


[A promise to himself]


IN THE STUDY ROOM, Juan sluggishly wiped his black shiny hair with the white towel on his hands, he had been in the bathroom for three minutes struggling to clean the contents from his body and get rid of the awful odor.

'Is my kiss that disgusting to her?' He thought to himself as he looked out of the large window, his chin held high.

"One day! ! l will make you yearn for my kiss and touch, Madam rejection, just you wait and see." He smirked as he continued to dry his wet hair.

After he was done, he started up his laptop and opened up the website. On the search box, he typed the name Tasha Andreas, and many accounts displayed, none of them seemed to match her description, but he seemed not to give up, he keenly continued for the search.

"Forgive me, Tasha l had to do this to safeguard my reputation". Juan said as the thought of his action flashed through his mind.

When Tasha was unconscious, Juan decided to go through her things which were neatly packed in her suitcase, he was an influential person and he did not want to risk his reputation by allowing someone to stay in his house as the person could pose as a threat to him. He smiled deviously, when his thought detracted to their fascinating moment together in his car, the strong affection towards her, confused him a lot, as he needed to know more about her.

Instantly, his eyes sharply stared on the screen, he relaxed back in his chair and mumbled to himself in jubilation. He then clicked on her profile and many photos of her showed on the web.

"Tasha Andreas," He let out. "I have finally found you". He bit his lower lips, overwhelming desires eating deep within him. His eyes gleamed at the photo that was displayed on the screen.

Back in the room, Tasha curled on the Queen sized bed shocked and confused. Probably, trying to reconnect what had happened to her, she brought her thighs up to her chest and rested her chin on her trembling knees. She tried hard to recollect what had ensued after she walked out of Mike's hotel room overpowered with anger.

At first, the image appeared blurred, but the eagerness and distress of finding out what truly took place the previous night took the better part of her until the video Played clearly, She was the first to initiate the kiss, deepened it, and even yanked his. . . The thought of it only made her disgusted. She repeatedly cursed herself for her unimaginable recklessness.

'What sort of spirit embodied her to kiss him?! Was she that heartbroken that she decided to drown herself in alcohol? Question soliloquized in her mind one after the other.

" If that was the case, she is certainly not touching any antioxidant anymore for the rest of her life," She said to herself.


Unexpectedly, her eyes ran to the door, where she heard a flimsy voice coming from outside.

"Ma'am? Can l come in, please?" The feeble voice inquired.

When she heard the voice, she quickly wiped the tears that trimmed down her cheeks and pulled the blanket, to cover her body. She did not want anyone to think of her as a vicious woman.

Without Tasha's approval, an old woman entered the room, Her hair was winter white, and her teeth were like a piano key. The old lady's aged blood-flecked eyes gave Tasha a worried glance. When Tasha met her eyes she quickly looked away presumably, embarrassed.

"I am Mrs.Linnet," the flimsy voice introduced as she gave a friendly smile. Tasha could only clench on the duvet tightly, as the scene that raveled traumatized her, her heart thumped rapidly and her eyes were wide with panic.

"I am here to take care of you, Mr.Juan told me that you Don't feel well." She said.

When Tasha heard her mentioning a man's name, her eyes dilated in outrage. She clenched her figures into a fist.

' So his name is Juan, how outrageous, l wonder what your second name is." She sighed then continued 'l just hate him, How dare he after he wanted to force himself to me, he still dares to bring someone to take care of me, does he think I'll be staying here.' She mumbled to herself.

"What did you say?" The old woman asked Tasha when she thought she heard her speak.

Tasha looked to Mrs. Linnets' side and smiled as she bit her lower lips as her pencil-thin eyebrows eased up awkwardly. She quickly tucked the hair that tumbled over her shoulders behind her ears. Trying to dodge her question, she observed her for quite some time then asked.

"Mrs. Linnet, yesterday. . .l was. . ." She stammered as she tried to find the proper words to use, she was afraid Mrs. Linnet would, point fingers or use abusive words towards her. Tasha knew herself very well, whenever someone used abusive words to her, her confidence always gets shattered, and her heart becomes fragile to take any sort of insult.

"You want to know what happened to you last night, is that right?" She implored.

Tasha smiled when she heard her speak, it was as if she had read her mind, and knew the right words she was going to ask her. Nonchalantly, she nodded her head in agreement. It was all obvious to her, that the atmosphere in the room had improved, the fear within her had already faded away, she felt comfortable when she spoke to Mrs.Linnet.

"Yes. . ."

"When Mr.Juan brought you last night, you were already unconscious in his arms, your whole body was burning in fever and the open wound from your leg was bleeding profusely. when he saw the condition you were in, he quickly called the family doctor, who came shortly and ministered to you", She explained as her eye warmly looked at her, her hands soothingly caressing her midnight black hair.

" The way, Mr.Juan cared for you, he has never done it with anyone else". Tasha almost choked when she heard Mrs. Linnets' statement, A massive flood of adrenaline shot through her like a drug that made her feel alive. Her languid eyelashes of velvet-black blinked numerous possibly, making an effort not to glare a sharp gaze on Mrs linnet, while her bright eyes glistened.

"Maybe he took care of me because he thought l was one of those girls when they are in crisis, and a savior comes to their rescue, they instantly attach themselves like parasites. And am not that parasite, am not as cheap as those vicious girls". She uttered in between her breath and sighed.

" So you were the one who changed my clothes?"Tasha asked curiously when she heard Mrs. linnets' words, she needed to make sure that what she heard from Mrs. Linnets' mouth was the fact and Mr.Juan had not seen or touched her naked body like she thought he did.

"Yes, your body and clothes were all in a mess so l had to clean you before l changed your clothes." She stated

"Thank you," she said with a glow in her eyes.

"The one who deserves the gratitude is Mr.Juan, he stayed up last night taking care of you."

"That fool! Over my dead body, first,l will never forgive him for touching my property, besides who does he think he is, he does not need my gratitude and he was just feeling guilty, of almost running me down." Tasha could only communicate with her thoughts and just smile awkwardly at Mrs.linnets words.


Hello guys, l hope so you're enjoying the story please Don't forget the power stone.

Hello guys l need the fuel to continue with the story, any fill-ups, please.

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