
A blind date gone wrong

Fate played sometimes strangely. It leads us to kill some people or save some. It might make us do things we didn't want to do or it might make us do things we wanted to do but we couldn't do, because of some moral compass or some rules and boundaries. But more importantly, some people might make you do what you hate in exchange of a little reward…

Why would someone look for the worst questions to ask on a blind date in a café at 5 PM?

She asked the secret voice in her head the same question several times since she sat down in this fancy café sipping her coffee to stay awake. The partner was LATE, terribly late. Who would leave their blind date waiting for an hour?

There was a man sitting not far from the table she was sitting in. He had his eyes on her and on the piece of paper in his hand. He wasn't sure where he saw that face and the heavy makeup didn't make it easy to refresh his mind.

"Sir, what shall I do with this paper?" a man, Karim was standing next to Rikkard who smirked widely.

"No, this isn't for you. I will do this myself. Why do you think I kept the black suit over my skin? Isn't it a perfect deal to start a blind date with a little prank?"

"But Sir, you have been waiting here for an hour already while your partner is…" Karim eyed his boss suspiciously. "Your partner, Sir…"

"I know. I know. I have been trying to recall where I have seen her. The round shape of her face is familiar."

"For an hour Sir?"

"Yes, for almost an hour since there is still fifteen minutes till it becomes an hour. Since I gave up on recalling where I have seen her face, I gotta punish her for being late. Wasn't she late first? She left me hanging for half an hour. She should be grateful I didn't leave."

"But Sir…"

"There is no but. Just stand aside and watch out for a little girl who might run away crying," Rikkard checked his words carefully and then stood up. He didn't want to leave his partner for the blind date waiting any longer.

Diana finished her coffee and raised her hand, calling for the waiter once again and ordered another cup of coffee. When her cup arrived once again, someone sat in front of her. She found this the perfect excuse to come out from this blind date as per her mission. HER MISSION WAS TO RUIN THIS BLIND DATE.


The moment he sat down, he unconsciously rubbed his nose because she was wearing too much perfume. It was as if she smelled bad and had to cover the whole thing.

"Wait a second, my master got something to say to you," Rikkard cut her before she could even scold him. Either way, the female must have been thrilled to know that her blind date was the CEO of Hellway Corporation. Since this blind date wasn't his fault, he wanted to have fun in it. "I got something to tell you. My master wants me to read this for you."

He brought out a folded piece of paper and unfolded it.

"'Thank you for being here but you see, I will not come since I never accepted being in this circus play. Blind dates are just a waste of time. Thank you for coming and goodbye', this is what my master said. You can go now. I will tell him of the bad news soon."

The words in the paper were mostly lost in the blurry background behind him. Diana couldn't believe how handsome he was. His deep dark eyes attracted all her attention to himself. How could he? How dare he exist? Perhaps, he was just a dream. He looked like that kind of drama protagonist that appeared in dreams.

It makes her mission hard. How would she now act completely stupid to push him away and make him hate being there?

She should make a sound…

She should say a word… It was awkward…

She should at least stop staring…

"Miss Raya…" she didn't hear them. Her eyes focused on his moving lips. Ah, today, my name is Raya and I don't intend to change it for a while, since it's my golden mission. There is no way in hell I would go against my mission. "Miss Raya…" he leaned closer, scrutinizing her dreamy eyes. "Are you with me?"

Nope. He is much real as the stupid me being here.

"Yes, I will be always with you," she blurted out. Realizing what she just said, she gently hit her mouth and smiled. "I mean. What did you say?"

"Did you forget your ears at home before coming here, Miss Raya?"

"No, no, I admit…" she hesitated. "I just lost focus for a moment. I was so dazed by your tardiness that I thought you were just an illusion. It happens. I wonder who caused my mighty partner to be late. Don't you think that it's funny how hate rhymes with late? I would say it's the same thing."

"I agree. The bus I was taking was late." Who took a bus when he had a car? So awkward and stupidly a visible lie.

"Huh? What a coincidence! Mine was as well," she giggled in a silly manner, which made Rikkard smile a grimace as well.

"Why are you giggling, Miss Raya?" he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Fake it till you make it.

First rule, to act silly and like an idiot. Smart men don't like idiots.

Straightening her deflated shoulders, she shoved what she thought the perfect excuse to turn around the conversation and end it for good. She brushed the soft leather texture of her borrowed expensive bag, trying the override the bitterness of the caffeine getting to her head.

"Say… Do you have a pen and a piece of paper? I don't mind it being small. I swear. I will leave as soon as I get something done."