
The Summoner

On their way back to the village Ken could see villagers on the walls packing up their tools and heading in for the night. He couldn't help but think what would've happened if he hadn't been summoned. After all the beast had managed to tear down half of the northern wall while making its way into the village. He looks at Yur solemnly. (It's hard to believe that just a day ago she was a sliver away from dying. I have so many questions like what is this place called and what was that creature that almost destroyed everything including her? Screw it the origins of this place can wait. I need to know about what that creature was and if there are still more of them.)

Yur sees ken looking at her lost in thought. (Should I say something to him? He looks so confused. Did I do something odd or say something weird?) She tenses up a bit 'Is there something on your mind?' Her question breaks Ken's concentration and he realizes he's been staring at her for quite some time. (Shit! I'm still not used to being with someone. I can't get randomly lost in thought anymore. I'm no longer a shut-in after all.) Ken smiles and replies to her with a nod. 'I want to know what that spiked bear was.' Yur nods her head and explains ' That spiked bear is a monster that is given life from a dungeon. Creatures from a dungeon are usually called Raho. They usually stay inside the dungeon. However, if the dungeon continues to grow stronger the weaker Raho will be forced to leave and that's when villages get attacked. Raho only attack humanoids. We still don't know the reason why but all of this wouldn't have happened if the adventures from Kaladan didn't ignore our request to investigate the dungeon we'd spotted a month ago near the village.' Ken shakes his head and lets out a sigh. (So your telling me the only reason they were attacked is that no one came to clear the dungeon a month ago. Yur almost died and pulled me into this situation because her own people wouldn't help them! That's fucked up no matter how I try to look at it. Anyway, if these dungeons can grow stronger it almost sounds like they're a living thing so I'll ask about that.) Ken holds back his disappointment at what he just heard and asks. 'So these dungeons grow stronger does that mean they're a living thing?' Yur's eyes widen for a second before she smiles and says 'Good guess Mister Ken. The dungeons have a core on the last floor it's essentially their heart. Not only will the Raho get stronger. The number of floors will also increase when it has time to grow.' her smile fades as she looks at Ken and puts her hand on his shoulder. 'My father is the head of the village and he is purposing that after the feast we should send you into the dungeon to clear it out. Since I summoned you he thinks I have control over you but the fact you are able to move without following my orders means you're no longer contracted to me. I could barely even get you to wake up after all!' Yur takes her hand off and gives Ken a hug. Ken returns her actions with a solemn expression and wraps his arms around her. (Wow, I can't believe she just told me that! Clearly I could just run away from this crappy situation now, but then this village would be destroyed in no time. This is practically a suicide mission though. I mean sure my shade demon was able to take out that spiked Raho but that was the weakest one! Yur said it herself the weakest Raho' get kicked out of the dungeon. I don't know how I should respond to this. I'm glad she told me but now what? I would be a huge dick for running away and leaving her here to die. Maybe I could take her with me? No that wouldn't work she has family here so I doubt she would be up for leaving them on these terms. Even after hearing Yur's confession am I still going to have to risk my life anyway? What will happen if I perish in this world? Oh, I know! My shade demon is also a summon! I remember him telling me if I think hard enough about him that I would be able to talk to h--- ) [Master I'm going, to be honest with you. I've never been summoned by someone who has such a loud mind. I have been listening to everything so far!] The demon lets hard laugh. (Oh, shit my bad haha... So about the dying part?) [Since I'm contracted to you when I die you can choose to revive me with your essence again or break the contract killing me for good. Master, it seems you are no longer contracted to the girl so I have no idea what would happen. I do know if you die I will as well so I'll do my best to guard you.] (Hmm okay thanks I should give you a name soon. Since it seems you will be with me for quite some time. I'll do that later tonight and I'll try to keep my mind quieter haha.) Returning to reality Ken notices Yur staring at him now. 'I um thanks for telling me. I promise whatever happens I won't blame you for it.' Ken smiles and pats her head a few times. Her eyes begin to water as she buries her face into his chest. (She really is still a kid in my eyes. Maybe 16? I could be wrong but I'm certainly not going to ask her right now though. This is the first time someone has confided in me like this. Even if I die at least I got to experience what it's like to have someone care about you. She barely knows me but feels so guilty for summoning me here that she's balling her eyes out. I don't think someone with such a pure soul could ever be found in my world. I've made up my mind. I'll go into the dungeon, but I'm not going to die. I refuse to. I'll beat the shit out of that core and after all this is done. I'll ask her to travel to Kaladan with me to find out why they ignored this village in their time of need. ) Ken pushes her away slowly and lifts up her chin to look at her. 'Don't worry I won't die. I promise you I'll come back and when I do I have something to ask you. So, for now, you gotta hold in those tears because we got a big festival to attend' He smiles, grabs her hand and pulls her along with him through the gate. Her face became red and didn't say a word to Ken. (Was I a bit too rough on her? I wonder what she's thinking right now? Oh, well I can't start pondering on things like that. I need to think up a way to get stronger before I go into the dungeon. As we are right now the shade demon and I will perish on the first floor. Hell, maybe even the entrance.) Yur looks at her hand (I can't believe I just cried on his chest. There must be something wrong with me. I even told him about my father's plans! I'll surely be punished for that if he ever finds out. I just can't handle the fact that I am the reason this man has to be here. Yur whispers 'Status' And look up at Ken (Good, he didn't notice.) She looks at her info and the skill that brought Ken to this world.

[Level 1 Summoner: Yur Lerial]

[Health 10/10] [Essence [0/1000]]

[Strength: 4 Intelligence: 20 Dexterity: 5 Luck: 100 Vitality: 10 ]

[Skill: Last Summon Essence cost: All]


[Summons a random creature.]

Yur looks at the screen with unease. (When everyone found out during the baptism that I was a summoner they were so happy. Our village finally gave birth to someone who could fend off the monsters. Everyone with a talent of some kind will get a skill during the baptism. When you used your skill enough times you would level up and learn a new skill. However, everyone stopped celebrating when they found out my skill was a curse. I couldn't use it or I would never be able to summon something ever again. Even if I raised my essence to absurd levels it wouldn't matter. The skill consumes all essence and unlike a mage who's essence will regenerate. A summoner's essence will only regenerate after the death of its summon. I bet my father's real reason for sending Ken to the dungeon is to hope for his death. He has always wanted me to become an adventurer and follow in my mother's footsteps, but even if I truly level up after he dies I would be disgusted with myself. Ken saved my life and continues to try and lift my spirits! How could I possibly want this man to die !? Screw becoming an adventurer. I'm fine with just being normal, but even after I warned Ken he still wants to go. What do I do!?) Ken looks back and notices Yur starting to cry again and let's go of her hand. 'Sorry for being in a hurry. I shouldn't have pulled you along like that but please don't cry now. People are giving me angry stares. Yur shakes her head and calms down. 'It's not your fault Ken. Thanks for putting up with me. I'm okay now.' Yur gives off a sweet genuine smile and takes his hand back. 'How about we get something to eat ?' Ken smiles back and thinks (it's the first time she's called me Ken. I guess we have gotten a bit closer after that chat.) 'Sure, I could eat something' Yur drags Ken over to one of the many food stalls found in the center of the village. They were put together at the last second for the festival. Ken notices a few nails that haven't been hammered in all the way and gives a small chuckle. (This'll be the first time I've attended a festival and The first time being dragged along by a girl. This is almost like a date but I don't know how to feel about that. She looks a little too young for me. Maybe now's the time to ask her since she's in a better mood. Okay, it's bothering me a lot actually I need to know.) [Master, Sorry to interrupt but I thought you said you were going to keep it down haha.] (Shit my bad!) [It's fine I just find it amusing. Though do you come from a world where age matters?] (Definitely! only weirdos would like someone 10 years younger than them and they would be in jail depending on the age!) [That's very odd to me. As soon as I was born I started looking for a mate and found one. There was no risk of this jail you speak of ] (Listen to me demon! That's totally wrong! There is no way that should be the case!) [Hey, calm down Yur is yelling at you right now. You better respond before she gets mad.] (Oh, damn it man) Yur had her cheeks puffed out and a meat skewer in her hand that was outstretched wanting ken to take it from her. 'Sorry, I was talking to the shade demon using the link he taught me. We had an argument and I totally zoned out my bad.' Ken takes the skewer and Yur looks at him. (I kind of wish we had a link too.) She shakes her head getting rid of the thought. 'It's okay but you need to pay more attention to your surroundings especially if you plan on going into the dungeon alone. ' Ken nods his head. 'Good point. I'll try my best. Yur smiles at him 'Good.' A Brief silence happens as they stare at each other. Seizing the silence the stall worker says ' That'll be 400 Gild. Yur looks away from ken and turns towards the stall. She opens up her leather pouch and pulls out a small brown bag that makes a jingle sound as she opens the bag up to. She pulls out two small dark purple coins and hands them to the stall worker. 'Thank you for your service. Oh, and you two should head along the festival is about to start any minute now.' Yur nods and proceeds to drag Ken off to the village center.

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