
Chapter 258: The New Game Begins_1

Jiang Yu could clearly feel that Waterdrop Number Two was very likely aimed at him.

After all, at least fifty years ago, the Trisolarans had begun this setup.

Back then, the Trisolarans had no idea about Zhang Beihai's plan, nor did they know that Jiang Yu, by himself, had held back two hundred interstellar warships.

But since the Solar System State had already shifted its focus to Jupiter at that time, the likelihood of him, Jiang Yu, appearing in the Jupiter Circle was extremely high.

At this moment, Jiang Yu remembered that he was still suspected of being a Heavily Armored Person, and the ETO had not even guessed the furthest extent of his Wallfacer plan.

He felt that if he were a Trisolaran, he would certainly kill such an opponent quickly and decisively.

Jiang Yu did not know whether he should feel honored because he had become like Logic, an opponent whom the Trisolarans took seriously.

However, Jiang Yu was not worried that the Waterdrop would come after him because the sixteen interstellar warship squadrons that had just departed, as well as the one hundred and twenty warships at the port, would keep it occupied for the moment.

But now, the interstellar warships were like ticking time bombs, and staying at the port might bring catastrophe to Jupiter City.

With the news of the frontline fleet being attacked coming in one after another, in addition to the panic, everyone mechanically executed Jiang Yu's orders.

It was not until Gu Cheng shouted, "It's the Waterdrop that attacked us!" that everyone in Jupiter City panicked.

Fortunately, Jiang Yu was prepared, and the officials who had rushed from Mars immediately took over the entire administrative power of Jupiter City under the escort of armed robots.

The shocking news from the frontline made everyone follow Jiang Yu's command like puppets, allowing Jiang Yu's plan to proceed very smoothly.

Yet he knew there was a huge threat approaching him.

The key issue was the Waterdrop's movement speed was too fast for human radars to capture its trace.

The entire command center was now like blind and deaf individuals, unaware of even how the Third Squadron had disappeared.

Jiang Yu said angrily, "Are all our radars broken? Why can't we still not locate Waterdrop Number Two?"

No sooner had he asked this question than the combat staff officer trembled and said, "We've found it! Waterdrop Number Two is estimated to make contact with the warship that has just left the port in ten seconds!"

Everyone at the command center fell silent. What could be done in ten seconds of reaction time?

Then, a slight vibration was felt on all the walls of the command center, and Jiang Yu coldly said, "I want to see what's happening outside!"

The images on the large screen immediately switched to different angles capturing the exterior of Jupiter City.

The source of the vibration was a warship that exploded as soon as it left the port.

Jiang Yu said, "Record this scene, let those self-righteous people take a good look!"

"Activate all power facilities in Jupiter City and evacuate the battlefield at maximum speed!"

Jiang Yu's calm command kept the panic-stricken departments functional.

However, Jupiter City was a behemoth too slow to move, and it was already too late to escape the battlefield.

In the command room, a few people clearly saw a meteor-like trail pass between warships, followed by a circular red dot appearing at the position of the warship's nuclear engine, before the explosion occurred a few seconds later.

The one hundred and twenty warships were now in chaos; a few of them collided due to operational errors, and they were completely destroyed before the Waterdrop even took action.

Debris from the warships began to strike Jupiter City, with the military docks bearing the brunt as metal walls were easily torn apart by fragments. Materials and personnel that were not evacuated in time were immediately sucked into space.

Fortunately, the emergency hatches closed in time, stopping the destruction from space onto the docks.

Alarms went off instantaneously throughout Jupiter City, and in the command center, a door opened in one wall, ejecting several spacesuits towards Jiang Yu and the others.

While helping Jiang Yu put on a spacesuit, Number Three ordered, "Prepare a ship for the Wallfacer, and leave Jupiter City immediately!"

Jiang Yu pushed Number Three away and sat back into the Commander-in-chief's chair, "I'm not leaving, and no soldier shall leave!

"Put on the spacesuits, and immediately start rescuing civilians and the injured."

After donning his spacesuit, he stared at the big screen in front of him. More and more pieces of ships struck the exterior of Jupiter City, causing numerous small-scale explosions.

One could imagine the massive casualties that would occur in Jupiter City, now caught in the throes of war!

People were finally paying the price for their previous dismissiveness; in space, they had built a city alongside a military fortress. For this reason alone, the designers of Jupiter City deserved death.

Now that the war had erupted in an unforeseen manner, this "space architectural wonder" was nothing more than a massive target!

The Waterdrop's attack was like a leisurely stroll, taking only six minutes and three seconds to destroy all one hundred and twenty warships that had just dispersed in escape from the port.

Once again, The Waterdrop disappeared without a trace, but it was certain that it hadn't attacked Jupiter City, otherwise the steel behemoth would have already been riddled with holes.

One of the warships was severed in half by a violent explosion, with its fore section crashing into Jupiter City.

Fortunately, Jupiter City had already begun to move, so the impact wasn't solid; otherwise, it would have undoubtedly snapped the steel ring in two.

The lighting in the command room dimmed, and emergency lights immediately lit up. The large screen also went dark for a moment before coming back on, with only the middle third still illuminated.

It was clear that Jupiter City's energy systems had taken a hit, with all power outputs switching to emergency mode.

After giving an order to rescue the citizens with all available resources, Jiang Yu turned to the communications officer and said, "Number Two The Waterdrop went to pursue those fifteen warship fleets, tell them to run as fast as they can!"

"But don't let them know about this message, to prevent them from doing something foolish in panic!"

At this moment, a line of text appeared before Jiang Yu: Were those eighty warships your Wallfacer plan?

It was Sophon!

After more than two centuries, the Trisolarans couldn't bear it any longer and contacted Jiang Yu again.

Jiang Yu turned off the communicator and said internally within his spacesuit, "Guess!"

Sophon: That plan is too simple!

Jiang Yu laughed and said, "Simple? Even if it's simple, you still didn't figure it out. If Number Two The Waterdrop had arrived half an hour earlier, my plan would have completely failed."

Sophon: Seven "Waterdrops" are already in pursuit, and it is estimated that in 86 years, they will destroy all the escaping warships! Your plan will eventually end in failure!

Jiang Yu laughed and said, "Are you playing Wallbreaker now?"

He seemed to say indifferently, "86 years, such a long time. Who dares to predict the outcome before the last moment?

"Besides, even if you manage to destroy the warships I sent out, do you think you can also catch up with Zhang Beihai?"

Sophon fell silent for a few seconds: Is your plan not as simple as it appears on the surface?

Jiang Yu leaned back in his chair, "Giving up on the ETO too soon was a huge mistake on your part.

"The level of your questioning is so low, it honestly doesn't evoke any desire to deceive you.

"Reflect on it yourself.

"All I can tell you is: I'm ready for a new game!"

Sophon: Our power has already reached the Solar System. You have no chance of winning.

Jiang Yu laughed softly, "Fine, fine, fine, if you say there isn't any chance, then there isn't!"

After ending his communication with Sophon, Jiang Yu reactivated the communications device, ordering to jettison the damaged sections of Jupiter City before proceeding with the rescue operations.

The ring structure of Jupiter City could be disassembled into twelve sealed segments, some of which had sustained severe damage, becoming dead weight for the entire city.

In doing so, Jiang Yu aimed not only to prevent the spread of explosions but also to relieve the behemoth of its burden.

He watched the large screen intently, as if focusing on the aggregate of incoming reports from various places.

In reality, Jiang Yu's main focus was on contemplating how the current situation had drastically deviated from the original story, and how every step of the plan henceforth would need to be taken with the utmost care.

When Jiang Yu previously spoke with Gu Cheng, his advice to "prepare for the worst" was in anticipation of the Trisolarans not playing by the "usual rules."

The Trisolarans might not have expected that Jiang Yu's ploy to have the eighty warships flee, while intended to give Zhang Beihai cover, could still be beneficial even if they were unable to escape.

If the Trisolarans were truly blinded by rage and disregarded the Dark Forest Law, then the sacrifice of those eighty warships would be entirely worth it to secure Zhang Beihai's chance to escape.

The odds were slim, since the Dark Forest Law holds strong sway over civilizations, but Jiang Yu didn't dismiss the possibility either.

This was also why Jiang Yu hadn't offered strategic directions for Zhang Beihai's route.

While Bernard Star was the best option, considering the Trisolarans' overwhelming advantage, it was too close to the Solar System and therefore not a very good choice.

If things went completely out of control and the Trisolarans caught up with Number Two The Waterdrop, then Zhang Beihai's plan would fall apart.