A R,O,B accidently erases Thor from MCU while he was a fetus completely so to make up for that mistake R.O.B kidnaps a soul from our world. To make the soul agree to become Thor from MCU the R.O.B gives the soul three wishes. The guy transmigrated wishes for a Template system with access to every template ever, a complete immunity to any form of power, skill or ability manipulation that he does not consent to willingly along with any and all forms skill ability or power degredation.
As soon as I transmigrated to MCU as fetus Thor I started putting my plan into action. MCU may not be as dangerous as other versions of the marvel world but it is still a version of the marvel verse. Now what that means is that I need a safety net as soon as possible when I am in this verse.
I instantly open my template system'System'
[Name: Thor Odinson
Template: N/A
Skills: Asgardian physique(Dormant), Storm affinity(Dormant), Ability manipulation immunity(Absolute), Ability Degradation immunity( Absolute)
Shop: N/A]
After looking through my template system I was very satisfied but there was work still to do ' System initiate phoenix force Template'
[ Phoenix Force Template initiated
Ding! 10% Template synchronization skill cosmic energy gained]
I probably could have chosen any other template instead of the phoenix force but why did I pick that templet over any other one? Why did I not just pick the Template of The One Above All or some other really Op character outside of marvel? Well you see the thing is I did not want to get the attention of the Living Tribunal of all things or heavens forbid The One Below All . A multiverse level character would have certainly gained there so I had to pick one that is universe level . I picked the phoenix force template mostly because an identity as the "Vessel" of the phoenix force can provide a level of protection from a meddlesome sorcerer I will most likely meet . It should also be a good enough excuse for all of my potential other abilities.
Now as a fetus I did not really have a lot do so I made the decision to start practicing meditation. Back in my first life I had made it a habit of meditating ten minutes every day to deal with the depression I faced after my wife died due to heart cancer .
'Where was I? Ah yes'
I also chose to meditate mostly because I wanted to train up to see whether it would help me gain psychic power and would that help me get more Template synchronization. At the very least meditating should keep me mentally stable.