
Third Prince's Special Parrot

A young girl, kidnapped almost immediately after being kicked out by her parents, dies, and gets a chance to live again in another world, however... AS A PARROT?!?!??? However, she was quick to except things out of the ordinary and lived a carefree life without many worries, although she could never have a friendly relationship with any other animals. Until she has to become independent for herself and leaves the forest. Leaving the forest, encountering a prince, living in a human society once again, cultivating into a powerful Qi Beast, what else could await her new life? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (sorry if it's not interesting and badly written, it's my first time writing a novel sorry again. The cover bird isn't mine either so yeah credits to the original owner.) 《Chapter will at least once a week if everything goes well with writing. If not, who knows how long it'll take with my brainless brain. (Chapters will update at random times too so yea. Maybe twice a week, none in one week, sometimes in the middle of the night, late in the day, yea that stuff)》 [The auxiliary volume is for the chapters i published before I rewrote everything]

heheheHEHEHEH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

New Life

The birds that were towering over her tiny body, were slightly intimidating, but remembering how kind they were to her, she shouldn't be afraid, and instead thankful that they fed her.






For the next few months, she had grown increasingly larger by the day and Xingfu had acknowledged the fact that she had begun a new life. One as a bird. Quite the beautiful bird at that! Perfectly light pink feathers from head to toe and the tips of her wings faded into a pure white coloring.

Other than her strange yet lovely pink feathers, there was another thing strange that vexed her quite a lot. At some point, she could start understanding what certain sounds and chirps meant, despite how they sounded the same solely from listening without trying to understand it.






During the bright and humid afternoon, her two parents suddenly fluffed up the feathers on their chests and intimidatingly waddled closer to her and cornering her at the edge of the nest. What was going on? She couldn't think of anything besides that they were planning to kick her out!

As she looked back and to the enormous drop it was from the nest to the ground..... it would be an almost instant, or very painful death! She didn't even know the first thing to flying, let alone attempting to fly!

As the large birds approached closer, they began pecking and biting at her wings and feet to encourage her to jump off.

Even though, to the large and vibrant birds, the pecks and bites were as light and harmless as a feather, to Xingfu, they actually hurt quite a lot.

However, it was actually quite understandable to a degree. The only place in the forest inhabited by any birds, was the dead center of the forest. Filled to the brim with powerful creatures waiting for any weak animal to step foot on the ground.

The entire forest spanned hundreds and thousand of thousand of unexplored land by humans. Mostly because it was abundant in Qi, a large factor in an animals strength. Obviously, the center of the forest had the most Qi flowing through the water, plants, and inhabitants.

As the large birds kept pecking away, her feet just barely kept grasping the edges of the nest and branches, while she struggled to keep her body and balance from falling over and letting go.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long until her talons couldn't hold her upside down or sideways anymore, and she began dropping from the enormous tree!

For a moment though, it felt like all time had froze, and a ringing in her ears while the world around her was completely silent.

She had no time to question what was going on, when a small, yet incredibly bright white light flickered in front of her. The light, sparkled and quivered in and out, before it completely engulfed the surroundings in white!

The shining light was too bright, and she had quickly shut her eyes closed on impulse.

[1%.... 10%..... 37%... 85%.. 99%... 100%]

[Integration with the host's soul complete. Due to merging of the system, Host's current body is in fatal danger. Offering the Host skill needed for the Host's Survival]




[Transferred 'Theory of Flight']

[New Skill: Beginner's Flight(Lv1)]




Suddenly, she felt the force of falling once again, which she was not prepared for, and desperately tried to flap her wings in all sorts of directions, however, when she had completely turned over with her head had faced towards the ground, her wings spread, there was moment of quietness followed after a flurry of failed attempts...

She slowly tried to open her eyes, and her expression went from one of nervousness, to complete and utter astonishment! She was flying! The feeling of a light, and cool breeze hitting her face, the lightness of her body, it was such an incredible feeling!

Not only that, the scenery when she looked around, everything was breathtaking! Even when she stayed in the nest, she thought the trees and nature were already the most beautiful things she'd ever seen, but how wrong she was!

The treetops and flocks of hundreds of small and colorful birds flying by, created a sight like a perfectly crafted painting that one would never see in real life, and the perfectly blue sky with massive fluffy clouds!

After a long while of admiring everything, she slowed down her gliding and decided to make a U turn back to where her parent's nest was. Which was actually quite hard to find, since for miles and miles, there were untouched and enormous trees that concealed everything beneath the, including the ground, making it hard to see under the treetops.

Fortunately she had only been gliding in mostly a straight line, so heading back was just another straight line of flight in the opposite direction.






As she slowly glided under the treetops and tilted left to right to avoid any branches or other birds, she looked around in search of two very bright red birds, which was successful.

Despite how they pushed her off the tree, she had already gotten over it, after realizing that all birds needed to learn to fly somehow, and couldn't contain her excitement, and sped up.

Unfortunately.... she couldn't figure out how to land, since other birds would try and attack her when she got close to them, so it was just a continuous flight all the way to her parent's tree!

The faster she glided, the more she tucked in her wings and being flying right into the tree like a missile!

Naturally, the two large birds hopped back slightly to avoid getting hit by her incoming fall, and only then, did she realize she was about to crash into the tree!

Once she realized that, she tried to open her wings to act like some sort of parachute, however the effort was futile.

She crashed right into the tree with a 'splat' and bounced right off! Luckily for her, the branches were quite closely packed together, and she fell on top of them, which stopped her from plunging to the ground in her dizzy state.

Thx [Leugimalme] for voting this week (It was "this week" when I saw the vote)

sorry if I spelled your name wrong.

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