
Kyo Lim

one calm night.


that's sounds of a girl holding her scream can be heard along this big house repeating since hour ago and there's no sign that little heaven screaming going to end as this handsome tall guy still passionately riding the girl from the back.

now holding one of the girl leg up high, he thrust his hip back and forward steadily, the warmth of it coming in and out makes the girl keep screaming in heavenly.

This guy is Kyo Lim, the greatest warrior of H Kingdom, he has everything and he can do anything he want as the king also favour him as the great warrior.

He lived in this big house just by himself after his family die from one big accident when he was 10 years.

"AAAHHH...Kyo that's eemhhh aaahhhh it's feel so good aaahhh....emmhh....aakkhhh!!!" the girl body fell aside, so does Kyo Lim. Signing that's the end of their hot night, both trying to manage their breathing to stable.

"You are always amazing" The girl kissing him on the lips

"You're welcome" Kyo Lim get down from the bed and wear his clothes. he needs to go somewhere

That girl just pouting out from annoying, Kyo Lim never wanted to get into a relationship with anyone and for him, making love just for fun, after sleep with them he will just let them go and gives them money as the payment.

not every girls wanted his money, some really fell in love with him but Kyo Lim not moving.

No intention of build a serious relationship, he loves his freedom. many of his friends asking him to get serious with only one girl but he just doesn't feel good seeing girl living in his house or the feeling of being asked by someone like if he in relationship, he will lose his freedom and that's just scaring him.


in the palace, Kyo Lim is now sitting in front of the king.

the king asking him by himself secretly for one big mission.

"Kyo Lim....I will give you one special mission" the king started

"Yes your majesty"

"This is about Princess Daw, you know she is now grown up. it's always great to watch your kids growing up, Princess Daw was always our lovely girl but...lately.... she always crying and lock herself in her room" the king continue his words

Kyo Lim listening calmly

".... I heard that someone had broke her heart. I heard that this man even dare to say no to the Princess's servant who went to give out the gift from Princess" the king stopped, then go again with heavy voice

"I can just send people to drags him here and kill him with my own hands but that'll be so low of me if I did that. and Princess will hate me for sure.... so I want you to distinguish him...."

Kyo Lim received a paper from the king, it contained with a name and money.

"I won't disappoint you, your majesty"

"I know... you are the only one I can trust" The king end their conversation


" Are you going somewhere? " an old lady asking Kyo Lim when he saw him cleaning his swords

"Good morning aunt Lin... I will go for a while" He smiling brightly seeing the aunty coming to his room.

Aunt Lin is the one who takes care of all households here. She had stayed with Kyo Lim ever since he lost his family, she just like a mother for Kyo but she knows her limit for not interrupting Kyo's life, especially his love life.

"Are you going to something dangerous again this time?" the worries can be seen all over her face when she come closer to where Kyo sit.

Kyo stopped his activity and laugh

"Aunty.... all my life is always in dangerous, that's where I born and that's is what I made of.... don't worry, you know nobody can win against me right?"

"I know but just everytime I see you with your weapons makes me worry...I can't help it"

"I'll be back home as soon as possible... please be safe when I leave okay... this time I'm not taking others with me, I will go alone this time" Kyo put his sword back into it cases.

"....!!! why?.... at least you have someone with you" aunt Lin can hide his shock

"Because this time is not something hard to do, so I can do it by myself...I want them to have a good rest at home" he means those others royal warriors who have been following him since in the battlefield.

They admire Kyo Lim more than anything and they will always ready whenever Kyo Lim needed them.

"Are you sure? take just one person with you so I can sleep at night peacefully"

"Ha ha ha.....you just getting old I think, don't thinks to much, I'm not gonna die that easy. Now I need my clothes please..." Kyo Lim push the aunty to the closet to prepare his clothes.

While he himself go outside to told others servant at home about his leaving and take care of his aunt.

Everytime Kyo Lim leaves, he will always leave some great guardian to keep the house safe.

As a warrior, he know exactly how things work in this side. maybe this is one of his reason why he doesn't want to keep or making relationship with any girl.

"my master.... here some information about person you looking for" his informan coming with bunches paper.

"thank you" Kyo Lim take it and read it

"anything you want to asked master?"

"no.... this is enough, oh how about his family?" because there is no information regarding the family in the paper

"I'm sure that he lived with his grandfather... about other family, there's no information at all"

"okay.... you can go, thanks"

leaving by the informant, Kyo Lim paused. From the king information, this guy name is Kiren Lu, he is really tough and means and also a great warrior from neighbouring kingdom, even though he did those bad things , his handsome face always win those weak heart. no matter how means and bad boy he is, the girl even the boys will fall for him.

"Kiren Lu" Kyo Lim fold the paper and save them.


Riding his horse, Kyo Lim leaving the kingdom with nobody with him, just himself.

When he passed the market, the girls crowd screaming over Kyo Lim's bright and manly handsome face like just by seeing his face, your heart melted and the butterflies appears on your stomach out of excitement.

"What so great about him...Just because he handsome and rich, you guys screaming out loud for him" one man sitting with the girls enviously saying to those girl

his friend added

"I heard that, he is not even that good during the war or the battle, luckily he had those great soldiers with him protecting him.... that's what I...!!"


One small knife flying in flash and embedded on the wooden wall right beside the head that man who's talking

The man suddenly touch his ear and it's bleeding. the knife hit his ear a little and now Kyo Lim come down from his horse, entered the shop and the crowd getting massive with mostly girls who doesn't care about that man life but care about Kyo Lim.

" Seems like you're right about me and my ability... should I try again, oh? only your ear got hit? I was aiming your head..." Kyo Lim got his knife back while the man and his friends are now shuddering

"S..sss....sorry... please forgive us"

"sorry... sorry we weren't thinking straight. we will go..."

they hurriedly ran away before someone head's gone as people knows, if Kyo Lim gone mad, he shows no mercy.

Kyo say sorry to the owner of the shop then continue his way.

"Aaahhhh Kyo Lim.... I can wait for him forever just to make love with him" one girl talking

"not everyone can make love with him.... I'm lucky enough to pour him drink in the party at minister of defence house....his red cheeks after drinking is so so so handsome and cute but that's it, he doesn't touch me for more" other girl talks

"my friend knew that he is amazing, and just perfect... he is so hot o my god!!!! the girls continue chatting about Kyo Lim.

There is someone sitting in the corner of the shop, with black outfits, covering the face with also black traditional hat, watching all the scene in silent.

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