

When the class was time to end, A tall boy opened the door and said "may I come in, sir."

The teacher was fixing some of his books then suddenly he appeared. teacher narrowed his eyes and said "You!! Where have you been, this whole time? Did you know what time is it now? this is the last period." the teacher was very angry on him because he wasn't present the whole day of school.

"Wowh...Wowh... calm down sir, I was just practicing basketball." He took a step back before saying because of his teacher angriness.

"basketball? what is most important games or study?" He angrily asked him.

"Today...the basketball was most important"



The teacher couldn't complete his sentence because of school bell

"Hmph...this conversation is not over yet" The teacher coldly said to him and got out of the class.

After the teacher gone, All the girls ran to him and shouted "Woo-hoo....my 'F double L'!!!" By hearing that loud voices of girls, all boys and Alisha covered their ears "Arghh...disgusting!! what happened to them" She saw that even Wenny stand behind the girls chasing him.

She couldn't believe that this girl also into that guy "Who is he? I haven't seen him before?why all the girls made a crowd around him? Is he a popular superstar" Alisha murmured to herself.

That guy saw that ponytail girl murmuring and doing some work, he approached to her and took his palms on her desk for support to stand.

He softly whispered to her "Hey, thief."

The girl already noticed that the guy was in front of him and ignored it but when he called her thief, Alisha upwards her head and widely opened her eyes.

"Wha-what did you just called me?" Alisha asked him in shocked to confirm that what he just called her.

He whispered to her again "I called you, thief" Alisha attracted by him by seeing that gorgeous face and smooth hair, that obsedien eyes and then she realized something, 'Wait, obsedien eyes? So he was that guy? Wait he called me thief, he already knew that I stole that umbrella. What I do now,think Alisha, think Alisha, think Alisha!!'


She got an idea in her mind and it's time for her drama.

"Arrgghhh!!!...I am sorry, actually I have an important appointment and I totally forgot about it, so I am now going" Alisha took her bag and the umbrella too then she ran from the class as faster as she could.

When she screamed the whole class got shocked that what happened.

That guy was smirking and leaned on the wall bending his hand across his chest.

No one knows that alisha made an axcuse to escape from this situation except that blue bell eyes guy.

Alisha ran out of there so far, she was exhausted because of ran so fastly. "phew....i have to attend one extra class and that is....the drawing art class." Alisha doesn't like drawing, painting, sketching since when she was just 6yrs old but it's his grandpa's wish so she have to become a famous painter.

She went to that art room and sat on an random empty seat then she take out his painting tools and looked over to see what all these students drawing. she saw a bunch of red roses in the vase on the table and it's beautifuly decorated.

Alisha got frown by seeing those flowers, she doesn't like roses of any colour and the art teacher is really strict so she have to draw it because she signed the papers to attend drawing class for her grandpa's sake.


In the drawing class, all the students have completed the task except that ponytail girl. The teacher started scolding her by her poor and slow drawing. "What is this alisha!!, Are these flowers or trash in the garbage."

'You damn teacher, what did you called my drawing, trash in the garbage!! you already know that today is my first to came here, you worthless woman...I HATE YOU!!' Alisha cursed her teacher inwardly but can't dare to said it loud.

"I am giving you C" The teacher gave her the poorest mark in that class, some students were laughing at Alisha secretly. She gave Alisha a note and said something that made her lost in thought. "I want the sign of your grandpa, tomorrow. Remember it or I will punish you."

'Wait, what!! What is written in the note, is it about my bad drawing. Come on, today is my first day, why I am everytime sticked in troubles.'.She was shocked, crying, screaming and lots of emotions coming on her face and few students can noticed. They feel sympathy for her 'poor Alisha Parker.'

The teacher saw the wall clock and announced "Everyone, the class is over please go to your homes." She left after saying that.

Alisha is now in full of tension that when she will arrived home and give the note to her grandpa, what the reaction he will take. She was really happy and smiling all around when she entered during the class because her grandpa said if she got good marks in painting then in dinner she will eat her favorite food chilli chicken and also she decided a good plan for giving the umbrella to it's original master.

"I thought that, I will go to the school office and announce that i found a black and white spots pattern umbrella whose is it will quickly come to lost and found room, then the person will come and take it's umbrella then I will be innocent for not pick the umbrella without permission but my plan all go in vain...."

Alisha again murmuring to herself when she was walking to the exit of the building.

When she came out of the building, she found that the rain is stopped now but what about the umbrella that she is holding.


A very good idea came into her mind "Ah.... why I am not think about it earlier, I will hang it where it hanged on the handle of the cycle before..... yeah, you are amazing Alisha" She praised herself and ran quickly where all the cycles are stand.

But when she arrived, "Oh no....there are too many cycles....how could I find that which cycle was hanging, this umbrella!??" Alisha got into problem again, She is now fed-up with worring about, tension on some trouble, manage the problems. She want to rest for some time.

She down her head and closed her eyes thinking about 'what to do next. First, this umbrella, I can't go to the school office now because it is closed. second, this note, I can't open this because it is covered by an another paper and I have a bad feeling when I am seeing this note, what will happen when grandpa read it? what is written in it? GOD!! Vanish me till the world's end, Vanish me!.'

She now wanted to scream loudly but if she did then everyone will think that this girl is insidely have mental illness.

She was going to turned to the way of school gate then suddenly...

"Hey!! stand where you were!!"

I will not be available these few days (till 10 August) Because some personal matter came up suddenly so I will give you four new chapters in 12 August.

Sorry, you have to wait for sometime.

Also let me know your thoughts on this chapter

Hope you like it!!!

sidflowerscreators' thoughts
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