
A Resentful Ghost

"Aren't I supposedly dead?" Shock envelopes me as I slowly open my eyes and see the black sky and blurry scenery in front of me. For some reason I know that I'm already dead but I can't really remember a thing about my self. My name? I cannot remember at all!


A loud voice suddenly jolted me awake from my astonishment. I looked at the source of the voice apprehensively and my eyes nearly popped out of its socket when I caught a glimpse of the man in front of me.

A huge body riddled with deep wounds and dangling organs appeared right in front of my eyes.

"Yo, can you please walk faster?"

I haven't even recover from my shock when I saw another guy behind the first one which nearly made me faint in fright.

A body of average height, broken skull and exposed brain housing numerous worms is right begind the first guy.

"Wh-what's goin on in here?"

The tall guy with dangling organs looked at me wierdly and said, "whatever, just continue moving forward and you will understand".

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, I walk forward and some insight finally made its way on my pea sized brain.

"AHA! If I'm already dead then this must be the afterworld!" I proudly exclaimed without a thread of care on where I actually am.

Some people, mostly disfigured, stared at me like I'm a fucking idiot.

"Is it that hard to realize that" character A whispered to character B.

"Prolly an idiot" character B replied with a sneer followed by the synchronized laughter of the crowd.

Ashamed, I bowed my head. If there was a hole in where I am standing I'll probably hide myself immediately right at that moment. I hasten my footstep in order to escape the scene.

I deeply ponder about it and realize that my case seems quite peculiar. There are two points that is surely odd about what's happening on me. First, it seems that before everyone went here, they already know this place. Second, they probably know their previous life while mine is very vague for me.

I sighed and just threw all those thoughts away.

After what it seems to be a forever worth of walk, I finally saw a door which seems to be my destination. Taking a deep breath, I hurried inside and the dark and gloomy scenery changed to a lively and bright one. Along with this change, I saw the other ghost change in figure. They transform to what ghosts are supposed to look, white and shaped like a wisp of spirit.

I unconsciously looked at myself and in my astonishment, I found out that my body did not change at all! Oh, and it seems that I am not the only one who realize this.

The crowd started to gather their attention on me. Some are curious, others are confused, there are also those who look like they know something and stared at me with interest and the rest are looking at me in envy.

Finally, a large red ghost broke the silence and remark in interest, "ohoh, it seems like we have another resentful ghost" 😏😏

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