
Chapter 2: Death and Reincarnation #1

Xia YuTu's POV:

'Flip' 'Flip' 'Flip' 'Flip' 'Flip'

As I was concentrating on my work, reading a document, I noticed my phone ringing. I leaned back in my chair and stretched a bit before picking up the phone. The caller was Mei ShuangBai.

"Xiao Bai. What's up?"

'Xiao Tu! Wuuu!'

The sound of Mei ShuangBai's crying came from the other end. I straightened up immediately and asked worriedly. "What's wrong?"

'I - sniff - had told you the - sniff - wrong date for my interview! It had actually been today! Wuuu! Xiao Tu! What should I do! Wuuu!'

I hurriedly tried to comfort her. " Xiao Bai, don't be sad. You can always go for another interview. At the very least you can spend the weekend with me now. Plus, with your talent, you will be able to pass your next interview for sure!"

' Xiao Tu, - sniff- I hope it's as you said. And don't forget what you just said. You gotta spend the weekend with me! No take backs! '

" En, I promise you. Have you calmed down a bit?"

' Yea. Sniff. Xiao Tu, you treat me the best. Sniff. You know I love you! Bye bye!'

" I feel the same. Bye. "

I thought about how I should cheer her up the next time I met her while hanging up and checking the time before I closed my phone. It was quite late. 'Sigh' I don't feel like going home. I'll just work overtime again. But I wonder if Mei ShuangBai is alright. Sometimes I worry about that girl.

I proceeded to continue with my work absent mindly, no longer as focused as before. Just as I was about to resume my work, I felt a sharp, tightening pain in my chest and a overwhelming wave of tiredness and I couldn't catch my breath. I quickly stood up. At least I had tried to. When I tried to stand up, I felt like passing out, and I fell down, and when I tried to get up, I kept collapsing. I clutched my chest in pain, gasping for air and my vision started to blur. I felt my body fall to the floor with a heavy thud. Then, darkness.


When I woke up again, I was in a dark space filled with gel-like substances. I tried to move my arms and legs to get up and move around to explore the place, only to find myself limb less with my movements very restricted. I was so shocked that I felt like I was almost going to pass out. Then I passed out for real. Or I might have just fell asleep. Darn it. The next time I woke up again, I was calmer by a bit and I decided to properly observe the situation, like what smart characters would do in novels. It looked like I really was limb less, and there was something like a ugly, wrinkly, thin and pink tube connected to my belly button. I think I would have ripped it out in that very moment out of shock if not for the fact I don't have arms.

While I was still having a mental conflict about the loss of my limbs, I heard a voice coming from a place close to me, but a that place I could not see.

"Darling, even though you left me with just our child, not leaving me with even any clear memories of you, I know you still care about me and our child. I will definitely raise our child well." The female voice that spoke was soft, gentle and full of love.

I felt myself getting emotional and I felt my eyes starting to water non-existing tears. Although she was more youthful sounding than my memories, I would still be able to regonize her anywhere. She's my beloved mother that had raised me up single-handedly.

But my mother had been in a vegatative state ever since that day when she had been on her way to my house to bring me food to celebrate my birthday. My mother had been hit by a car, when the driver had a seizure and lost control of the car.

As I was going through the past, a question popped up in my mind. 'My mother had passed away two years after she had gone into her vegatative state. Then... why is she... how could she be here? ...'

My thought trailed off while I thought back on what had happened so far after I woke up. '

Suddenly it came to me. 'Gasp' could it be... THE LEGENDARY REBIRTH THAT ONLY EXISTS IN THE LEGENDS (a.k.a novels, dramas, manga, anime, e.t.c)!!!'

That was the only explanation I could think of. But... why? How did this happen? I thought long and hard about it before letting that topic drop. It wasn't like I could think of the answer anyway. I don't care.

Well, since I could hear, I must be 3-4 months old, since it is around eighteen weeks of pregnancy when one hears their very first sounds. That means that I'll be born in around another five months or so. For now though, I'll just enjoy this peace.

But now that I've been given a second chance in life, this time for sure, I would save my mother, pursue my dreams, and live my life until the end with no regrets, plus getting revenge on that bastard dad of mine!

Another chapter at last! From now on, I'll be updating with one day in between. One day update, one day no update, one day update, etc. At least I will try to.

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