lan'er go out, only saying that he wanted to rest for a while.

  Lan'er heard that he was about to rest, so she obediently walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

  In the room, Li Xiaomin hugged the quilt and wept silently, mourning his tragic fate.

  Back then, when he was tired of being a reader, he also worked as an author for a while, publishing his own novels on the website. Just writing and writing suddenly couldn't continue writing, and then stopped writing that novel, which is commonly known as "eunuch"-there are no more below, and let angry readers question and scold in the comment area, Li Xiaomin just insisted. Don't read the comments with a scalp, and don't continue to write.

  But unexpectedly, I was an eunuch author on the Internet, but today it is my turn to be a real eunuch!

  With tears in his eyes, Li Xiaomin thought blankly: "My God, could it be said that if you become a eunuch for a day, you will become a eunuch for the rest of your life? Oh, I regret it at the beginning. I shouldn't have blacked out and dropped that book eunuch, but ended up like this. I really regret it." ah!"

  Staring blankly at the wall, Li Xiaomin, who was almost insane, muttered to himself: "All the writers who post on the Internet, please follow my example, and don't repeat my mistakes!"

  With his head down, Li Xiaomin carefully cleaned Concubine Yun's room, trying to keep it spotless.

  There is a delicate fragrance everywhere in the room, which is very attractive. But now Li Xiaomin's heart is like a dead tree, and he is not tempted by it at all. With such a strong concentration, even a martial arts master who has practiced for many years will be willing to bow down.

  But not being tempted doesn't mean his mood is very peaceful. At this moment, tragic blood and tears were flowing in his heart, and the pain almost tore his chest in two.

  He never dreamed that reading novels online would lead to such a tragic end. Could it be that reading novels is going against the sky and must be punished?

  In his heart, he has already cursed the literary websites he often visits tens of millions of times, from the operator who provides the server for the website to the old lady who cleans the website office, all of them have cursed viciously, cursing all of them I don't have a small penis, let them taste the pain they have suffered!

  After working in Concubine Yun's house for a few days, Li Xiaomin cursed for a few days. It wasn't until he was numb from cursing that he turned his gun and fired at those authors.

  At the beginning, he still cursed the author of alternate historical novels, especially the author of the alternate historical novels he read before he came, and then he cursed every author he knew and didn't know, whether they wrote fantasy or prose. , As long as the author who has published works on that website has been cursed by him sincerely, in his mind, he has been "ruled by the martial arts" tens of millions of times.

  When the author was also cursed, Li Xiaomin looked for a new object to vent again, this time the target was the readers of the novel website.

  In Li Xiaomin's heart, he scolded the readers he knew one by one, and then scolded the readers who didn't know their names. From the madman who posted in the comment area to the submarine that sank for a thousand years, everyone was blessed by him sincerely, until Then he remembered that he was one of these people, so he stopped cursing and concentrated on his work.

  Generally speaking, life in the palace is pretty good. Although it is a simple meal, you can still eat enough, which is very rare in this chaotic world where many countries are competing for supremacy. It's just that it's not very convenient to go to the toilet every day. Thinking of this, Li Xiaomin wished to slam his head against the palace wall to death.

  But it's better to die than to live, Li Xiaomin wiped away his tears and survived tenaciously, even if he was going to die, he had to walk around the palace and see enough new things before he died.

  Among other things, these beauties in the palace really made him dumbfounded. Now he truly believes that he is now in a world of different time and space, not in ancient China, otherwise, he does not believe that any dynasty would have so many beauties gathered in the palace. As long as he thought of the photos of the beauties in the Manchu Qing harem he had seen, he couldn't help but feel a nausea and cold rising in his stomach and back.

  The sad thing is that he can only see but not touch, and he can't even lust. Because there is no support from a strong material foundation, every time Li Xiaomin thinks of the scene of real guns and live ammunition, tears will flow, but he can only swallow it in his stomach.

  He was holding a rag, thinking about his thoughts, while wiping here and there in Concubine Yun's boudoir, wiping the tables, chairs and dressing table clean.

  This is the rule set by Concubine Yun, she must wipe off the dust in the room before she gets up, so that when she wakes up, she can see a refreshing environment.

  Li Xiaomin was thinking about it, when he suddenly heard a lazy call: "Xiaominzi, wait for me to get up!"

  Li Xiaomin came to his senses, threw down the rag in a hurry, wiped his hands, and ran to Concubine Yun's bedside to wait on her.

  The hibiscus curtain was raised, revealing a delicate and infinitely beautiful face. At the same time, her half-naked delicate body was exposed. Concubine Yun was only wearing a bellyband, sitting on the bed with a quilt, and her shoulders were as smooth as jade. Li Xiaomin's soul is almost taken away by her snow-white breasts. This picture of a beauty sleeping in spring is one that people will never tire of seeing.

  Ordinary concubines only use maids to help them get dressed and get up, but Concubine Yun is bold and insists on Li Xiaomin to help her get dressed, but Li Xiaomin is not polite, he looks at Concubine Yun up and down with his eyes, and is devastated Although you can't really serve ice cream, it's not bad to have a dry addiction.

  Concubine Yun's figure is very attractive. In Li Xiaomin's eyes, even a devil's figure is no more than that. As he was thinking, he picked up the clothes hanging on the hanger beside the bed, carefully draped them on Yun Fei's snow-white and smooth fragrant shoulders, and secretly swallowed.

  Concubine Yun raised her jade palm, pressed it on her cherry lips, and yawned coquettishly, then turned her head and looked at the fourteen or fifteen-year-old eunuch beside the bed with a smile.

  From her point of view, this little eunuch is very bold. The other eunuchs standing beside the bed were already scared out of their wits and dared not raise their heads. This eunuch is so small that he dared to peep at her jade body, which is very interesting.

  At this time, Li Xiaomin was staring directly at the half-exposed snow-white jade breasts under the bright red bellyband from her shoulder. He was dizzy, his heart was beating, and his nosebleeds were about to gushe out. A jade hand gently grabbed the bellyband, and pulled it down a little, just revealing a bright red cherry, her eyes widened involuntarily, and there was a loud bang in her head, and she was dizzy from the huge blow.

  It's really embarrassing to say, although Li Xiaomin is an adult, but Li Xiaomin was still a virgin in his previous life, so naturally he didn't have a chance to see a beautiful woman's jade breasts at such a close distance, let alone a stunning beauty with a superb figure, it's no wonder he would show his breasts. Such a shocked look.

  Concubine Yun looked at him with a smile, seeing a bit of nosebleed oozing from his nostrils, she was even more curious, seeing that he would behave like this, this was something she had never thought of.

  She sized up Li Xiaomin for a while, seeing that he was still staring straight at her jade breasts, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Does it look good?"

  Li Xiaomin nodded hastily, he was already out of his wits, and even forgot to look at who asked.

  Looking at that handsome little face full of longing, the bold and bold Concubine Yun felt shy for a while, hurriedly pulled her bellyband back, and said angrily, "Little pervert, have you seen enough? Hurry up and help me get up!" "

  Only then did Li Xiaomin come back to his senses, and broke out in a cold sweat from fright, he hurriedly put on the gorgeous blouse for Concubine Yun, but couldn't help rubbing some oil on her body, pretending to touch her creamy body inadvertently With snow-white skin, her heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

  Concubine Yun slightly closed her eyes, enjoying the irregular touch of his hands on her body, a subtle feeling arose in her heart, her heart was beating wildly, she couldn't help being shocked and ashamed, for this little eunuch's Bold and surprised, but reluctant to let him stop, he could only pant and let him put on clothes for himself.

  Li Xiaomin's hand, carefully tied the belt for Concubine Yun, touched her soft and boneless waist, pretended to tidy up her clothes, slid up, and touched the jade breast with the back of his hand, feeling the softness and richness. With the elastic touch, the pupils involuntarily dilated quickly, and then recovered, and carefully dressed her, not daring to be frivolous, lest my blood surge and do something I shouldn't do.

  But what else can I do? Thinking of this, Li Xiaomin felt a burst of deep sorrow welling up, which made him almost cry bitterly.

  Concubine Yun suddenly stretched out her hand, hugged him, pressed his head on her breast, and said with a charming smile, "Do you want this?"

  Because Concubine Yun is different from ordinary people, there is no maid waiting in the room, only her and Li Xiaomin. Li Xiaomin was caught off guard, and threw his face on Concubine Yun's fragrant and soft chest, almost out of breath, stunned by Concubine Yun's bold action, his soul wandered, and he didn't know where he flew.

  Concubine Yun looked down at this boy who was six or seven years younger than herself, her heart was beating wildly, and a strange feeling gradually emerged in her heart.

  She has never done this kind of action to others. When facing the emperor, even though she is savage by nature, she dare not be presumptuous. Facing her is always terribly frightening, and no one dares to approach her and take advantage of her.

  Therefore, Xiaominzi was the first man she embraced so tightly.

  "A man?" Concubine Yun frowned, holding Li Xiaomin's small face in her jade hands, looking at that snow-white and handsome face, a strong disgust rose from the bottom of her heart.

  This little eunuch, what kind of man is he, dares to take advantage of him! Thinking of this, Concubine Yun became angry from her heart, slapped Li Xiaomin's face fiercely, and said angrily: "You dog slave, don't even look at who you are, how dare you want to eat swan meat like a toad!"

  Li Xiaomin was stunned by this slap, and fell to the ground, staring blankly at the stunning beauty sitting on the bed and glaring at him, as if looking at an angry goddess.

  It took him a while to wake up, and a strong grief and anger surged from the bottom of his heart. Li Xiaomin covered his face and ran out crying, his steps were fast, and he disappeared in an instant.

  One thing he didn't expect was that at this time, his personality was still affected by the little eunuch whose body he had taken over, and he would easily run away crying.

  Concubine Yun stared blankly at him crying and ran away, and suddenly felt a burst of strong regret, jumped up from the bed, ran to the door of the house with bare feet, and called: "Little man, little man! Come back quickly! "

  He yelled a few times, but he couldn't see Li Xiaomin's shadow, only a few maids serving him stood in the courtyard, staring blankly at the disheveled Concubine Yun.

  Concubine Yun blushed, and ordered: "Lan'er, hurry and chase him back!"

  Lan'er responded blankly, not daring to stay, and ran out of the courtyard, looking for the trace of Li Xiaomin's escape, looking everywhere.

  Li Xiaomin was crying, and strode wildly in the palace, full of grief and indignation, which made him wish he could die immediately.

  This is the inner courtyard of the palace, and there are no guards patrolling, because it is still early, and there are no eunuchs or maids passing by on the road, so no one saw a young eunuch crying and running across the road full of pain.

  "It's better to die, it's better to die!" While running, Li Xiaomin cried and muttered, tears like broken beads, sprinkled on his face and chest.

  In a day like this, what is there to live, it is better to smash your head to death, so as not to suffer from this endless pain!

  He knew that from the moment he came into this world, he was no longer Li Xiaomin, but an eunuch named Xiaominzi!

  The little man was crying in pain, he just wanted to run to the emperor's main hall where he was discussing affairs, take a look at the dragon chair, and then crashed to death in front of the jade steps, using his own death to accuse this man of cannibalism and oppression the old society!

  But when he reached the gate of the palace, Li Xiaomin stopped again: Over there, there were more than a dozen guards guarding him, all of them with swords on their bodies. If he ran over by himself, he would be captured by them in the blink of an eye, and he might even be arrested and tortured. Torturing, interrogating himself for what kind of conspiracy he wanted to escape from the palace, then life would be worse than death.

  Li Xiaomin walked back dejectedly, thinking about the way to die while walking, unknowingly, he deviated from the direction and walked to a dense forest in the inner courtyard of the palace.

  There was a sound of sobbing and crying, and Li Xiaomin was aroused by the crying, so he couldn't help sobbing twice, and when he looked up, he saw a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl in a palace dress, sitting in the forest and crying , walked over and asked, "little sister, what's wrong with you?"

  The little girl raised her head, revealing an extremely beautiful and lovely delicate face, with a look of surprise on her face, she said blankly: "You...can you see me?"

  Li Xiaomin originally wanted to help others and wanted to do something good before he died, but when he heard this sentence, he cursed angrily: "Nonsense! I can't see you, talk to a ghost! Are you trying to scare me?"

  The girl looked excited, stood up and grabbed him, tremblingly said: "You, you can really see me!"

  When her slender and pale hand touched Li Xiaomin's shoulder, it suddenly passed through, as if piercing through a layer of mist.

  Li Xiaomin was full of anger, and was about to scold again, when he saw this scene suddenly, he was choked back from what he wanted to say, stared blankly at the girl, and stretched out his hand involuntarily, touching her slightly protruding breasts.

  His hand easily penetrated her chest and stretched all the way to her back. Seeing his palm appear behind her shoulder, Li Xiaomin was dumbfounded.

  Li Xiaomin jumped away, looked at the thin girl, and exclaimed, "You, you are a ghost!"

  The dense forest is dark and no one passes by. Looking at this girl full of yin, cold sweat covered Li Xiaomin's head.

  He stared blankly at this beautiful and beautiful girl, as if seeing his little brother again, his head became dizzy for a while, and he almost fainted again.

  On the girl's white and beautiful face, two lines of crystal tears flowed down instantly, she nodded her head vigorously, choked up and couldn't speak.

  Li Xiaomin hid behind the tree and was afraid for a while, then thought about it, he was also planning to be a ghost, and he had already traveled through a strange time and space, and seeing a ghost again was nothing unusual, so he walked away from behind the tree Coming out, he said disheartenedly: "Hey, what are you looking for me for, do you want to find a scapegoat?"

  The girl was full of excitement, she covered her face and cried for a while, barely suppressed her excitement, shook her head and said, "No, I've been here, waiting for you for three hundred years!"

  Li Xiaomin walked over, found a thick dry branch and sat down, sighed: "Sit down and talk, it's tiring to stand."

  The girl obediently sat beside him, sat down, and carefully told her story.

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