


In the Philippines, plagiarism is same as the copyright and could be consider as cybercrime law of Republic Act 10175, and according to the Department of Justice, plagiarism is not a crime buts it is the same in copyright violation. Plagiarism has a consequences or penalties for about six years of imprisonment, and a fine of fifty thousand to one hundred fifty thousands pesos or equivalent to one two hundred dollars to three thousands six hundred dollars.

Reference: steemit.com

This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are made from the author's imagination and are not be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



"Mamá! Please hang on, I'll stitch your wounds..."

I picked up the needle and the thread. I manually stitched my Mamá's wounds.


Mamá looked at me and gave a letter from her pocket.

"Promise me, you'll open it when you become thirteen years old, like your name..."

I nodded and took it from her.

"I can't be healed anymore....don't stitch my wounds, child. For I will die in any minute."

I stopped what I was doing and she smiled.

"Thank you mi tesoro. 'Til we meet again, I love you...."

I want to cry.

But I cannot.

I'm sad.

Where's my dad? I still want to ask that to you. Does he love me and you?


I'm gonna miss you.....

So bad....

I walked towards the telephone and dialed my cousin's family.

"Moshi moshi, is this for Akiyama Ryu-sama?"


"Dochira-sama desu ka?"

"I am Alexandrite Thirteen Alcaraz, can I speak to Akiyama Ryu-sama?"

"Shosho o-machi kudasai."

I waited for two minutes before I hear someone on the phone again.

"Thirteen, why did you call? Did something happened?"

"Uncle, my mom-"

"What happened to Lianne, Al-chan?" Asked by auntie Vera.

She's my mom's sister.

"She died..."

It was dead silent for a minute.

"Tell me your exact location."

"Moncloa, Madrid. Ciudad Universitaria."

"We'll be there in about 4 hours."

I started to find the most beautiful dress my mom has. I cleaned her body.

While I was dressing her up, I feel like she's just sleeping. I hope she's sleeping...but she's not going to wake up anymore.

I heard a knock on our home.

I peeked in the window before opening it.

It was Uncle Ryu's family.

The doorknob was high but I can reach it.

I opened it and I saw them wearing all black.

"Good evening Uncle, Auntie. I'm sorry if I bothered your vacation..."

"It's not a bother, child. We're planning on visiting you and your mom tomorrow, we're just in Russia." Uncle said.

Uncle Ryu's physique is great, as well as my Auntie.

I walked towards my mom and my Aunt followed me.

"I don't know if I did it correctly but I already dressed her up. I also cleaned her wounds."

"Al-chan, you did really good, but the internal organs inside her needs to be removed, also the blood. Do you have a laboratory in here or something?"

"Yes." I opened the lab door. "Here."

"Thanks Al-chan. Ryu, take care of them for a while."

Uncle sat on the sofa and Karlov and Ingrid was beside him. Karlov walked towards me and held my hand.

"Nee-chan, don't be sad." He said.

Ingrid hugged me.

At least I have them.

"Uncle, do you know the choosing." I asked him.

He stared at me with shock in his eyes.

"The guy who tortured Mamá 'til she had bled really hard was screaming, saying she didn't do the choosing, so she needs to die."

Ingrid hugged me harder.

Karlov hugged me too.

"The choosing is, to marry whoever your parents picks for you, but your mom did not marry the guy she's supposed to marry. She married a full blooded human, your father, and they had you."

The door busted open and Auntie's eyes are swelling with tears.

"She got tortured, didn't she?"

I nodded and looked away.

"What did dad do?! The fuck is he thinking to let this happen? That fucking Krallow, son of a bitch."

Mamá was all clean now, Auntie even dressed her up.

"Thank you very much Auntie."

"My poor Al-chan, you even inherited her ability..." She said while crying.

I stared at the wall for a while and suddenly I see the wall shaking.

"Why is the wall shaking?" I asked them, but they're also shaking.

Is there an earthquake?

The next thing I knew, I was on my bed, all cleaned up wearing a black kimono.

I saw Ingrid and Karlov beside me.

"Nee-chan you're awake."


"What happened? Are we safe? An earthquake happened, right?"

Karlov laughed.

"Nee-chan, you fainted."

I stared at them and then went out of the room. I saw lots of people. The Akiyamas!

"Our condolences, Thirteen..." Uncle Sato Hattori said.

I got shocked as my feet left the ground. I was carried by the Akiyama's grandmaster.

Akiyama Ryuunosuke-sama!

"Thirteen, you can be my granddaughter or my child."

All of his children stared at him with shock in their eyes.


"I don't take no for an answer, and you know that Thirteen-chan." He said.

Akiyama Reiki, or uncle Reiki coughed to break the silence.

"Since Thirteen is a half blooded demon like us, that means she's qualified to be a leader, right?"

They all nodded.

"Then," He made Aoi step forward. "Thirteen can marry Aoi when they grow up, since she's a month older than him, she can guide him at all times. Meh! I bet they'll have tons of kids. Aoi takes after me. Mwahahahaha!" He said.

Uncle Ryu smacked the back of his head and yelled at him.

"From now on, Thirteen is my child! So that means she's in my care as of now, as her father, I will not allow her to marry any of these Akiyama kids!"

Uncle Reiki's reaction was really funny.

"EHHHHH?! What?! So no babies with Aoi? No cute grandchildren? Oh no!"

His world crumbled into pieces and Uncle Ryu seemed to enjoy it.


I went towards my Mamá's coffin. I hope you're in peace. No more worries about this world. I'll be in Uncle Ryu's care.

I'll repay them when the time is right.

Is it fine if I become an assassin, just like them?

On the third day of her funeral, she was buried underground. I was shocked because, I cried. But no sounds came out of my mouth.

That was the day that I promised myself, I'll do everything to make her proud.

"So, Thirteen, how have you been lately?" Uncle Ryu asked me.

I smiled.

"I'm fine, all thanks to you uncle."

He laughed and patted my back.

"A lot of things may come in your life, but remember, us, Akiyamas are always here for you. You're pretty much welcome in here."

What he said is right. He really made me feel like I have a father.

"Tadaima!" Ingrid said, or should I call her Elleisha now?

Uncle stared at Elleisha and she's smiling.

"Did something happen?"

"Fuck! That fucking Ulysses Yanagi bugged me all day. He's always saying he's better than me. Then the next thing he will do is propose to me so many times. Man! I'm so fucking mad." Elleisha said while smiling.

Her emotions got distorted when her mom died. Auntie Vera died two years after my Mamá's death.

"Elleisha, mind your language." Uncle said.

"Yakamashi, Touchan."


I drank my tea and placed the teacup loudly on the table. They both stared at me.

"Elleisha Ingrid Akiyama, say sorry to uncle."

Elleisha looked at me like a puppy. Her eyes are so pitiful, wow! I want to sell her on the market.

Maybe that's why that Ulysses is so obsessed at her.

"Otouchan, gomennasai." She said.

Uncle sighed.

"I don't know if I'm your parent or Thirteen. You're only listening at her."

I stood up and excused my self.

I wonder what my father is like.

Is he like uncle Ryu?

I'm twelve now. Just a year and I'm going to open the piece of paper my mom gave me.

Mamá are you proud of me? I'm in seventh grade now. I'm still studying at K. I. A., you are called a hero in here.

"The hero's daughter has arrived, make way peasants!" My friend Luca said.

I always get embarrassed whenever he does that. But he's unique in every possible way.

School started today.

The eight guilds are gathered in the gymnasium. They are wearing a cape based on their groups.

The eight guilds are what you call fraternities or sororities? Not sure.

The Blues are the Cassowaries.

The Reds are the Lammergeiers.

The Grays are the Barred Owls.

The Blacks are the Ravens.

The Purples are the Hawks.

The Greens are the Vultures.

The Oranges are the Loggerhead shrike.

The Blacks are the Goshawk.

The Seito-kai President arrived. Shinnosuke Izumi.

"Welcome first years. I won't speak that long. As all of you know, there will be an election that will take place right now. An election for three students that would become the jikkouiinkai."

Whispers was heard. They're confident that they would become one of the jikkouiinkai.

"The election may start now!" He said.

A guy from the back raised his hand.

"I nominate Akiyama Aoi."

"Woohoo! Akiyama it is." The girl at my back said.

"I'll vote for him, because he's so hot."

They both laughed.

Hagiwara Itsuki raised his hand.

"I nominate...." He looked at me then smirked. I shake my head. This boy, I'll kill him for sure. "Alexandrite Thirteen Alcaraz."

"The hero's daughter!"

"Let's vote for her!"

Mikagami Asahi raised his hand.

"I Mikagami Asahi, nominates myself."

He was dead serious.

Asahi considered himself as my rival since then. He would always try to surpass my scores and stuffs. But I always win. Even though there's no competition.

"I nominate Kirisawa Daisuke." Said by someone.

The nomination continued. I'm bored as hell. I want to sleep.

I want to go home.

It's voting time.

I hope no one votes for me.

"Vote for Thirteen!" My friend Luca was yelling.

Fuck it.

If he's not my friend, I already killed him. I want to strangle his neck. Luca I'm seriously gonna kill you.

"Yosh! Let's count the votes now."

President Shinnosuke opened the big screen and it showed the votes.

Akiyama Aoi


Alcaraz Alexandrite Thirteen


Mikagami Asahi


Kirisawa Daisuke


"Ehhh? Maji? Kirisawa-san surpassed Aoi-sama?!"

There's fuss everywhere.

Aoi definitely did something.

He hacked the system.

That damn hacker.

Well I can hack the system too if I wanted, but I won't do that.

Aoi looked pretty relaxed in his chair. He's such a sly fox.

"Miss Thirteen got 133%! In everything she does, the 13 is never lost. She's so great." A fan said?

I have a fan club.


More like actually a cult.

They call themselves felicitous thirteen. I was actually weirded out by the fact that someone admires me.

"Lol! I guess Mikagami can never surpass Thirteen."

I looked at Mikagami-san and he was fuming mad. He's trying to control his temper.

Can you still handle your anger bro?

Your face is turning red.

"Majikayo?" Kirisawa-san pointed at himself. "I won? How the hell did that happen? How did I beat Aoi?!" He's screaming.

President Shinnosuke smiled and grabbed the microphone.

"So I guess we have a jikkouiinkai now. Let's give them a round of applause."

After the election happened, we're now known as the big three.

Well we don't really do anything, just staying at the jikkouiinkai room after classes.

"Mikagami-san, please stop looking at me like that..." I told him.

He's always giving me the confused look whenever we're in the jikkouiinkai room.

"Asahi, are you a pervert?" Kirisawa-san bluntly asked him.

"What?! No!"

"Then why are you always staring at Thirteen whenever you got the chance? Don't tell me you're planning to kill her so you and I can stay in the same room. And you'll do perverted things at me." He said.

Mikagami-san smacked the back of Kirisawa-san's head.

"I'm not gay!"

"Sure. Why'd you smack me? Do you want to choke me? Choke me daddy~" Kirisawa-san teased Mikagami-san more.

They're fun to be with. Serious when work comes. They're great people.

I walked towards the window and opened it. The cool wind welcomed me.

"It's freedom week next week, right?"

They both nodded in agreement.

"We will have lots of work to do. Someone might die again, like last year."

They stared at me sharply.

Last year when we're in sixth grade, when it's freedom week, a corpse was found on the greenhouse. The greenhouse of wolfsbane. The body has a note.

'A threat from the outside? No, I'm just romantic. May I court you, Asato Sakura?


Hot Jalapeno ♡

"It would not happen." Mikagami-san said surely.

"Are you certain?" Kirisawa-san said.

"Yes." He said then checked his watch. "It's already 6:30 pm, we should go home now."

As soon as they're gone, I grabbed my bag and locked the room.

I was walking down the hallway when I heard a footstep behind me.

I extended my hand and punched whoever that is out of reflex.

"Ouch!" Luca wimped in pain.

"Sorry, Luca. Didn't notice you there." I said.

He laughed and walked with me.

When we reached my bike I bid my goodbye to him. It's Friday so I won't stay on dorm.

The whole road towards the Akiyama's residence was surprisingly quiet.

As I drove past the nine assassins family's minka, I can already see Uncle Ryu's house.

When I reached their house, I parked my bike on the garden.

"Welcome home, Miss Thirteen." Someone from the yakuza greeted me.

I returned their greeting by nodding.

"Tadaima." I said when I opened the door. To my surprise I saw Elleisha laughing with tears in her eyes.

I dropped my bag and asked her what happened.

"Nothing bad..." She replied.

My poor cousin who can't express her feelings.

The tough Elleisha...

I hugged her and she hugged me back, she continued to cry while laughing really hard.

I pity her.

Her emotions.

Soon she calmed down and I grabbed my bag, placed it in my room. I took a bath. I went to her room.

She can't sleep.

"I'll sleep with you tonight." I said.

Throughout our sleep, she was hugging me. I slept a little bit and woke up at 4:00 am.

I practiced my martial arts skills, sharpened my katana as well.

My room door opened.

"Good morning to you too Zreivin Karlov."

He sat on my bed.

"Nee-chan, how's Elleisha?" He asked.

"She's fine." I told him. "How's Everleigh?"

He rolled his eyes.

"She's still alive." I stared at him blankly.

"She's your sister too." I told him.

"Anyways, I came here to tell you that your Tesla Model X arrived a while ago." He said diverting the topic.

I raised my right brow.

"It already arrived? How fast, I just paid for it last Thursday."

He rolled his eyes once again.

When dusk came, I received a phone call.

From my part-time job.

"Hello, Lucky speaking..." I said.

"Miss Lucky, I will pay you $200, 000 in exchange of Coleen Parker's head."

Well shit.

"Okay, payment first before the job."

"Of course Miss Lucky."

"I'll text you my bank details."


MZ 13 LUCK 494243 78787878

"Clover sent you $200, 000." The AI in my room said.

"Clover? What a cute name."

I tracked Coleen Parker's location.

She's in Syria.

What is she doing in Syria? Well it's none of my business.

Luckily I have lots of friends in Syria.

"Ibrahim, good evening. Can you do me a favor?" I told him.

"Sure lucky babe. Anthing."

"In the bar that you're at, the one wearing the peach pants and black top. Put the powder I gave you. But before that distract her."


He did not dropped the phone call. I was instructing him what to do.

"Now put that powder..."

He did.

"Raise a toast."

He did.

"Make her drink the liquor."

He did as I told him to do. I gave him a pretty good tip.

Weekends passed by just like that.

It's freedom week.

First thing in the morning unfortunately a corpse was found in the giant hogweed's field.

It has a note. Again from Hot Jalapeno.

'Your eyes are so beautiful, it makes me want to gouge them out, Thirteen.


Hot Jalapeno ♡'

If having a fan club was weird for me, this one is creepy for me. The fact that someone wants to gouge my eyes out is creepy.

Whoever that Hot Jalapeno is, I want to ask him if he wants to be murdered because I'll gladly grant that wish of his / hers.

Someone dragged me away from that crowd. I tried to resist but that entity is stronger than me.

They pushed me in a wall.

It was Mikagami-san.

He looked really furious. He placed his palms on my shoulders.

"Two days. Give me two days, I'll catch that Hot Jalapeno."


What is wrong with him? Why would he suddenly do that?

And why would he concern himself to a threat that was sent to me.

As I was walking towards our classroom, I can feel everyone staring at me.

"Her eyes are indeed pretty." I heard someone whisper.

What's so beautiful about this eyes of mine? The Akiyama's are much gorgeous than this marigold.

No one's bothering me today. Where's Luca?

"Thirteen....." He said with a happy tone.

Speak of the devil.

"Good morning, Luca." I said.

He smiled and I noticed something was wrong in his face. But I brushed it off.

He sat beside me and chatted with me until our teacher came in.

"Ohayogozaimasu sensei!" We all said in unison.

Sensei looked at me.

"We should rearrange our sitting arrangements."

"Ehhh?" They said.

"Alcaraz sit on the left wing near the window. Mikagami sit beside her. Kirisawa sit on her back."

"Sensei can I sit with them too?" Luca asked.

"Certainly not."

Luca was sitting far away from me.

"My seat is near Asahi again. Maybe we're meant to be~" Kirisawa-san teased him again.

"Two days, Thirteen. Two days."

I just nodded at him. I hope he can catch Hot Jalapeno.

Two days passed by and another corpse was found.

Maybe Mikagami-san failed. As I was about to leave.

He showed up out of nowhere.

He's holding Luca. Luca's hand was tied up.

"What are you doing to Luca, Mikagami-san?"

He looked at me and said:

"I promised you, didn't I? I'd catch that Hot Jalapeno. Here he is, Thirteen."

Luca was Hot Jalapeno? I kind of suspected that but I brushed it off.

"H-help me Thirteen, he beat me up out of nowhere..."

The Student Investigation Committee grabbed Luca from Mikagami-san and bowed at us.

"I keep my promises, Thirteen."

Later that day, the ten families gathered up. They talked about the situation and Ryuunosuke-sama brought Luca with him.

"Why would you kill without a task?" He asked.

"Ha?! You think I need a task to do that?! I just want to court Sakura-chan. And gouge Thirteen's eyes out." He laughed like a maniac.

"Why would you want to gouge my granddaughter's eyes?" He asked calmly.

"Isn't she the chosen one? If I gouge her eyes out and sell it, I will be rich!"

The families stared at each other.

They did not know that the secret they've been trying to hide, was known to someone who's not part of their society.

Ryuunosuke-sama forcefully gouged Luca's heart using his bare hands. He snapped his fingers once and a butler appeared.

The butler grabbed the heart out of his hands and wiped all the excess bloods from Ryuunosuke-sama's hands.

They all came home after that.

The Akiyama's gathered.

Uncle Reiki was kneeling while his hands are on his knees and he's looking down.

Ryuunosuke-sama dragged Aoi away.

I wonder what they talked about.

Next chapter