

"Woah, Woah" A baby cry sounded near the room which Jonathan was standing next to. After a few moments the door of the room was shut open and an old lady came out of the room.

"Jonathan, it's a boy this time" She wasn't very excited about this baby's birth.

"Ohh, what is his serial number?" Jonathan however was a bit excited for his newborn child.

"Two thousand seven hundred and thirty two." The old lady was getting tired and yawned while replying to his inquiry.

"Wow! I really am a king." Jonathan was very happy with his achievements. He did a very good job at contributing for his country. He now have about five thousand offsprings. That's not a shocking part of the news. What shocking is everyday about four or five of his concubines give birth. This is what you call, "Achievements".

"What are you gonna name him?" The old lady asked again to take note of this child.

"How about John770?" Jonathan excitedly named his newborn child.

"Whatever." The old lady wrote it down and went back into the room. Another one of Jonathan's concubine will give birth soon.

Day's went by as John770 grew up. He wasn't someone special in his fathers army. After he grew up even his father wasn't able to recognize if he was a stranger or his offspring. Whatever that's a boring case to share. But something great happened in John770's life, which is going change his life from now on.

He met a girl. No, not one of his sisters. A mysterious girl. She came in his dreams and told him that if he can go to the end of the world then he would be able to meet her and even marry her. All he needs to do is travel there and rescue her from her evil father. She was beautiful, truly beautiful. John770 saw beautiful girls in dozens. From his father's harem to his sisters none of them were not beauties but this girl was something special.

This girl also taught him some magic spells which can save his life if he is in danger.

She came to his dreams every night and talked with him. She told him how she grew up and what her evil father did.

John770 was getting ready secretly to rescue his princess. He stole a lot of gold coins from her father's treasury with a lot of efforts and then left the country.

But this is not what actually changed his life. What changed his life happened after he left his country.

He arrived a nearby country called "Balls and Sticks". He went to the magical beast renting facility of the country and used all of his gold coins to buy a flying magical beast to travel to the end of the world. After he left the facility with his new magical beast, for some reason the magical beast shook him off it's back on top of a jungle and left. Before John770 could realize anything, he fell into the jungle and after hitting into branch to branches he was able to preserve his life but soon after he lost consciousness.

The girl came to his dreams again today but she was looking very happy. When John770 approached her she suddenly shook her head and told him that someone else already rescued her and that person was one of the few thousand young men she connected via her dream magic. And she then bid farewell to the speechless John770.

John770 opened his eyes. His whole body was in pain but he was only looking at the sky or whichever part of the sky was visible from under the trees.

This was the event that changed John770's life for the worst.

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