

Staring at the newly added person at the dining table in his mansion makes his blood boil. But looking at the situation at the current moment more or less dissipated his anger. Braxton was enjoying his dinner at the other end while at the other end, Dylan was staring at the woman who's been avoiding him ever since he got here trying to bring her back home. He ignored Braxton present all together.

"Sweetheart, you still don't want to talk to me? Do you still want to stay here?" He ask trying to hear her voice. All the time she wasn't around, his day turn worst than ever. He's been looking for her and has been scolding his man for being too slow at cracking the code that his wife design. In the end, he uses his underworld connection to search for his wife. He didn't use the complicated signal that his wife created since it will expose the underworld about Lyla. He rather use his own way and even though it took quite a while but he finally pin point the person who took his wife. Without wasting anymore time, he set off bringing a couple of people with him. Before that, he manage to give out few orders. To destroy his other enemies so that he can ensure his wife safety after this. And after all of that, his own wife couldn't even bother to go home with him. Making him feeling all his effort has turn into nothing. Seeing how his wife still keeping her mouth shut, he sighed.

"I was having a hard time to decode your complicated design, wife. It took my team forever to do so and i even had to fired most of them because they couldn't decipher it. In the end, i use my own way to find you. While doing so, i destroy all of my other enemies just so they couldn't do anything towards you anymore. The only reason i let Braxton off, is mainly i don't want to alert him. I'm sorry it took me long time to get to you but no matter where you are and no matter how long it took me to find you, my love for you never fade. I've said what i wanted to say and if you insist on staying here, then i can't force you either. I'll make sure to visit you every now and then. If you change your mind, let me know. I'll always be waiting for you at our house. Take care of her Braxton." After saying what he wanted to say, he got up and left the dining hall. He never turn his face around and look at Lyla again.

Braxton who was enjoying the extra entertainment was alarmed when he saw Dylan walked away and in that instance Lyla's face change. He grimaced. He knew those signs. It was the signs of another episodes of her. He can never understand women. Their action never synchronize with their heart. The moment her tears rolled down her cheek, he got up and ran after Dylan. He caught with Dylan in no time.

"Damn it Dylan!!! You better bring back your wife with you right at this instance. She's going to harm herself if this keep up. You know she didn't mean it like that. She's pregnant. Must you take things seriously? What kind of husband are you?" He yelled at Dylan who was at the front step of his house. Dylan stop and turn around.

"Tell her that. I've said what i wanted to say, the rest is up to her." Dylan said coldly.

"Stop sulking. She's just being emotionally unstable. I'm sure if you come back in right now, she's going to start hugging you."

"That's not it. She just wanted us to reconcile. I told her it's impossible considering you're still blaming me for your sister's death. She was already fine as soon as i saw her but because i refuse this request of hers she's being difficult again."

"Then...just now...why?" Braxton couldn't even finish his question because he was stunned. Lyla wants Dylan to reconcile with him? Why is it so important to the point she's being difficult? Hearing the loud wailing Lyla and Dylan's grim face makes him stuck in the middle. How did things become so complicated? Just how did his kidnap planned gone wrong? Crash!!! Braxton close his eyes wondering what else did Lyla hurl this time. Dylan wanted to go to Lyla when he heard the loud crash but he doesn't want to make things worse. Thus, he just stood there. He can only hope Lyla wouldn't get hurt. Braxton was already cursing fiercely when he heard another crash. In the end, he drag Dylan back into the dining hall and his heart bleed when he saw the expensive vintage plate scattered on the floor. It became a thousand pieces. Lyla was still crying but she stop throwing things. She only look at them in her hiccup.

"Lyla, we made up already. It was my fault for blaming Dylan wrongly. I know i was supposed to investigate more about my sister's death but i was in grieve and couldn't think straight. It was wrong of me to let him take the fault. I know who did it but i was blinded. So, can you please stop crying and go home with Dylan? It's not good for the baby to stay away from their dad too long. Your baby will think i'm the father." Lyla finally stopped her crying. And look at him in an annoyed manner. Now, what did he do?

"You're ugly. I don't you to be their father." After saying that, she ran straight towards Dylan and hug her husband tight. Hiding her face on his chest and snuggle like she always do. Braxton felt like he's been shot straight to the heart. What did she say? I'm ugly? He looked towards both of them only to see Dylan's smug face which annoyed him more. He save the entire country only to be stepped on?

"Thank you for your hard work and i forgive you." Dylan's word is not helping the situation at all. It just make his blood boil faster. These outrageous husband and wife!!! They better not come near him or else.

A month later, Braxton was hanging around at Lyla's restaurant. He's been coming here after the both of them went back to their house in K city. Two days later, he follows saying he has business there. And that was a month ago. Dylan who saw him eating his dinner there couldn't help but sigh.

"You must have been lonely since we left. Is that why you're here for the tenth time?" Dylan said as he sat down. Braxton cough loudly when he heard what he said.

"Who's lonely? My business here is still unfinished. And i'm just making your wife richer. You should be thankful i'm eating at this small restaurant instead of the luxury hotel out there."

"That includes buying a house here also?" Dylan asked nonchalantly. Braxton pause.

"How did you know?"

"You do realize i somehow had control over this city ever since my wife got pregnant? Her cravings made me do impossible things."

"Will her cravings made you become the president of the country later?" Braxton asked jokingly.

"Let's just hope it stays like this. I'm just hoping she won't regret it after having a baby." Braxton became speechless. He didn't know what kind of woman Lyla is but she's one amazing person that can somehow made Dylan even greater than before. He's not just a King in the business world. In this city, he's the most important person who has his hand full solving the people's problem. They only left a month ago. And this happen.

My phone is dead. I need to face this dreadful situation. darn it...

Dlysycreators' thoughts
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