

Basil's family plans to live in the Kingdom of Stelo, Basil's mother plans to open a Flower shop even though they're nobles Basil's mother loves flowers just like Basil.

Many days have past and the Flower shop was finished because of the help of King Patelo,everything was in good shape the Flower shop is completed with so many kinds of flower to sell for happy customers.Basil was so excited he can't contain his happiness.

Basil's Father is going out, Basil saw him and said "Father where are you going?"

his Father said " I may not come back for weeks because I'm gonna accompany his Highness to a another Kingdom to discuss some matter"

He hugs his father and said "Goodbye please come back"

The father said " Alright" as he walks to his wife to give her a hug and a kiss and went to accompany his Highness.

Two days have past Basil still thinks of Fiore staring into something ang his mother played a prank and scared him and said "Im going out to buy some ingredients for dinner please stay here and wait for customers".

As his mother got out suddenly Fiore and her accompany open the door went running and said Basil!!!, and suddenly the time slowed down and Basil saw her and he thought she was a sunflower then the time suddenly went back , Fiore was energetic to see him and she shows her big smile to him.

Her eyes sparkled when she saw many different kinds of flower "Hey can you name all the flowers here ?" said Fiore

Yes said Basil

He became a tour guide for Fiore and showed many flowers and their meanings.

Fiore liked the sunflowers and took one home. As she walk through the door and turn around holding her sunflower she said "Thanks for showing me around see you next time" and opens the door and went home

Basil blushed and said "She is happy, energetic, and cheerful as ever

Hello again thanks for reading my novel chapter 3 will up later i guees


Sunflower means happy, energetic and cheerful

Blaercreators' thoughts
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