
This can't be My Isekai!

After the events of Konosuba which had Saito Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness as the heroes. A thousand years have passed since then...A new demon king is on the rise in a same medieval era. Everyone that lives in that world doesn't want to be reincarnated back because of the fear of the demon king and his arm. If this continues on then that world will slowly die...The gods decided it is once again time to send people to that world to keep the population steady. After sending Hundreds of young Japanese people they thought it would take a few years for them to beat the demon king. They stopped sending people there and waited for the heroes to beat the demon king. The new demon king is the previous demon kings son, and he started to terrorize that world just like his father. That world fell into crisis yet again after a thousand years of peace. Hundreds of young people who died in Japan was teleported to that world after dying, but non if them are close to defeating the new demon king. The gods decided to send one more person to that world as the population slow grew more steady because of the hope of the demon king being defeated. This story follows Kanike Hatake who was killed in the same manner as the previous hero and teleported to the same alternate world. He and the previous Hero share alot of the same traits and thus his fate and companions are like the previous heroes. He has but one goal and that's to defeat the demon Kings son but, will he or will his companions move him into the opposite direction. In a video game like world will his gamer knowledge be enough or will he need guts, courage and what not? Hey Guys, I'll be releasing two chapters a day. Sometimes I'll release four in a day if they are short.

Chef_Torres · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


"I will do a short introduction. I am Trish. As you can see, I am a thief. And this person with a moody face is Lighttress. You met yesterday right? She is a crusader and shouldn't have any skills that are useful to you."

"Hello! I am Kanike, nice to meet you, Trish!"

The open plaza behind the adventurers guild. Trish, Lighttress and I stood at this desolate open space. By the way, those 2 companions of mine were sulking at the table all this

while, so I left them there.

"Well then, we will start from 'Sense Enemy' and 'Hide'. We will work on 'Disarm Trap' next time, traps are rare in such a crowded place. Hey… Lighttress, could you turn and face that side?"

"…Hmmm? …. Okay."

Darkness turned and face away as instructed. And so, Trish got into a wooden barrel some distance away and showed only

the top half of her body. I don't know what she was playing at, but she then threw a rock at Lighttress's head and hid into the barrel.


Could this be the hide skill? Lighttress who was hit by the rock moved silently towards the only barrel in the area.

"Sensing enemy… sensing enemy… I can strongly feel that Lighttress is angry! Nah, Lighttress? You should know I only did that to teach him the skills, I couldn't help it! Please have mercy ahhhhhh, stop ahhhhhhhh!"

The barrel she was hidden in was toppled over and Trish screamed as it rolled on the ground.

… Could I really learn skill this way…

"Alright, let's try the skill I recommend the most, 'Steal'. This was a skill that can snatch away one item possessed by the target, it could be anything. Be it the weapon gripped tightly in their hands, or the wallet secured deep in their pockets, it can steal one item possessed by the target. The probability of

success is dependent on the luck stat. You could rob the weapon or treasure of a strong enemy and run, a great skill to have under any circumstances."

After Trish recovered from the dizziness of being rolled around in a barrel, she explained 'Steal' to me.

Stealing sounded very useful indeed.

And it was dependent on the luck stat, so my only stat that is high would be of use.

"I will demonstrate with you as the target! Ready, 'Steal'!"

Trish shouted as she reached her hand forward, and a small item appeared in

her hand.That is…

"Ah! That's my wallet!"

It contained all of my cash, a thin and pitiful wallet.

"Oh! Jackpot! It's used this way. Well of course, I will give the wallet…"

Trish smiled deviously when she was about to return the wallet to me.

"… Nah, let's have a match alright? Try learning 'Steal' now. I will then let

you steal one item from me. I won't complain even if you steal my wallet or weapon. Your wallet is so thin, so my weapon or wallet would definitely be more valuable. That means we will be trading whatever items that were

stolen… How about it? Want to try?"

This person suddenly said something amazing. I thought about it. My luck seemed ridiculously high… I could steal one item from the opponent… So I would get something even if the skill failed.

… Let's give it a go. Such gambles seemed like the way rash adventurers would interact, just what I was looking forward to! That's right, I am finally experiencing something adventurer like after coming to this world!

I looked at my adventurer card and saw a new box that displayed skills that could be learned. I touch it with my finger and 4 skills were displayed. 'Sense Enemy' 1 point, 'Hide' 1 point, 'Steal' 1 point', 'Beauties of Nature' 5 points.

… 'Beauties of nature'? The skill used by Aqua, the party trick of flicking a seed into a cup? The party trick had such a flashy name! Eh? And it took a lot of points! Party tricks were cool in some way, but I decided to learn 'steal', 'sense enemy' and 'hide'.I used up all my skill points and it turned to 0. I see, so that's how you learn skills.

"I have learned the skill. And I accept your challenge! Don't come crying to me no matter what I steal!"

I stuck out my right hand as I spoke, but Trish just smiled fearlessly.

"That's great! I like people who aren't spoilsport! Alright then, what could you steal? The special prize would be my wallet. The grand prize would be this magically enchanted dagger! This is a great item worth 400,000 Eris! The consolation prize would be this piece of rock I threw at Lighttress!"

"Ahhh! That's cheating! Using such a method!"

I protest loudly when I saw the rock Trish took out. I was wondering why she was so confident, so that's the reason! If she had more trash items, the probability of important items getting stolen would be lower, a sort of safeguard against thieves.

"This is my teaching fee. As you can see, no skills are all powerful. You learned something great right? Alright, give it a go!"

Damn, I was really schooled! Looking at Trish laughing out loud, I felt I was foolish to fall for this trick. This is not Japan, but a dog eat dog world. It is the fault of those who are naive enough to be tricked. But it was just the chance of winning or failing, it's not a total loss.

"Alright, watch this! My luck had always been good! 'Steal'!"

As I shouted, my outreached right hand grabbed something. She said the chance of success was dependent on the luck stat. To succeed in one try, my luck wasn't too bad. I opened my hand and looked at what I stole…

"… What is this?"

It was a piece of white cloth. I took the cloth with both hands and raised to the sun for a better look…

"Yahoo–! It's the grand prize, and it's a big one—!"

"No–! Return my panties to me–!"

Trish pulled down her skirt as she screamed with tears in her eyes.