
Chapter 2

Ace's P.O.V.

In school, I can only lay down and put a book in front of my face to make the teacher think I am not asleep. I just close my eyes and let sleep take its course, God knows (if he was alive anyway, but hey the Soul King exists so who knows) that I need my sleep time every once in a while.

To get money, I have to do all sorts of weird works as they usually get me greater rewards.

Not that I don't do menial works. I do pretty much anything I mean do anything, cleaning the toilet, extermination bugs, massages, training other people, anything really. Heck, I even work on a host club sometimes and I am honestly quite popular, go figure.

I also do some more supernatural stuff like exorcising houses and things like that. I made a killing while cooperating with some real estate agencies in which they would ask me to 'de-curse' a house so as to let them more properly

"Hyoudou Ace, Hyoudou Ace, please come to the student council office immediately." The speaker in the class sounded out and I slowly raised my head. And here I was just about to take a nice nap, dammit.

If it was not enough that I will have a job later today after class that may or may not take way too long for my liking, I now have to go and talk with Sona.

And I bet I even know what this is about. This is the start of my second year here in Kuoh Academy, the time when Rias reincarnates my stupid cousin. It is entirely possible either her or Sona will try and coax me into joining their peerages for whatever reason.

Sigh, for the sake of this stupid talk I hope there is some good old coffee there. Dead God knows that without that I need that WAY more than tea, besides I never liked tea to begin with anyway.


I knew it, I just knew it. Looking down at the cup of tea in front of me I groaned as I wanted little more than to just go and take my nap instead of being here.

"Ace-kun, for a while now I have been meaning to talk with you about some matters that are of considerable importance." Sona said while I keep glaring down at the offending teacup.

"Sure, sure, but don't you have some coffee here? I don't particularly like boiled water with mashed leaves." I told her, appreciating the slight squint of the eyes she shots at me and the similar look Tsubaki is sending me.

Small victories.

"No, I don't have that on hand nor do I want it inside this room. The smell of it is simply something I wouldn't appreciate tainting the odor of this place." Sona said and I shrugged.

"Suit yourself." I answered.

"So, as I was saying. I have been meaning to talk with you." Sona continued, trying to pretend that I didn't interrupt her. "I wish to ask you if you would be interested in joining the student council."

"Hard pass." I answered instantly and she froze for a moment.

"... Care to enlighten me as to why you were in so much of a hurry to refuse my invitation?"

"Because I have better things to do." I answered easily, picking on my ear since it was a bit dirty right now.

"... That is not much of an explanation." Sona said and before I could answer someone else spoke up.

"It is because of this, Kaichou." Momo, a white-haired beauty that worked in Sona's peerage said as she presented Sona with...

Oh well, fuck.

"So, care to enlighten me with more details about this whole thing regarding this 'Odd-Jobs Ace'?" Sona said and I groaned.

The school had a regulation regarding not allowing students to do part-time jobs, something that would be far more of a problem then I care to deal with.

... I guess this is as good a time as any to do this. I mean, I would need to reveal myself at some point and, perhaps, I could use this chance to see if it is possible for me to learn magic. Trying to act all mysterious is stupid anyway, not revealing myself earlier is simply because I feel no desire for attracting attention earlier and potentially kick-starting events earlier than expected. Every possible moment gained is a moment longer before shit hits the fan.

"Sure, but first could you explain to me why a group of devils lurking in human society is complaining that I have a job?" I answer back and Sona instantly froze. Her eyes became sharper and everyone turned to me with serious gazes, some of the others here even having magic circles already on the ready to attack me.

With a glare, I use what little of my Conqueror's Haki outwards, stunning them and making some of them even take a few steps back.

That slight hesitation was enough for me to move my arm.

"Candy Wave." I said as a wavy of sweet, sweet candy is launched from my hand and covers the rest of Sona's peerage, locking them all in place.

Sona looked at this and looked about ready to attack when I raised my hands.

"I just stopped them from attacking me. I have no intention of actually injuring anyone here."

"... I see. So, you are a sacred gear user." Sona summarized.

I shrugged at that statement. If she wants to deduce I am that then please, by all means, go ahead and think that. I may not be trying to hide my skills, but I am also not going to do villain's dumbass mistake number 1, explaining everything I can do.

"Not quite, but if I have a sacred gear or some other thing shouldn't be what is important to you. Instead, you should be thinking about how safe you and the rest of your peerage are considering the situation." I said to her.

Sona gave a stronger glare and water began to surge around her. Her energy began to flare and I am quite sure that if conflict truly starts then Rias and her Peerage will come barging in.

...Yeah, probably not good to face her right now. I don't know if her water can weaken me or not and if it can then I definitely don't want anything to do with it. My only solution if a fight does break out would be to take her down, possibly injuring her in the process, and I do not fancy the idea of hurting her for no reason OR the idea of facing an angry magical girl who could likely nuke him if she wanted.

So, yeah, not the best.

"You don't need to be so worried about the members of your peerage, my candy isn't harmful unless I want it to be and you can eat it too. I guaranty it beats any you can find in the market." I said with a cheeky smile. "Also, I have no intention of antagonizing you for as long as you don't try and antagonize me or those precious to me."

Sona didn't stop her glare though and just kept on her glare.

"I see, then, care to explain why someone like you are on devil territory without any warning to the governors of the town as to why you are here?" Sona basically glowered as she said that, if I am to hazard a guess she isn't exactly happy that I have basically imprisoned her peerage and am acting all 'cocky' in front of her.

Girl, with people like you I must act like this or be taken by your pace and be looked down upon. I prefer being seen as cocky but capable than a wimp, thank you very much.

However, paying attention to what she said I decided to mess around for a bit, standing up and taking a look outside of the window as if I was searching for something out there.

"... What are you doing?" She asks.

"Well, you said that this is devil territory but I see no devil flying around and the sky isn't purple as I know the Underworld is. As far as I can tell this is human land, not devil. At most you people claim it as such, nothing more and nothing less." I explained, loving to see her glaring at me. It always feels nice when I call people on their bullshit. "But hey, about the question of yours earlier, it is pretty much what is said on the card. I am someone who does any kind of job, from mundane to those more supernatural inclined ones, as long as there is a decent enough paycheck in the end."

"I see, but still if you know about us then this makes it easier. Would you consider joining my peerage?" Sona proposes and I answer instantly.

"Fuck no." I answered instantly, with no hesitation whatsoever. "I have no intention of becoming an eternal slave to anyone, thanks. But, if you have something you need some muscle to take care of and wants my help we can always negotiate a price." I said easily to her.

"I will keep that in mind. Now, could you release my peerage?" She asks and I nod, but just as I was about to release them I notice something, or rather, someone.

"*MUNCH* *MUNCH* *MUNCH*" Koneko, at some point, sneaked into this place and was eating the candy I had produced. We exchanged gazes and she kept staring for a moment before giving me a thumbs up. "Leave it to me, I will take care of this." She says, her face glistening with sugar and in her hands is a big piece of candy.

"... Well, that is fine. But, remember that lunch is in an hour and I had some extra ready for you. I made spaghetti." I say and her eyes shine as I say this, she then looks at the people enclosed in candy. She looks pensive before giving me a serious face filled with a determination one would have when they are about to face a dragon.

"I will manage it." She says before turning back to the candy. I shrug at this and turn to Sona.

"I can make you a deal, though. While I refuse to become a peerage member to you I could become the contracted magician for someone in your peerage. With this, it would make it clear to you that I am not by any means your enemy unless you provoke me into being one."

"... That is acceptable, however, we will need to discuss this a bit before we can agree to anything." She says and I nod.

"Of course, but, I would kinda need someone to help me into even being able to be recognized as a magician first." I said shamelessly and Sona blinks at me with surprise.

"... What is it that you lack to be considered a magician?" She asks and I give a big toothy grin before answering.

"Absolutely everything. I have never learned how to use magic." I answered and her face is enough to make me want to laugh it out.

"We will certainly have to think even more on it then." Sona sighed before thinking for a moment and spoke up. "Before you leave, face me in a game of chess."

"Why?" I ask, not getting what she wants with this.

"Playing chess one can understand his opponent. If I am to allow one of my peerage members to become your contracted devil then I want to make sure of your character."

I call bullcrap as I doubt this whole 'understand your opponent' schtick she speaks about, I honestly think she just wants to play the game, but if this is what I must do if I am to be taught magic then it is a small price to pay.

Sitting down in front of her we started playing. I could swear I heard Koneko in the back whispering 'best power ever' while her cheeks were stuffed like if she was a chipmunk and looking blissful.

... She is lucky this is a weird anime-world otherwise she would be fat as fuck already.


3° Person P.O.V.

"So, that happened." Reya, one of Sona's Bishops, said with a forced smile.

"I need a bath. I stink of candy now." Momo grunted in annoyance from how her skin smells and how she feels herself all sticky.

"Regardless, I gotta say that the candy was quite hard. It was hard to fight back after being caught." Tsubasa complained as she moved her limbs to try and stretch herself a bit.

While these three were talking Tsubaki approached her King.

"So, Kaichou, it seems like we have a potentially dangerous sacred gear user on our hands." Tsubaki said and Sona looked dazed there for a moment before blinking twice to focus on what was said and then nodded at her Queen's words.

"True. He didn't confirm if he is a sacred gear user or not, but what else can explain such an unusual power?" Sona said before reclining in her chair and sighing. "This just got a whole lot more complicated. We have no idea what his limits are and if he truly has no allegiance with someone from other pantheons."

"True, but he seems willing to cooperate. In truth, his proposal for forming a magician contract would be a good way for us to make sure he is on our side and also help in perhaps him coming to know us better. Maybe he wouldn't be so unwilling to join then." Tsubaki said and Sona nodded.

"Perhaps, but it would still be dangerous for the person that makes the contract and there is also the fact that, first, we would need to actually teach him magic." Sona said and Tsubaki nodded her head.

"Kaichou, that would certainly trouble whoever makes a contract with him. We would not get anything from it for a long time and we can't yet be sure of much about him." Momo protested, still annoyed with how she now could sense her skin covered in sugar and not wanting to risk getting herself involved more than absolutely necessary with the one that can use this sort of power on a whim.

Sona, in honesty, can agree with Momo. Magician contract isn't something that can't be changed forever, but it still is important, especially when the devil is still young. Sona has no desire of making the development of her peerage members be stunted or have them suffer losses based on something that favors Sona.

However, a part of her rebuffed such affirmation. What she saw in that game just now was just how intelligent Ace truly was, his playstyle was honestly similar to Sona's own being extremely efficient and she had to admit she took a few scares during some moments of the game. From his plays she also determined that he was also quite possessive of what he has, he would not easily sacrifice any of his pieces, and even when he did he would make sure to take a tool for it.

In truth, had he been an experienced magician Sona would make a contract with him herself, she could see herself and him getting along quite decently (that the power he emanated when he made her peerage freeze made Sona's own instincts as a devil flare-up being a factor).

"... I have a suggestion." It was at this moment that the weirdly silent Ruruko spoke up, drawing attention to herself. Normally she was quite outspoken and would not have been this quiet, but she was being quite silent there and now she spoke up. "I could try and get to know him for a bit more. If he is not that bad a person then I wouldn't mind making a contract with him."

"Ruruko, are you sure? This sort of contract may impact your future and you wouldn't be able to do another for some time after you make one." Sona warned, this was not a simple decision and could affect her future development, but Ruruko simply nodded.

"I am. Honestly speaking the fact I won't be able to get another contract besides one with a complete novice magician wouldn't really trouble me since I have zero requests right now." Ruruko said with a downcast expression before raising her head with a strong face. "But, if I can make him a powerful magician then I am sure I would get tons of requests later and be super popular and be able to reject offers from weaklings all I want!"

Everyone could see her point, but one of them commented.

"... Isn't it just because you have a sweet tooth and he could make as much candy as you could possibly want?" Tsubasa commented and Ruruko gave a grim back at her.

"That is a bonus, yes." Ruruko said. "That he is also hot helps too." Ruruko said with a smirk that caused the other girls to laugh.

"You are such a horny little girl." Reya said and Ruruko just shrugged.

"Who cares, better than lying to yourself all the time."

Sona, seeing this, spoke up.

"Ruruko, while I can agree to your proposal I want you to be careful about it and if anything happens you are to report to me immediately."

"Yes, Kaichou!"


Ace's P.O.V.

After all that regarding Sona I am half expecting that she or Rias to send familiars to watch over me. Honestly, it is to be expected if they are to do this.

Suddenly my phone started to ring.

"I'm sexy and I know it"

I smirk as I hear the ringtone. Say what you will but I honestly like 'Sexy And I Know it' by LMFAO. Certainly beats Isane's ringtone that is just a girl moaning from a hentai (last month it was a male moaning instead, at least she is not a fujoshi).

... My cousin has serious problems, but if her male version could become a 'harem king' in the DxD anime then this world is also all kinds of fucked up. In this world I could believe, she is pretty hot in her own way, but in the other world? Yeah, this world is weird.

Thankfully the Bleach side is not so baaa... wait, forget what I just said. Kenpachi already makes the Bleach side no less fucked up. Count the broken skills of people like Aizen and Yhwach, specially Yhwach who I have no idea how can be even defeated, then you get yourself a different type of fucked up than the one from DxD.

Stopping this train of thought I concentrate back on the phone, answering it. As this is my professional phone I put a smile on my face as I speak up.

"Odd-Jobs Ace, you got a problem I have a solution." I answer with a cheerful tone, no longer carrying if anyone sees me doing this.

"A-tan, Kensei is being a meanie and a bully!" A troublesome person called me.

Sighing I already know who it is and know for a fact that she is most certainly exaggerating matters way beyond what she should.

"Then? What you want me to do? Last I checked I couldn't hope to do anything against Kensei and the last time you tricked me into trying something he made me work my ass off in his spartan training regime." I answered her back, phantom pains in most of my muscles at those memories (my bet is that if I did any more of his training I could open the Eight Gates). Not that my words had any effects on the girl on the other side of the phone as she kept sniffing.

"But, but, he was such a meanie. He said I am not the cutest and have a flaccid butt! I don't want to be with him now, can I stay with you for a while? It will only be until he regrets it." She says and I count the good and bad parts of that idea.

The bad part is that she can be quite annoying and having her here will most likely make a whole lot of things more troublesome. The good part is that, considering how she usually dresses, Isane will focus on someone else besides me to perv at home.

... If the pay is good enough then that is fine.

"Sure, I believe I can do something about it without any issue. But, can you pay me?" I ask just to make sure.

"Yup, I made sure to take enough money to be able to get by until Kensei comes asking for forgiveness!" She says, most definitely giving a thumbs up and a wide smile on the other side of the phone.

I can already imagine how the others there will react when they realize they don't have any money as she stole it all away. Well, if she gives it to me then they can forget about getting any of it back. Daddy here needs more tickets as he REALLY wants a Logia.

"Very well, where are you anyway?" I ask.

"I am on the outskirts of Karakura city." The girl, Mashiro Kuna, said.

"That works. You can go to a place called the Kurosaki Clinic. Get any taxi and they can drop you there. I will talk with the owner about you and they will let you stay there until I get to you later today." I say and the girl seemed to agree.

"Understand, also, thanks." Se said and hang up without hesitation. You know, I understand that this world seems to have been designed to fuck with me, but the fact that I know all the Visored well certainly makes me wonder if my luck became shitty or if I was born with this terrible luck.

How else to describe that, since I was 13 and started these works, I had met more than my fair share of people from the supernatural world via my small odd-jobs work? And what were the chances that people like the Visored had no idea how to fix a damn TV or that I had to help a certain white-haired Valkyrie in finding her boss that let her behind in a strip club (the old man really should stop messing around with her, any boss should treat their employee better than that)? I already had to deal with such absurd jobs that make me wonder just who did I screw over in my previous life.

Speaking of which, that white-haired cheapskate still owes me two thousand dollars for finding Odin for her and that I had to pay for his tab in that strip club. It really doesn't surprise me that Rossweisse is single despite her amazing looks and intelligence, she can't even pay back what she owes to me, I WANT MY MONEY!

Taking a deep breath to calm my mood I proceeded to call Ichigo and explained the situation to him.

"HUH?! You are sending someone potentially dangerous to my house!? The hell is wrong with you to do that?" Ichigo exploded and I let the phone a bit distant from my ear until he stooped his ranting.

"Ichigo, buddy buddy buddy, don't need to act like that. It will just be for a few hours at most. As soon as I get out of school I will drop by and take him away. It isn't that much to ask considering how much I helped you over the years, your tab is quite large." I said and I could hear him grumbling about two-faced mercenary and money-grabber over the phone.

Isn't it nice when someone compliments you this much?

In the end, he agreed to it, it is nice to know he still is a pushover behind all that tough exterior of his.

"Catch the perverts! Today they will pay!" Sudden shouts could be heard outside and it was so loud that even over the phone Ichigo could hear it.

"... Let me guess, your cousin." Ichigo said and, even over the phone, I could swear I can hear his deadpan.

"Who else?" I shot back with a bit of amusement.

"Go and take care of it, also, make sure she doesn't come anywhere close to my house. If I see her trying to perve on my sisters again I will become an advocate of equal gender rights and beat her up." Ichigo said and I this time laughed out loud without much restrain.

"Dude, if you do that a lot of people would likely thank you for it. Also, I would have to beat you up and probably break your arm, friend or not I can't let somebody just do that," I said and Ichigo sighed, agreeing with me. we both were quite protective of our respective families even if both of us knew that with some (his father and my cousin) you need a certain 'special touch' in the way to handle them.

After we talked some more we said our goodbyes and finished the call.

As I am on the first floor I can see Isane and the perverted duo running in the distance. They are about thirty meters away. It is about time to go home now so I have my backpack with me. Looking over it I see some small metal balls I always have inside just in case I need it (it can come quite in handy and my Sniper skill really helps with it).

Taking two of them I took aim and throw the three, making the perverted duo fall down just in time as they are now caught by the kendo club.

Two of them, Katase and Murayama, turn to look for who helped them and I waved at them.

They smile brightly at this before turning to the two perverts and giving them their well-deserved beating. Isane managed to escape, she really needs to find a different hobby than spying on other girls.

However, considering the number of times I got awakened during the night because Isane forgot to use his headphones while playing Eroges I can honestly say this is unlikely to happen.

Seeing as she won't be getting physically punished for what I am quite sure is either peeping or taking pictures of other girls, I will give her an alternative punishment.

Oh, I know. Let's take away all her toys, that should make her frustrated.

With my good action of the day done, I move to leave school grounds. As the class ended by now everything is fine and I have no reason to stay further. I feel that if I do stay further it is entirely possible Rias will try and talk with me and I don't want to have to explain to her desperate self that no amount of titties are enough for me to become her slave.

"Ace-kun, can we talk for a moment!" A girl's voice rang from the back. Turning to the person calling to me I see Ruruko Nimura coming to me.

Ruruko is a short girl with brown hair in long twin ponytails that reach her butt and quite beautiful green eyes that seem energetic and full of life. She wears a pair of green clips in her hair that gives her a more girly tone and she also wears striped green stockings that bring attention to her honestly beautiful legs.

She is not a devastating beauty like Akeno, Rias, or Sona but she is honestly more my type. Someone I feel it is easier to just talk with.

"Do you need me for something, Ruruko-san?" I ask her.

"Yes, I wanted to ask you something." She says.

Well, now I am curious. If she wants to ask something regarding my powers or the proposal I gave Sona then she would likely not do it in a place where there are students passing by, so I wonder what exactly she wants to talk with me about.

"Sure, ask away." I said to her easily enough."

"If you are not busy tonight, would you go on a date with me?" She said and as she said that the world stopped.

No, I am not exaggerating, the world literally ground to a halt as my system screen appeared in front of me.


System Update

Due to triggering a unique event, the System updated to better suit this amusi- I mean, this specific situation.

- Status Updated

- Current Relationships Menu Unlocked

- Title Menu Unlocked

- Achievement Menu Unlocked



The hell is this?!

Wait, calm down, there must be a completely plausible explanation for what is going on. I look at Ruruko as time starts rolling again.

[Ruruko Nimura, Affection (3/100)]

... Fuck.

Fucking stinky asshole satan!

Whoever sent me here not only send me to a world that is pretty much on the way to it's doom many times over, not only made me not have an option but helping, and not only made me have a system that basically demands me to get money like crazy if I am to get any chance of not dying before I even reach my twenties.

No, the asshole that sends me here was not satisfied with that.

They even went ahead and made this system have a ridiculous dating-sims aspect to it!

Can someone maybe just, like, stab me with a rusty dull knife, right in the gut? Just REALLY twist it in there. Cuz that honestly seems less painful than what my future looks like right now.



So, the system was updated to fuck with Ace over. Don't worry, this system won't really intervene much with his fights or anything, it is more to show how his current relationships are going and for a bit of a comedic effect depending on the situation (I can see Akeno's affection rising when Ace beats her up during training).

Anyway, we have had a lot in this chapter. I want to hear the opinions of everyone regarding what happened and your thoughts on the chapter. Follow, Favorite, and Review, especially Review.

Next chapter