

<p>let us take you to the deep dark magic of the thorn.Deep inside the forest there is a thorn which is full of dark magic and no fairy kind can touch.There were four kinds of fairy living in this world and many kingdoms. First fairy was fire fairy , the second fairy is water fairy ,the third fairy is electric fairy and fourth last strongest fairy is the light fairy.there are two kinds of kingdoms living in the realm.<br/>the shadowlocks and the lightlocks the kingdom of lightlocks king is leo.and today Leo thought I want to retire and my son should be king.his son, xkaleus was a beloved child of his father.xkaleus has a sister rosey.The lightlocks have the thorn in the<br/> most safest room.the room is below the palace.10 thousand men Is protecting the thorn from the demons.lets take you to the shadowlocks , they are very cruel and whoever comes in their way they killed them and throw away. they are not very powerful because the generation has lose the magic of thorns</p>

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