
Threads of Destiny : Shirou Emiya's Journey through Myth

Osayanhu_Imoisili · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

You must be Joking

As days turned into weeks, Shirou Emiya continued to settle down in the bustling city of New York. He had become a renowned chef, impressing diners from far and wide with his extraordinary culinary skills. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of his new life, he never let his guard down. The occasional monster attack reminded him that he was far from his familiar Fuyuki, and the hand (or hands?) of fate still lingered in the air.

In the dimming light of dusk, Shirou Emiya found himself face to face with two menacing hellhounds. Their eyes glowed with a fierce intensity as they snarled, ready to pounce on their prey.

Summoning his usual weapons, Shirou's grip tightened on the twin swords, Kanshou and Byakuya, as he assessed the situation. They were obviously here for him, so he braced himself for the battle that lay ahead.

The first hellhound lunged forward with deadly speed, but Shirou was ready. With a swift motion, he traced a circle in the air, invoking a defensive barrier to shield himself from the hellhound's attack. The creature's claws clashed against the magical barrier, its fiery breath billowing around in frustration.

Shirou shouted "OH NO YOU DONT!"

As the second hellhound joined the fray, Shirou leaped into action. His movements were swift and precise, a dance of blades and evasion. With each strike, he aimed for the creatures' weak points, exploiting their vulnerabilities.

The hellhounds fought with a ferocity that matched their infernal nature, but Shirou's determination burned just as fiercely. He could feel the mana coursing through his veins, his connection to his inner world empowering him to face these mythical beasts.

"My core is twisted in madness! Caladbolg!"

His twin swords transformed into the legendary blade Caladbolg, a weapon said to pierce through the heavens themselves. With expertise that came from many battles, he shot the blade and sent a powerful shockwave of energy slicing through the air, striking both hellhounds simultaneously.

The hellhounds staggered back and roared in pain, momentarily stunned by the force of the attack. Seizing the opportunity, Shirou brought back the twin swords and pressed on, his movements becoming a blur as he unleashed a flurry of strikes against the creatures.

The battle raged on, and as Shirou fought, he couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. This was what he was meant to do. With each slash of his swords, he felt like he was doing something that he finally wanted to do.

Finally, with one last powerful strike, Shirou vanquished the hellhounds. They dissipated into ashes, leaving behind no trace of their existence.

Shirou stood while trying to catch his breath

"It's over."


Sakura and Rin, dressed in casual attire to blend in with the bustling city crowd, ventured through the streets of New York. They were determined to find any traces of the local mage community, but their efforts were met with frustration.

Rin sighed in frustration

"I can't believe we're not finding anything! It's like they're hidden from us."

Sakura replied "Maybe we're looking in the wrong places. We don't have any connections here, so we're relying on scrying and research."

"True. Back Home, we had access to the Mage's Association and various magical networks, but here, we're practically starting from scratch."

As they continued their search, they frequented libraries, scoured online forums, and even tried to eavesdrop on conversations in magic shops, but the magical community seemed elusive.

Rin was getting increasingly frustrated

"This is getting us nowhere! We need a lead, some kind of hint to follow."

"Let's not lose hope." said Sakura "We just need to keep digging. Maybe there's a magical hotspot we haven't discovered yet."

Rin nodded in agreement, determination flaring in her eyes. They couldn't afford to give up; finding the mage community was essential for understanding the mysteries surrounding Shirou's unexpected arrival in this world.

The two mages spent countless hours researching and reaching out to anyone who might have information. They even discreetly asked the local police about any unusual occurrences or reports of magical activity. However, their inquiries often yielded little to no results.

Sakura: "It's like they're intentionally staying hidden, avoiding any detection."

Rin: "That's possible. There could be various reasons for their secrecy, but it's frustrating nonetheless."

As the days passed, Sakura and Rin's determination only grew stronger. They refused to be deterred by dead ends and kept their focus on finding any traces of magic in the city.

One evening, as they returned to their apartment after another fruitless day of searching, Rin noticed something peculiar.

Rin: "Wait a minute. Do you sense that?"

Sakura : "It's... magical energy. But it's faint."

"Exactly! It's weak, but it's there. This could be our lead."

"Let's follow it and see where it leads us."

With newfound excitement, Sakura and Rin traced the faint magical energy, which led them to an inconspicuous alley in a less-traveled part of the city. As they approached, a hidden doorway caught their attention.

Rin (whispering): "The prana signal seems to be coming from here ."

Sakura: "But how do we get in? There doesn't seem to be any obvious way to access it."

Rin: "Let's try a basic unlocking spell. It's worth a shot."

Rin's incantation activated a hidden mechanism, causing the door to swing open, revealing a stairwell leading underground.

Sakura : "Shall we?"


With hearts pounding, they descended into the mysterious world of magic hidden beneath the streets of New York, unaware of the challenges and revelations that awaited them.


Meanwhile, on Olympus, a sense of unease spread among the gods. A particularly elusive deity had begun to make her moves, and they could sense her influence rippling through the threads of fate.

Aphrodite : "Her movements are growing stronger. It's been over 50 millennia since we last felt her presence."

Hermes said, nervously: "What could she be planning? Is she a threat to us?"

Apollo: "It's hard to say. She's always been elusive, even compared to her kind. But her actions could have repercussions in both the mortal and divine realms."

Athena : "We must remain vigilant. She is no ordinary deity, and her involvement could alter the course of events."

The gods deliberated, knowing that they needed to keep a close eye on the unfolding events. Whatever this goddess's intentions were, anything that made her to move from her usual resting location definitely wasn't small.

And so, as the threads of fate continued to entwine around Shirou Emiya, unseen forces worked behind the scenes, each move setting the stage for an even grander and more perilous journey that lay ahead.


Sakura and Rin cautiously stepped into the hidden underground chamber, finding themselves in what appeared to be a small study. There was a wooden table, a few chairs, and bookshelves filled with ancient tomes and scrolls.

Rin said, surprised,"This is unexpected. I didn't think we'd find an actual place down here."

Sakura answered "Let's see what's in those books. Maybe they hold some answers."

As they perused the dusty tomes, they discovered very very familiar inscription on the first page of each book.

Sakura read out loud

"To Sakura and Rin, my idiotic students. I knew you'd eventually find your way here."

Rin (raising an eyebrow): "Zeltrech? Did he leave these for us?"

Sakura nodded, and they delved into the pages that revealed the truth behind their sudden return to this world.


The contents of the books painted a remarkable tale, one that went far beyond their imagination. Zeltrech's words recounted how he had manipulated the events that led to Shirou's transportation, all for a mysterious higher power.

Rin (confused): "So, Zeltrech was behind all of this? But why?"

Sakura (intrigued): "It says he was ordered to do so. But by whom?"

Rin (looking puzzled): "And what's this 'tee-hee!!' he mentioned? This isn't like Zeltrech at all."

Sakura (murmuring): "I agree. There's definitely more to this."

As they continued reading, the books provided a comprehensive breakdown of the Greek Pantheon—from the primordial deities like Chaos and Ouranos to the reign of Zeus and the establishment of Olympus. The tales of gods and goddesses, their triumphs and rivalries, unfolded before them.

Rin (amazed): "This is an incredible account of Greek mythology. But how does it relate to Shirou being here?"

Sakura (thoughtful): "Maybe it has something to do with the gods he's been encountering. Apollo, Hermes, Aphrodite... they were mentioned in these stories."

Rin: "You're right. But what does it all mean? Why bring Shirou here? And who ordered Zeltrech to do it?"

Sakura (puzzled): "I wish we had more answers."

They returned home(after taking every single book in the study with them)

Upon their return to their apartment, they met Shirou preparing dinner. They proceeded to tell him the journey they went on.

Shirou asked "Find anything useful?"

"Plenty of information about the Greek Pantheon. Rin replied, holding up a book "But we still don't understand why you were brought here."

Sakura: "And who's behind all of this? Zeltrech mentioned that he was ordered by someone powerful."

Shirou (frowning): "This is getting more complicated by the minute. I don't even know if I should be here or if it's connected to my past."

Rin: "We'll figure it out, Shirou. We've dealt with mysteries before, and we'll face this one together."

As they pondered over the newfound information, a sense of foreboding hung in the air. They couldn't shake the feeling that something bigger was at play—a web of fate and power that they were unknowingly entangled in.


As the sun set over the city, casting a golden hue over the elegant restaurant, two unassuming figures entered, introducing themselves as Wilbur and Janet Opal. Little did Shirou know that these seemingly ordinary customers were none other than the formidable Hades and Persephone, venturing into the mortal world in disguise.

Persephone,after getting Shirou's attention, said : "We'll have a private celebration tonight, and I want something truly special. Can you create a very exquisite Italian cuisine for us?"

Shirou replied: "Of course! I'll put my heart and soul into it to ensure it's a meal to remember."

Shirou then set to work with unwavering dedication, crafting a culinary masterpiece fit for royals and deities alike.

With skillful hands and a passion for cooking, he prepared a multi-course feast that incorporated the finest ingredients and unique flavors. Each dish was a work of art, a symphony of tastes and textures that showcased Shirou's culinary prowess.

As the plates were brought to the table, Persephone's eyes lit up with delight.

Persephone: "Oh, my! This looks absolutely divine!"

Shirou (smiling): "I'm glad you like it. Please, enjoy."

Hades, too, was intrigued by the presentation, though he maintained his reserved demeanor.

Hades: "Impressive. You truly have a talent for this."

Shirou pelird gratefully, "Thank you, sir. It means a lot coming from my beloved customer."

Persephone, unable to contain her excitement, took her first bite and savored the explosion of flavors in her mouth.

Persephone (delighted): "This is amazing! Shirou, you're a genius!"

Shirou blushed "You're too kind. I'm just passionate about cooking."

As the meal progressed, Persephone's enthusiasm only grew, and she couldn't help but show her appreciation.

Persephone: "Shirou, I insist you become our personal chef. How much would it take to convince you?"

Shirou was caught off guard by this statement.

"Oh, I couldn't possibly. I'm content being a chef here at the restaurant."

Persephone pouted, "Oh, come now. I'll make it worth your while. Name your price."

Shirou tried declining the offer.

"Really, it's not necessary. I'm happy to cook for anyone who appreciates my food."

Persephone was not in the mood to hear no.

"Fine, how about this? Once a month, for half a year, you'll prepare meals for our private dates."

Shirou hesitantly replied "Well, if it's just once a month..."

Persephone beamed, "Deal!"

As Persephone happily indulged in the delectable feast, Hades finished his meal in silence, observing Shirou with interest.

After dessert, as the couple prepared to leave, Hades discreetly slipped a substantial tip onto the table, making Shirou's eyes widen in surprise.

Hades: "Keep up the good work."

Shirou : "Thank you, sir. I'll make sure to exceed your expectations."

As Hades and Persephone left the restaurant, Shirou picked up the tip and found himself at a loss for words. It was an astronomical amount, far beyond anything he had ever received before. He blinked in disbelief, trying to comprehend how he was going to spend such a considerable sum.

Shirou (muttering to himself): "How the hell am I going to spend this? It's more money than I've ever seen."

The waiter nearby overheard Shirou's remark and couldn't help but chuckle.

Waiter: "Looks like you've got yourself quite the tip there, Chef."

Shirou (still astonished): "Yeah, you can say that again."

The mysterious encounter with the disguised gods left Shirou with more questions than answers. Little did he know that his culinary skills had caught the attention of Olympus itself, setting in motion a series of events that would intertwine his fate with the divine, leading him on a journey of discovery, danger, and unexpected allies.