
Bye bye!

After staying for two weeks in Mirifical Enthral and learning about them, Aurielle, Remy, and Dylan were finally ready to continue their journey.

"So you're telling me, there's no way to enter Mirifical Enthral without the guidance of the forest's spirit?" Remy asked.

"Yeah. Mirifical Enthral is hidden behind these woods, Dyrne the Lost Forest. No one dare to venture inside it so they never knew Mirifical Enthral was here. Living up to its name, Dyrne; hidden, and deceitful, people will be lost if they ever entered it." Emi explained as they reached the edge of it.

They looked at the gloomy towering forest, the walls of Mirifical Enthral.

"This is where we part ways, I hope we meet again soon." Emi said to Aurielle. They shake hands.

"Thank you for the hospitality, it's been a wondrous experience." Aurielle thank her.

"No worries, we are happy to have you as our guests." Emi smiles at her. Then, Aurielle moved to Cole and shakes his hands.

"Thank you for saving us from the golem." Cole's turn to be thanked.

"No problem." He said while giving her a thumbs-up.

"So where are you heading after this?" She asked him.

"I had a place in mind, got a job myself. How about you guys?" Cole asked her in return.

"We probably gonna take some time and practice more. Meeting you guys made us want to improve ourselves because we realized how weak we were when we fight that golem. The next time we meet, we will be stronger, so be prepared." Aurielle confidently reminded them.

"That's good. It's never wrong to get stronger. I will be anticipating it." Cole gave his approval.

"We need to go too, Lucius." Cole turns to him.

"No." Shortly he replied.

"Hah?! No? What do you mean by that?" Cole was in disbelief.

"I'm going with her." Lucius looked at Emi, she was surprised herself.

"W-With me?" Emi was speechless. Lucius's sudden announcement made her flabbergasted. That wasn't in her plans.

"We had an agreement!" Cole argued.

"Overdue." Lucius simply counters.

Cole gasped hard, with a shocked face and his hand on his chest, he was obviously taken aback.

Emi chuckled at Cole's reaction, he looks like a drama queen.

"Don't worry Lucius, you don't have to come with me. I can manage." Emi tried to assure him.

"You don't even know anything about the world now and how much it has changed." Lucius said.

"Well… That is true b-but I'll be fine!" Emi insisted, and she smiles confidently.

Lucius squinted his eyes, even Emi can feel his doubtfulness. It was getting awkward even for her.

"Unconvincing." He declared.

Emi swiftly turn her face from embarrassment, she couldn't meet eye-to-eye with him, and her cheeks began to redden. She was never good at hiding her emotions.

"We do need someone to guide our Princess, with the Dark King nowhere, I'm even more afraid to let the Princess go on her adventure all alone." Dawn said, concerned.

"It's fine, Dawn. I really can do this by myself." Emi tries to convince her.

"How could I? I know you are strong but you're just too kind and gullible. I'm afraid that people might take advantage of you. Besides, there are many times you got badly injured because of your carelessness. I can't take those chances, the King would be furious if anything happened to you. At least, if sir White Knight comes with you, he can protect you." Dawn rationalizes with her.

"B-but Dawn, can't you follow me then? It'll feel awkward if it's just two of us." Emi whispered to Dawn and slightly looks at Lucius.

"I'm so sorry, Princess. As the Head of Druids, I have my duties here, besides you shouldn't ask anyone from Mirifical Enthral for help, since none of us did venture outside of our kingdom." Dawn said regretfully.

"Ugh... I'm getting butterflies just thinking about this..." Emi grunts while her hands are on her stomach, anxiety rising up.

"I suppose it will be fine if I'm going with Lucius." Emi hesitated.

"For some reason, I'm suddenly suspicious of White Knight." Remy said.

"Why would you want to follow her? Can you really be trusted?" They eyed him.

"Do not worry, I'll only escort her around. I'm not really that strong to go up against her." Lucius reminded them.

"Ahh, you're right." They are finally down with the idea.

"So you're just abandoning me?" Cole felt bitterness toward Lucius.

"You're a grown-up man now, Cole." Lucius reasoned with him.

"Shut it! I don't need a master like you." Cole crosses his arms, sulking as if he was still a kid.

"So you had the White Knight as your master. How fortunate." They felt jealous about it.

"Not anymore!" Cole sulks. Emi was really amused by his behavior.

"Then, why don't you come with us, Cole? I would be very happy if you can join us." Emi invited which immediately made his face brightens.

"Really?! I would never miss it!" Cole fiercely shakes her hand.

"But-" Lucius clearly didn't like that idea.

"Glad to be on the team! Thank you for taking care of me!" Cole intercepted him. Lucius frowns while Cole smirked with satisfaction.

Emi chuckles, to see the combination of both of them. Cole the little puppy and Lucius a hostile cat. She wondered how they have been together all this time.

"That is a dangerous build of a team." Remy said anxiously.

"I know right" Aurielle agreed. They were worried about future events to come.

"Just make sure you don't come to the Arena." Dylan reminded them.

"Arena? What's that?" Emi was curious.

"It's nothing. Just don't." Dylan smiled hesitantly.

"Hehehehehe." Meanwhile, someone else had a different agenda.

"But of course, we're going there! MWAHAHAHAHA!" Cole laughed wickedly. Lucius sighs, getting tired of Cole's mischievousness.

"What's the Arena, Lucius?" Emi looked at him.

"The Arena is where adventurers around the world can fight openly at their region as an individual or in a team, no division needed. It is a good way to test how strong you currently are and possibly meet new friends or rivals." Lucius explained. Cole was still with his schemes.

"Then, no need." Emi blurted out. Cole can hear his dream shattered.

"But Dragon Princess." Cole made puppy eyes.

"Emi is fine, Cole." She chuckles.

"But Emi, we need to fight them. We will be undefeatable." Cole tries to persuade her.

"I know. We will win." Emi pats his shoulder.

"Aren't you a bit prideful and overconfident about that?" Remy was flabbergasted.

"I'm not. But if I did fight them, they will die." She said calmly. Everyone was taken aback. They felt a murderous aura from her.

"Hahaha. I'm sure you wouldn't do that." Cole laughs awkwardly in cold sweat.

"I won't. But even if I don't fight them back, they will still die." Emi clarified. They went speechless and didn't know what to respond with.

"Anyway, we shouldn't join it. But if you want to join it, I'll let you but exclude me."

She pats his shoulder again. Their height difference was very clear with Emi, a petite young girl, but she treats Cole who was 6ft as if he was a little boy.

"If you say so." Cole drags his feet, dispirited.

"So when will you start traveling?" Aurielle asked her.

"Probably in 3 more days." Emi stated which made Dawn surprised.

"Already? B-but Princess just recently woke up."

Dawn and the others began to be teary, it was shocking news for them. After separating from her for thousands of years, she already wants to part ways with them on such short notice.

"It's better to start now, I've already wasted too much time, just by sleeping. Don't worry Dawn, just call me regularly if you guys miss me." Emi assured her. Dawn nodded slowly, disheartened.

"Alright then, we will be heading to Anima Parea now." Aurielle said.

"Anima Parea?" Emi's eyes dilated in intrigue, she never heard such a name.

"Ohh? Are you guys stationed there?" Cole asked her.

"Yeah. That's where I met all my team members after all." She mentioned. Aurielle hold Emi's hand and placed a small crystal into her palm.

"What is this?" She asked while examining the at least 2 cm long crystal.

It was clear crystal, a magilite. A crystal that contains magic properties, she had lots of it in Mirifical Enthral but the one Aurielle gave to her was very refined.

"That's the crystal for our communication device." Aurielle said.

"Crystal as a communication device? You guys don't use crystal balls anymore?" Emi asked which made Aurielle laugh.

"That way of communication was long forgotten. We used a projector device to connect through the magilite." She explained.

"Here let me." Lucius suddenly asked for the crystal.

Emi gave it to him and he pulled out his arm, on his armband was a small device attached to it, a hexagon-looking device.

Then, he inserted the magilite, into a small hole and pushed a small button beside it.

Aurielle's bracelet glowed, it had a similar device on it but with the shape of a rectangle. She slid her hand on top of the device and showed Emi's face.

"Woah! Cool! Advanced!" Emi was very much astounded by the magical technology.

"You got the HexaCom." Aurielle was impressed.

"HexaCom? Is it rare?" Emi asked.

"''Hexa' origin is from a hexagon meaning it had 6 edges while 'Com' is for communication. It's not rare but pretty pricey. We only manage to get the RectaCom." Aurielle explained.

"So I'm guessing it goes by triangle, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, and decagon, isn't it?" Emi guessed, they were stunned and bewildered at the same time.

"How did you know that? The Coms weren't invented until late 700 years ago. Even so, the education of shapes wasn't yet told until 1000 years ago." Aurielle and the others were suspicious of her.

"Oh? Really? Hahahaaaa." Emi laughed awkwardly. Everyone looked at her in confusion.

"I had my knowledge." She avoided.

"Anyway, you should go now. Thank you for this crystal." Emi quickly pushes them away.

"Yeah... No problem..." They were still bewildered.

"By the way, there are only 5 types of Coms; TriCom, RectaCom, HexaCom, OctaCom, and DekaCom. The higher number of the edge of the crystal, the higher the quality of the image. You can create crystals of your HexaCom and share them with your friends in the future." Aurielle reminded her.

"Hoo. Okay, noted." Emi gave her thumb-ups.

"Here." Lucius hands out a similar crystal to Aurielle.

"This is your contact crystal?" She asked. Lucius just nodded in response.

"Thank you." Aurielle pulled out a leather book, and as she opens it, Emi could see many more crystals just like the one Iris gave, they were placed on slots and had names on them.

She puts the crystal into one empty slot and writes Emi's name.

"There you go. Emi." She showed Emi's name on the book full of crystals.

"Whoaaaaaa! It looks like a research book on types of crystal though it's actually like a phones log, and instead of phone numbers, it's crystals!" Emi muttered in amazement. Lucius's gaze softens, looking at her enthusiasm.

"Phone number?" Once again they were weirded out by her.

"Oh, it's nothing. Hehe." Emi smiles sheepishly.

"Alright then, we should get going now, Anima Parea is weeks away from here." Aurielle said.

"Well then, be careful on your ways" Cole wishes them safe travel.

"Goodbye, everyone." Emi waves at the three of them.

"Goodbye for now. We'll meet again soon." Remy winked at them.

"You guys too take care." Dylan reminded.

"Goodbye, Dragon Princess, White Knight, and Ashen Adventurer." Aurielle said while chuckling.

"Seriously, don't come to the Arena. I don't want to fight you guys." Remy exclaimed.

"May we cross paths in the future, Emi!" Aurielle said.

"Aurielle, Remy, and Dylan too, hope we can meet soon in the future." Emi waved her hand.

"Don't worry we will!" Aurielle smiles brightly while waving to them, they began to walk away. Lucius handed out his hand, which made Emi tilt her head.

"Here." He gave her another HexaCom but it was attached to a bracelet with sakura's engraving.

"Sakura?!" She exclaimed. She was surprised to see that flower.

"It's a cherry blossom graving." Lucius showed it to her.

"Where did you find such a pattern?! I've never seen a sakura in this world yet. Oops." Emi covered her mouth. Her excitement might make her say things she wasn't supposed to.

"It's said that there is one like this, a real flower, a tree in Aberrant Mortala." Lucius said to her.

"A sakura tree in Aberrant Mortala? How unique." Emi contemplate.

"Take it." He offers.

"Really? You don't mind?" Emi hesitated.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, you will need it." Lucius pulled her hand and put it around her wrist; the white bracelet with sakura graving, and a HexaCom attached to it.

"Thank you." Emi smiles brightly.

"I hope it's not bothering you." He said.

"Not at all. It's so pretty!" Emi exclaimed as she jiggle her hand with the bracelet, like a little kid. Then, he pulled out a small black leather book.

"Take this." He gave it to her, a similar book just like the one Aurielle had. Lucius slides a crystal into it.

"Lucius." Emi read the name under the crystal.

"Now you have my crystal, just call me if you need me." He said. Emi smiles happily and placed Aurielle's crystal beside it.

"Aurielle." She wrote it down. Cole was just watching them interact.

"You're rather talkative when it comes to her. How can you be so indifferent to me?" Cole was unsatisfied.

They just stand there in silence and don't know how to respond, rather awkward to be honest.

"Never mind. Give that to me." Cole asked for the book, and Emi oblige. He slides down a crystal and wrote his name.

"There, now you got 3 contact crystals." Cole smiled.

"Thank you!" Emi smiles sweetly.

It made their heart skips a beat, they never really noticed how innocent and cute she was when she was very happy by those small things.

Emi ran back to Dawn and the others to show it off. Cole and Lucius just watch her from afar.

"It was a tracking device, wasn't it?" Cole said after a long silence between them, he was serious. Lucius didn't say anything.

"Just what are you planning?" Cole faced him.

"Think all that you want. I don't care." Lucius didn't bother to retort.

"Why so mysterious?" Cole teased. Lucius gives him piercing eyes.

"Regardless, I won't let you do any harm to her." Cole threatens him. There were sparks between them, tension building up.

"What are you guys doing?!" Emi asked from afar.

"Nothing!" Cole turned into his playful attitude.

"Come! Let's head back!" Emi shouted to them.

"Okay!" Cole eyed Lucius for a brief moment before running towards her, while Lucius walks steadily as if nothing happened.

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