
This can't be My Isekai!

After the events of Konosuba which had Saito Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness as the heroes. A thousand years have passed since then...A new demon king is on the rise in a same medieval era. Everyone that lives in that world doesn't want to be reincarnated back because of the fear of the demon king and his arm. If this continues on then that world will slowly die...The gods decided it is once again time to send people to that world to keep the population steady. After sending Hundreds of young Japanese people they thought it would take a few years for them to beat the demon king. They stopped sending people there and waited for the heroes to beat the demon king. The new demon king is the previous demon kings son, and he started to terrorize that world just like his father. That world fell into crisis yet again after a thousand years of peace. Hundreds of young people who died in Japan was teleported to that world after dying, but non if them are close to defeating the new demon king. The gods decided to send one more person to that world as the population slow grew more steady because of the hope of the demon king being defeated. This story follows Kanike Hatake who was killed in the same manner as the previous hero and teleported to the same alternate world. He and the previous Hero share alot of the same traits and thus his fate and companions are like the previous heroes. He has but one goal and that's to defeat the demon Kings son but, will he or will his companions move him into the opposite direction. In a video game like world will his gamer knowledge be enough or will he need guts, courage and what not? Hey Guys, I'll be releasing two chapters a day. Sometimes I'll release four in a day if they are short.

Chef_Torres · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Another Member!!

"Alright, everything is in order. I have confirmed that your team had finished the mission to defeat 5 giant toads in 3 days. Good work."

After reporting in at the guild's counter, I received the promised reward. As for Terly and Meguma who were covered in slime, they will be too smelly if they don't wash up. It might cause misunderstanding for me, so I

shooed them off to the bath house.

One of the toad we defeated disintegrated because of the explosion magic, so I was afraid it might affect the completion of the mission. But the type and number of monsters defeated were recorded on the adventurer card, so there were no problems.

I handed in me and Meguma's card to the counter lady, which she put in a strange box like machine. The confirmation was done just like that. The things that were developed were magic instead of science, so the technology level of this world was quite advance.

I looked at my card again and saw that I am at level 4. I heard that those toads were great for novice adventurers to grind levels. I defeated 4 toads by myself, enough to raised my level to 4. It was easier for low level people to level up. All the stats on the card increased slightly, but I don't feel myself turning any stronger.

"… But, I can really get stronger just by killing monsters…"

I mumbled to myself. The counter lady did mention that when she explained in the beginning.

All things in the world have souls. No matter what form it takes, if you eat or kill a being, you can absorb a part of the memory of the soul. That's what she said. This part felt like a computer game.

Looking closely, there is something called Skill Points on it, which showed the number 3. Just by spending these points, I could learn skills.

"Well then, turning in 2 giant toads and the bounty for completing the mission is a total of 110,000 Eris. Please take this."


These giant toads yield 5000 Eris after deducting transport fees. So the bounty for the 5 toads is 100,000 Eris. Terly said that missions are done by a team of 4 to 6 adventurers. So for normal adventurers, risking your life to fight 5 toads for a couple of days will yield about 125,000 Eris. For a 5 men team, that would be 25,000 Eris each.

… It's not worth it–

Finishing the mission in one day means a daily salary of 25,000. It might seem like a good deal for a daily salary, but considering the risk involved, it doesn't seemed to be worth the effort.

If another toad showed up and ate me, the three of us would have been wiped out. That sent a chill down my spine. I took a look at the other missions, the ones on the bulletin board were.

— Cut down the Egil trees corrupting the forest, bounty are dependent on the amount turned in.

— Help me look for my pet white wolf

— My son's swordsmanship lesson *Requirement: Rune Knight or Sword master.

— Recruiting subject for magic practice * Requirement: High HP or strong magic resistance…

Yeah. It's not easy to survive in this world. I felt like returning to Japan on my second day of adventuring.

"… Excuse me, may I ask…?"

Just when I was getting a little home sick as I sat down on a chair nearby, someone behind talked to me. Feeling tired of dealing with the realities of this different world, I turned my head with hollow eyes.

"Is something the… matter…"

I was speechless when I saw the person talking to me. She was a female knight.

And a super beauty. She gave off the vibe of a cool beauty at first sight as she looked at me expressionlessly. She was a bit taller than I am. My height is 165 cm. A bit taller than me should be about 170 cm.

She was wearing solid metal armor all over her body, a beauty with blonde

hair and blue eyes. Probably a year or two older than me. I can't tell her body shape from her armor, but I felt that she was very

feminine. Her face seemed rather cold… How should I put this, it picked on your

masochistic side…

… Ah, that's not good, I was entranced.

"Ah, eh– What is the matter?"

Facing Terly who was about my age and Meguma who was younger than me was fine. But this beauty slightly older than me made me stutter. That was the bad point about living the life of a hikikomori for extended

period of time.

"Erm… The team that put up this recruitment notice was you right? Are you still looking for people?"

That female knight showed me a piece of paper. That's right, we didn't tear away that notice after Meguma joined our party.

"Oh– We are still hiring. Although I wouldn't recommend you to join…"

"Please pick me! Please let me join your party!"

When I was about to reject her tactfully, the female knight suddenly grabbed my hand.

… Eh?

"No, no no, hold up, our party has plenty of problems. The other two members are burdens and my job is the weakest. Because of that, my two companions were covered in slime… Hurts hurts hurts!"

When I mentioned the slime, the female knight increased her grip on my hand.

"I was right, those two covered in goo were your comrades! What happened, how did they end up like that…! I, I also…! Want to experience that…!"


What did this Big sister say?

"No, I phrased it wrongly. For the two young girls to experience that at such a tender age, I can't watch idly as a knight. My job is the top tier cross knight. It should fit your recruitment criteria."

What was with this female knight, her eyes looked dangerous. I thought she was a calm and collected big sister! But my danger sense was tingling. She seemed to have something similar with Terly and Meguma.

… She might be a beauty, but it couldn't be helped.

"Ara– I didn't finish. I really don't recommend you to join. One of the party

mates is useless, the other could only cast one spell a day and I have the weakest job. That's the lame party this is, so I suggest you find another…?"

The female knight strengthened her grip further.

"That is perfect! To be honest, I am confident in my strength and durability, I am not too agile with my hands… So… I can't hit the enemy…"

My spider sense was right.

"So you don't need to mind me having a top tier job. I will just charge ahead without a care, so just abuse me like a shield."

The female knight shoved her pretty face in front of me who was seated on a chair. Her face was too close! Because I was sitting, she was looking at me from up high. The female

knight's golden locks brushed against my face, making my heart race.

My time as a hikikomori was affecting me again…! No, this was simply too stimulating for an adolescence virgin boy, making

me uneasy. Calm down, don't get seduced by her charm!

"No, how could I let a girl act like a shield. My party is super weak, so the attack will really hit you. The monsters might gang up on you in every fight!"

"That's the way I like it."

"No, how should I put this, my 2 companions were eaten by toads and covered in slime!This might happen every day!"

"That's exactly what I want!"

… Hai,I get it. That blushing female knight who was holding my hand. Looking at her, I understood something.

… This girl wasn't just useless, even her character was rotten.

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