
Ambition - 1.1

I know that I just said that writing novels is something that I enjoy and actively pursue, yet sometimes I get stuck.

Distractions, such as social media, games, and life in general keep me from writing to my fullest, and it's a problem, I know it's a problem, but I don't really do much about it. It's not right, and honestly, it's not an easy problem to fix. 

But one thing that I always do when this happens is to ask myself: "Am I happy?" 

When you do things that aren't productive, and you waste your time on stuff that isn't helpful to you or anyone, are you really enjoying it? Sure, you might be having fun playing games on your PC, but should and can you be doing something else? 

With this, I am able to catch myself from unproductive things and focus on the productive things, the stuff that does make me truly happy. It's healthy, and I hope that this helps for you too. Because clearly, anyone who is on this site needs it. Stop wasting your time reading and do something.

But something is clearly missing from all this. Where do you find the ambition in the first place? You can't be ambitious without having an ambition, obviously. So how do you find it?

Well the answer is just to try out everything. 

School is a nice place to start. It offers many career choices and subjects that you may enjoy, or it might offer clubs where you can find your passion. I've heard that college is also a great place to see what you love and what you don't. 

The point is that you won't know if you don't try.

So try.

My aunt is a college professor. She teaches biology and sciences. One time, she's confessed that she's actually not that good at biology or science. However, she loves it so much that she is willing to work extra hard for it and to pursue a career in it. If that isn't dedication, I don't know what is.

And that conversation really sparked something in me. You don't have to be good at something to do it, you only have to love it. It stops being work and becomes fun. 

I've said this before, but I feel passion for writing, yet I don't know how this would affect my future. I don't know how viable it is to pursue a career on writing a webnovel on here.

Maybe this would be like a side hustle or just a hobby, but I hope it never dies.