
Third Rainy Day

The light had started to fade. The sun shone in a dull lemon yellow colour in the distance. You could even look at it and not feel any pain. The man seemed relieved as the rainclouds started to move away. The air was damp and chilly, but there was no rain.He had begun to realise that once the rain stopped, he had begun to notice every step he took he could hear his wet shoes making squeaking sounds. I'd need to dry them out. I need to dry my clothes as well. I need to wash them, he thought. And he had errands to run. He realised he was being anxious. He had started to worry. He couldn't take his mind off the errands. Maybe, it was better when it rained, he thought. He just had to curse the rain for making his clothes wet. He didn't worry about his responsibilities. Maybe, we worry less when we are engaged, he thought. That's the real feeling of being in the present. To feel the rain. To hate it and love it. Maybe, we need to be pushed to our limits all the time to feel content in the end. Just maybe. He noticed a faint sound from far away and he smiled. God bless.

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