
You're not happy?

Everyone was shocked by the sudden news. After a few minutes, Brittany was the first person to shout for joy. They didn't even bother about other customer who's still having their meal. In fact, even they were excited watching interesting drama that's happening. When they heard Lyla announced that she's pregnant, they too were happy but more amuse looking at the people around Lyla's reaction especially Dylan who's still looking blank. It took a few minutes more to finally grasp what his wife said before he hugged her tightly only to remember that she's in a delicate situation so he loosen his grip and slowly let Lyla off him. He looked at her who's still crying and kisses her forehead multiple times. Brittany who can't be patient anymore finally went to her bestfriend and hug her gently when Dylan manage to give a small warning to her.

"I'm so happy for you. Is that why you went out secretly today?" she asked. Lyla just nodded because she's still can't stop crying.

"Congratulation Lyla. Can't believe you're going to be a mom. It seems the both of us need to work hard if we want to let our kids married each other." Alexander said and hugging his wife's shoulder. Giving a subtle hint making Brittany shove his stomach with her sharp elbow. Lyla tried to smile and laugh at his joke but she still can't stop crying making everyone around her frown. Dylan was feeling flabbergasted because he don't know what happen to her that made her cry this way. Did the doctor say anything or what? Why is she crying so hard? He couldn't help but to hold her gently trying to soothe her crying but to no avail.

"Hey, sweetheart. What's wrong? I'm not angry. I'm just worried. Did the doctor said anything?" He tried to ask and lift her head to look at him. She just shake her head and the tears keep on flowing like it doesn't end. Even Alexander and Brittany feeling perplexed. They hardly saw her cry but why is it the news of her being pregnant is making Lyla cry so hard?

"Sweetheart, tell me what's wrong? Did someone bully you just now?" Dylan tried again. However she just shake her head.

"Did the doctor said there's something wrong with the pregnancy?"

Again, the same answer.

"Are you scared that i got angry?" Another shake.


"Then, you're not happy?" This time she nodded making everyone took a deep breath. All thinking the same thing. She wasn't happy with the pregnancy.

"Why?" Dylan's voice become hard when he thought she wanted to abort the baby. Their baby.

"The...fffood." She finally blurted it out. With a lot of sobbing.



"...The food?" Dylan asked, unsure. Seeing her nod her head giving him a headache.

"What do you mean the food?" Lyla point at the plastic bag that have all the food that she wants to eat on the floor and wail loudly like a little kid.

"It's all gone." She cry out loud. Brittany and Alexander was speechless. All this time, the suspense and the sadness is all because of the food that she drop? Dylan's eye twitch a little bit wanting to laugh at her reaction but knowing she will be more sad if he laugh just pat her on her back, trying to give her comfort. He can't believe his genius wife will cry over something like this so badly. And this is the first time he saw his wife crying like that. Probably it's because she's pregnant she's been acting so delicate like today. Her weird behavior for the past week were answered. He's going to be a father. With Lyla as the mother. There's nothing happier than that. But first, he need to make Lyla stop crying and bring her home so she can rest.

"Sweetheart, we can buy again the food. Would you like that?" Consoling his wife is important right now. What he didn't expect was she start crying louder. Can he say he regret making his wife pregnant at this moment?

"Why dear? What's wrong?"

"I don't remember what did i buy." Her sobbing turns loud. Dylan hiding his smile.

"Then we'll go back to the town and drive around so you can remember what you bought. Is that okay?" Seeing Lyla nod her head and start smiling, everyone start to feel relaxed. Dylan gave Jake a glance and holding Lyla's waist, they went out to buy the food that she wanted. Alexander and Brittany who was watching the scene was dumbfounded. They didn't know being pregnant can change a person so much.

After few hours of buying the food that Lyla wants to eat, they finally went back home. Dylan straight away lift Lyla who's been sleeping after eating various snack, put her on the bed making her comfortable before he went back to the car. Taking other food that she haven't eat so he can store it inside the fridge with Jake's help. Before Jake left, Dylan manage to give new orders to him and then dismiss him for the day. Dylan went back inside the room and straightaway went to the bathroom to take a bath and freshen up. It has been a long day. Looking at his sleeping wife, he smile happily. His wife is two months pregnant. Few more months, they're going to welcome a new family member. Their house, after the sudden request of his wife to expand here and there doesn't look small any longer. It's perfect for the new member. He will protect this happiness and his family no matter what happen.

"I love you Lyla Hart." He whispered to her before hugging her to sleep.

Yup. Another one. Oh yeah. Since i'm not sleepy, so i manage to update another chapter. Please leave a comment. Would love to read some comments. And do vote or rate this story if you like it.

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