
The Plan

The people were euphoric after Henry's speech and a mass production of flags and banners of the new emblem started. A long lost pride was reignited inside everyone.

The following days a large number of woman tried to become warriors and officials, many managed to pass the test. Henry found many woman armed with swords and bows training in the training fields.

He knew from earth how capable woman would become after some time, but he was surprised that so many of them had strong bodies. Woman from earth were much weaker. With more training they wouldn't be inferior to men.

Henry left everything to Minister Rlorio and General Urobion and focused solely on his training.

He already felt the Ki inside his body growing stronger and according to the warriors he shouldn't be far from reaching the Low King Stage.

Every Stage was separated into Low ,High and Peak.

There were the Warrior Stage, Knight Stage, Crusader Stage and Templar Stage.

The Kings were different, they had King Stage, Emperor Stage and Monarch Stage.

A Low King was compared to a Peak Knight, a High King was like a Peak Templar and so forth. No one inside the kingdom knew what kind of Stages comes after Templar, legends say that after one broke though the Templar Stage, one would become a Saint Warrior. But it was only an old legend passed through the time.

The strongest person inside the kingdom was General Urobion who reached the Peak Knight Stage.

Like this one month passed.




Inside a manor two people were sitting together in front a table enjoying drinking.

"What are your thoughts about the King?"

"We can't use him as a puppet. When I saw him the first time I thought we hit the jackpot, but it turned out that he is a crazy foe."

The other person nodded and took a sip from his cup.

"He played us well, he still hasn't showed anyone his Gift, when he ordered me to organize his announcement he mentioned it like as if he only wanted the people to know him..."

"Yes he got us good at that time. He is popular in the army and the normal people love him. Damn, he even let women enter the army."

"We can only blame ourselves for underestimating him. He isn't your everyday King."

"He improves everyday, it's strange though, I have never heard of a King that improves so fast."

"True, he seems to be about to reach the Low King Stage, all he does is killing convicted prisoners and hunt wild beast."

"Well he is very talented with the glaive, I can only win against him because of my vast fighting experience."

"He ordered us to meet him later, what do you think he has to say?"

"I don't know but our Clans can't do anything to him, I started to admire him, maybe it is good that he is like that."

"Well I don't mind anymore, all the new rules are indeed improving our Kingdom. Oblivion Kingdom, I like it, sounds good haha."

"Haha I agree, I got so emotional when he stated the name."

"Me too!"

Both man drank their fill and left the manor.

"Well then old Sergio, let us serve our King."

"Of course old friend haha."




"I called you today because I plan to subdue the two Tribes."

General Urobion and Minister Rlorio looked surprised at each other.

Minister Rlorio frowned, "Excuse me your Majesty, but isn't a bit to early for that?"

Henry shook his head, "Not at all, we tamed enough mounts to form a 100.000 strong cavalry army, with that army we can do something that I call "Blitzkrieg" Attack. We will hit them hard and fast, they won't be able to band together to resist us."

This time it was General Urobion to ask, "And how does your Majesty plan to do that?"

"Good that you ask, look alt the map, we will first start with the Rachon Tribe in the west, than we will sweep through the Merien Tribe in the south-west and subdue them in one wave. I will personally lead the attack together with you General."

General Urobion looked at the map, lost in thoughts.

"Alright your Majesty when will we start the attack?"



"Why so fast?"

"Because we don't know if the tribes have spies inside our ranks. We will say that we will do another army drill and use that as a cover to strike them hard and quick."

Both old man gulped, how terrifying! Half a month ago Henry started to take the main army outside to do drills. Now both of them realized that it was only a preparation for the attack tomorrow, everyone got used to the drills and thought that the Young King only did this to get used to leading an army.

Henry watched both of them and nodded inwardly, from the first day he arrived in this world he didn't trust them. They were the sole rulers until he came, who knows if they missed their absolute power? But he could tell how thrilled they were by his plan.

They discussed minor points in the plan and left later to sleep.




The next morning, Henry took the main army with him under the pretense to do some drills. General Urobion came with him to check his progress, no one found it strange.

After they rode out of the Kingdom they headed to the west.

Before reaching their final destination they stopped. Henry and General Urobion sat on their elk mounts and faced the main army.

"There is a little change in the plan, we will subdue the Rachon Tribe now."

When Henry told the army the change in plan, the warriors were surprised and then excited. General Urobion had his hawk like eyes on the whole army and noticed some warriors act strangely. He made a mental notice and told the 50 Royal Knights to tie those up, just to be sure.

The 100.000 strong army began their attack on the Rachon Tribe.

Under the lead of Henry and General Urobion the surprise attack went smoothly. The tribe with over 300.000 people didn't stand a chance.

They tried to defend but they didn't have enough time to organize a strong defensive line.

Henry killed the warriors with his glaive like they were chicken. General Urobion wasn't bad himself waving his greataxe right and left. Where ever both of them passed only lifeless bodies remained on the ground. Following their momentum the army transformed into a brutal grind machine.

"VERY GOOD KING OF OBLIVION AND OLD FART UROBION!" Echoed a booming voice in the battlefield.

A tall black men with strong arms appeared in the ranks of the enemies. With his shield and greatsword he cut down the warriors that came too near.

Henry gave the signal to halt and the army stopped.

Just to make sure that everyone knows, I changed the name from Minister Elorio into Rlorio :)

sleepteddycreators' thoughts
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