
Eyore my BFF

Eyore has been a part of my life since I can remember. He was a lesson pony that a barn no longer wanted and my mom gave a home to. He was a brown pony with wild fluffy mane. He had hair that had a curl to it like a teddy bear. Huge brown soft eyes. We would go for rides and talk and then sit in the grass, me making grass chains and him eating them for snacks. I would take my lunch box with us and feed him my leftovers from lunch!

To me he was my best friend who always had time for me. He listened to my personal, school and family drama! Eyore never cared if I had acne or mismatched clothes! He didn't care if my verbiage was correct or I used the correct tense. He loved me for me. I loved him for the honest fluffy friend he was.

He was gone and now I am friendless two weeks before Christmas and with my parents working. Who will I talk to? Who will I ride? How am I going to get through this!

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