
three barbarian brothers

the story is about three young men who are from a different earth getting reborn into another world that is nearing an all out war between the human race. just know that I am a new author so the chapter will be short and the biggest thing is the names of the characters, don't really think to much about the names just go with it. FYI I am writing this for fun and kinda of like a hobby, so I don't really have a chapter release schedule.

Worthlessss · War
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18 Chs

Their New World

In their one week of looking around they saw that most of the land in this world was connected and only about a dozen or so small islands where by themself covered in all sides by water.

the population in this world was easily close to hundred billion and about half of it was humans.

yes there where other species the typical fantasy world species like elfs , drawfs, few dragons, beastmen, demons and even angels and many other different species who were either too low in number or hiding, but the next highest population was the mermen

species they occupied the water which was about 40% of this world while the remaining 60% was land.

the dragons occupied the small lands and they usually just rest, though some times they leave and go around the world especially the younger ones.

the drawfs occupied the mountains and the underground between the mountains and most of them were in the eastern side, if the world was drawn like a map of our old world, the drawfs were all together only one nation, though it spread in a weird web like structure under ground as they traded many things mostly ores and forged weapons.

the elfs where also the same they were all together as a nation and occupied most forests with their main one forest which has the world tree, which was near the south part of the map.

there was also dark elfs and evil drawfs and other rare intelligence dark species that were near the demon territory in the north.

and obviously the demons where in the north but they had bases everywhere, you know the typical villain style stuff making deals and contracts everywhere.

the beastmen where in the western side and for the most part they were also like the other races in one nation, though unlike the elfs who all stayed in their Forests and drawfs who focus on making things, the beastmen Travellered around the world like the humans.

the humans However had two kingdoms which were named the sun and moon kingdom, they were at war with each other, this wasn't just a small war no this is a war were they fight till one side perish.

the humans where in the middle with one side being in the west while the other being in the east.

the side in the west was stronger anyone can tell that, while the one on the east was going to slowly lose.

now the humans on both sides have a royal family and the one on the east has 2 Duke's and 3 count's while the one of the west has 4 Duke's and 5 count's this is also one of the reasons why the west is winning, because they simply have more power houses.

they have both accepted a peace treaty for the next 25 years and decided to make an academy in the middle far from both sides and send the sons, daughters and other highly talented youngsters to see if they can make up and be friends, but it was quiet clear what their intentions are but the weeker side east accepted it and started building it its been 5 years since then and people from the age of 15 can attend it and even highly talented commoners can enroll here.

now this world had everything from magic, cultivation, martial arts , technology like guns, spiritual power and all other sorts of powers.

however your talent is set from the moment you are born and there are only very very few ways to increase them.

the talent here is graded from 1 to 10, 10 being the lowest while 1 being the highest.

however the unique thing is, that talent doesn't determine your limit so anyone can reach the peak, it's just those with higher talent will reach it faster.

for example think that you are walking on a road with a talent of 10 it is a mud road and you are bear footed, with a talent of 9 it would be a mud road but you have footwear and so on and so forth while a talent of 1 is like a concrete road while having a sports car.

so talent discrimination is there though it is lower in other races but in humans where they don't have a long time to live talent means everything.

cultivation is very unique there are basic cultivation techniques available for everyone but those don't take you too far because everyone knows them and its weaknesses, while there are a few sects and families that have hidden techniques.

magic familiarity will depend on the person, everyone can use all the magic types but they can only use the ones that was chosen for them when they were born at a advanced level.

the magic where the typical fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, ice, light, dark and few unquie ones very rare like space ,time and others.

as for the martial arts it's the same as cultivation were only the families and their relatives practice it.

while for the other unquie Powers usually they are taught by the masters of that power and their way of training is taught to their students.

the power level of this world was very simple

it used stars and higher the star number the stronger basically like levels and everyone had a status which they can see and show to others.

no matter what type of method you use it is all calculated in this method where everyone is labeled 1 star when they are born, every time a person goes up a star all their stat point will go up by one, there are cases where some point go up by two depending on the method they use for training.

as for how a normal person status looks like




star level:1










FYI here the difference between endurance and vitality is that they both make the person healthier its just the former increases defence and make their body more durable while the later gives them more stamina.

the money system is also simple 100 copper is 1 silver while 100 silver is 1 gold and 100 gold is 1 platinum.