
Chapter 2: Certainty Of Death

"HEHEHE" The ape seemed to be laughing as it slaughtered everyone it touched. It suddenly turned towards Kline. He now had a full view of its face, 8 eyes with four on each side of its face and greyish black fur. It was about the same size as Kline but was much, much more muscular. The Gorilla charged towards Kline. His feet were glued to the ground as if he had a heavy weight bearing down upon him, he couldn't move. He then realised, it was not that he was slow and couldn't move, but the world itself had slowed down. The gorilla still moved fast but it was manageable. Kline tilted his head to the right, but since he couldn't yet surpass his basic abilities, he too moved slowly. Although he moved slowly, he could still manage to dodge the first attack and see the dirty cryptic nails of the gorilla pass him. Time once again seemed to return to normal, the sudden shift however causing Kline to slightly stumble backwards and fall on his back. The gorilla now much faster once again threw its arm towards Kline, before it hit him, however, the world once again slowed down. It was too late to dodge the gorillas' punch, he had seen how the gorilla had blown a hole in people through the sheer force of one punch. 'Guess this is how I die' thought Kline. The concept of dying was weird to him. Now that he was faced with it, he felt nothing new in general, that daunting feeling wasn't there. Almost as if he was just going to sleep after a hard day's worth of work.

'Ah...Sleep. I want to sleep' His life didn't flash before his eyes, he just saw a fist come towards him.

"HEHEHE" The slowed smug laugh of the gorilla irked him. It annoyed him that he would die to this. 'Fine, I want to at least take this arm with me' He noticed how people would be blown away with the hole in their chest. 'Maybe I can use that' He thought. In that split second he had come up with a crazy idea that physics probably wouldn't allow but if it worked 'I would be a Genie'. He threw the knife he had held with his left hand, at the eyes of the gorilla and at the same time brought down his right elbow and brought up his right knee on what seemed like the elbow joint of the gorilla. A low and deep *Thud* resounded around the area where the gorilla fist landed. As Kline was already falling the angle of the impact forced him downwards quicker and the knee that was flying towards the gorilla's elbow joint flew quicker. *GASP* Kline quickly gasped for oxygen as the punch that had landed on the upper part of his chest still managed to knock the air out of his lungs. At least, it felt that way. The pain resounded throughout his right arm and the back which had landed against the cold hard concrete. 'It HURTS' 'IT HURTS' thought Kline repeatedly, tears filled his eyes as he could no longer feel his arm which now looked popped out of its shoulder.

"HEEEEEEEEEE" Kline looked up to face the sudden shriek of the gorilla. The left forearm of the gorilla was limp and flopped as it moved. A satisfied smile crept upon his face "How does... it feel you big...ape" He barely managed to squeeze out those words. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Kline suddenly wondered why he wasn't dead. Could the basic strengthening have helped? A majority of the blow was probably deflected due to the knife being thrown at its eyes causing it to instinctively pull back its punch. Kline slowly got up, managing to somewhat regain his breath. The pain had been lost completely to the numbing of his arm. The Gorilla once again turned to face Kline while still shrieking. Kline realised that he would not be able to win against this gorilla in a fight as he had already lost a weapon and his main hand. He quickly turns and begins to run in the direction he had seen most of the people run in. The Gorilla once again dashed towards Kline, It caught up within a second. He could feel the heavy breath of the ape against his neck but...it suddenly disappeared. Kline turned around only to turn back and start running away even faster, filled with newfound vigour. A larger gorilla, LARGER and fatter gorilla caught the smaller ape and was chewing on it as the smaller ape continued to desperately survive. Kline continued to run through the streets that were now littered with thrown away luggage, broken cars and...Corpses of Men, Women and even children. He still couldn't feel his arm but he continued to run, he had now been running longer than he normally would have been able to. The only good thing about the street he was running through now was that it was currently free from monsters, but he had no idea when a larger ape would show itself and consume him slowly and alive. BANG! BANG! BANG! Sounds of constant gunfire could be heard, along the way he had also picked up a Beretta 92, although he had no idea how useful it would be since he had never handled a gun before. He continued to run, hoping the guns shots were the sounds of the military picking off the monsters, he hoped that it wasn't just normal citizens making a weak attempt at survival. Kline arrived at the corner he had to pass in order to reach the direct source of the sound. He slowly peeked his head around the corner, he would have normally been surprised but after the events of today, he was too tired to be shocked now. The streets were currently empty of any gorillas or birds, so there should be no reason to be shooting and attracting unwanted attention. On the street, there was a man held down by a pair of 'men' and a gunshot wound on his leg while a woman with her clothes ripped placed on top of the bonnet of a car, 3 'men' holding her down while one...No, there were no monster Gorillas or Birds, No.

These monsters came in the form of Humans.

I appreciate you reading XD.

Side note: I changed the title from 'Safe Haven' as I never actually introduced the Safe Haven in this chapter.

Please feel free to comment and critique my writing style.

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